Unity2D 制作小游戏FlappyBird心得—Unity5学习笔记

Unity2D 制作小游戏FlappyBird心得—Unity5学习笔记



用英文写了,就当练一下英语写作了,speaking of writing 都是泪啊T_T,我们说好的要分手呢,雅思?总分够了,写作只有5.5分 T_T……………..Zhazha English ,couhe look look















附录I——C#script of one bird


1.At the initial stage of the project ,set the default external tools .

I’m used to VS 2013:

Edit->Preferences->External Tools

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2.Collect some assets including audios and pictures .

Just drag the pictures into the Folder .

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My friend helped me collect those .

And I know a website with lots of useful resources : itch.io

Some of them need payments ,but many of them are free to download with the source file of Unity .

3. create layers:Edit->project settings->Tags and layers

Like the picture shows below ,in “inspector” view  on the right ,click sorting layers and add two layers “back ”and “fore ”.

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4.drag the picture of background into the Hierarchy and rename it and set the sorting layer as back.

We are supposed to use the background  with the size matching the screen .Here I use 640*480

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5.make an animation

Create a folder in the Assets named animation .

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Drag a bird into the Hierarchy view and rename it .

Window ->Animation -> create -> Add property -> sprite renderer -> sprite

Set the samples to 10.

Delete keys.

And drag the pictures from the Assets 

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6.set rigidbody2D and circlebody

Select the item and do :

Component ->Physics 2D -> Rigidbody 2D and Circle Collider 2D  

Then we can set the gravity scale and the Radius of the game object .

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7. set tubes 

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Drag in the two tubes named “1” and “2” and create two empty GameObject named “score” and “tubes”. Then ,drag these 3 items into the “tubes” .

Component->Physics 2D ->Edge Collider 2D

Inspector ->Edge Collider 2D ->Edit Collider

 create Edge Collider 2D on “1” , ”2” and ”score”. Set the edge collider 2D along the edge of “1” and “2” . The  “edge” of the “score”  is in the middle of the two tubes. 

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Select “Is Trigger” so that we can judge the collision .

Then create anew folder named “prefab” and drag the “tubes” to this new folder for furtherpurpose .

8.Scripts about birds with Rigidbody 2D and Collider 2D (with all details in the end)

In class 

public Rigidbody2D rigid;

when you want to use it :

rigid = GetComponent();
rigid.gravityScale = 0;
rigid.velocity = new Vector3(0, speed, 0);
float newx=rigid.position.x;

These are different from Unity4

Judge the collision :

void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D col){
    if (col.name == "score"){

9. create tubes randomly

public class tube : MonoBehaviour {
    public GameObject tubes;
    private GameObject newtubes;
    private float time = 0;
         // Use this for initialization
    	void Start () {
         // Update is called once per frame
        void Update () {
            time -= Time.deltaTime;
            if (time < 0.5f){
                time = 2;
                float position_y = Random.Range(-4f, -1.5f);
                Vector3 newp = new Vector3(3.2f, position_y,0);
                Destroy(newtubes, 3);

 Then drag the C#script to a new empty GameObject and select the “Tubes” in inspector 

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10.show numbers with pictures

Note: guarantee those pictures are in a folder named Resources under the Assets.

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void OnGUI(){}  is a function like Update  , which will be executed in every frame .

public class shownumber : MonoBehaviour {
    public static Object[] numbers=new Object[10];//save pictures of numbers
    public int number=0;
         // Use this for initialization
    void Start () {
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++){
            numbers[i] = Resources.Load("font_0" + (i +48).ToString());
    public void OnGUI(){
        drawnum(record.score_bird1, 0, 0,1);
        if (record.players == 2){
            drawnum(record.score_bird2, 590,0,2);
         // Update is called once per frame
    void Update () {
    public static void drawnum(int num,int x,int y,int bird_ID){
        string a = num.ToString();
        int l = a.Length;
        if(bird_ID==2) x -= (l-1) * 50;
        int w =50 ;//tex.width;
        int h = 50;//tex.height;
        int bigcount = 3;
        for (int i = 0; i < bigcount;i++){
            if (i + l >= bigcount){
                int n = a[i - bigcount + l] - '0';
                GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(x,y,w,h),(Texture2D)numbers[n]);
                x += w;


11.create audio

Create a new folder named audio and put in some music clips.

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Select the bird and do :

Component ->Audio ->Audio Source

In the script of the bird:

public AudioClip crash;
public AudioClip pick1;
private AudioSource audio_source;
void Start(){
    audio_source = GetComponent();
void Update(){

Then attach the music to the public Audio Clip:

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12.change scenes

Create and save the scenes .

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Open the scene that you just finished .

File ->Build Settings ->Add open scenes 

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Use :


To go to a new scene

13.button and text-lable

void OnGUI()
        GUI.skin.button.fontSize = 25;
        GUI.skin.label.fontSize = 20;
        GUI.Label(new Rect(220, 100, 200, 100),"Unity");
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(330, 200, 200, 100),"1Player"))
            record.players = 1;
            record.highest_score_bird1= 0;
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(330, 350, 200, 100),"2Players"))
            record.players = 2;
            record.highest_score_bird1= 0;
            record.highest_score_bird2= 0;

C#script of one Bird

using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class bird : MonoBehaviour {
    public AudioClip pick1;
    public AudioClip crash;
    private AudioSource audio_source;
    private float speed = 4;
    public Rigidbody2D rigid;
    private int is_cheating = 0;
    void Start(){
        audio_source = GetComponent();
        record.score_bird1 = 0;
        record.alive1 = 0;
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update(){
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.A)){
            is_cheating ^= 1;
            rigid = GetComponent();
            if (is_cheating == 1){
                rigid.gravityScale = 0;
                rigid.gravityScale = 1;
            rigid.velocity = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
        if (is_cheating == 0){
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space)){
                rigid = GetComponent();
                rigid.velocity = new Vector3(0, speed, 0);
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.DownArrow)){
                rigid = GetComponent();
                float newx=rigid.position.x;
                float newy=rigid.position.y;
            else if(Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.UpArrow)){
                rigid = GetComponent();
                float newx = rigid.position.x;
                float newy = rigid.position.y;
                transform.Translate(0, 0.3f,0);
    void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D col){
        if (col.name == "score"){
            record.alive1 = 1;
            transform.position = new Vector3(100, 100, 0);
            record.highest_score_bird1= max(record.highest_score_bird1,record.score_bird1);
            if (record.alive1 == 1&& record.alive2 == 1){
    int max(int a, int b){
        return a > b ? a : b;

If you want the whole project , contact me by Email : [email protected] 
