Apache Project LIst 所有项目介绍

  1.  Apache .NET Ant Library-这是一个帮助开发.NET软件的Ant任务库。它包括“旧的”.NET任务,如C#编译器任务,但也支持NUnit测试或运行流行的NAnt或MSBuild构建工具。
  2.  Apache Abdera (in the Attic)-Apache Abdera项目的目标是构建IETF Atom Syndication Format(RFC 4287)和Atom Publishing Protocol(RFC 5023)规范的功能完整,高性能的实现。
  3.  Apache Accumulo-待续
  4.  Apache ACE (in the Attic)-
  5.  Apache ActiveMQ
  6.  Apache Airavata
  7.  Apache Airflow
  8.  Apache Allura
  9.  Apache Amaterasu (Incubating)
  10.  Apache Ambari
  11.  Apache Anakia
  12.  Apache Annotator (Incubating)
  13.  Apache Ant
  14.  Apache AntUnit
  15.  Apache Any23
  16.  Apache Apex
  17.  Apache Archiva
  18.  Apache Aries
  19.  Apache Arrow
  20.  Apache AsterixDB
  21.  Apache Atlas
  22.  Apache Aurora
  23.  Apache Avro
  24.  Apache Axiom
  25.  Apache Axis2
  26.  Apache Bahir
  27.  Apache BatchEE (Incubating)
  28.  Apache Batik
  29.  Apache Beam
  30.  Apache Beehive (in the Attic)
  31.  Apache Bigtop
  32.  Apache Bloodhound
  33.  Apache BookKeeper
  34.  Apache Brooklyn
  35.  Apache BRPC (Incubating)
  36.  Apache Buildr
  37.  Apache BVal
  38.  Apache Calcite
  39.  Apache Camel
  40.  Apache CarbonData
  41.  Apache Cassandra
  42.  Apache Cayenne
  43.  Apache Celix
  44.  Apache Chainsaw
  45.  Apache Chemistry
  46.  Apache Chukwa
  47.  Apache Clerezza
  48.  Apache Click (in the Attic)
  49.  Apache CloudStack
  50.  Apache Cocoon
  51.  Apache Commons BCEL
  52.  Apache Commons BeanUtils
  53.  Apache Commons BSF
  54.  Apache Commons Chain
  55.  Apache Commons CLI
  56.  Apache Commons Codec
  57.  Apache Commons Collections
  58.  Apache Commons Compress
  59.  Apache Commons Configuration
  60.  Apache Commons Daemon
  61.  Apache Commons DBCP
  62.  Apache Commons DbUtils
  63.  Apache Commons Digester
  64.  Apache Commons Discovery
  65.  Apache Commons EL
  66.  Apache Commons Email
  67.  Apache Commons Exec
  68.  Apache Commons FileUpload
  69.  Apache Commons Functor
  70.  Apache Commons HttpClient
  71.  Apache Commons IO
  72.  Apache Commons JCI
  73.  Apache Commons JCS
  74.  Apache Commons Jelly
  75.  Apache Commons JEXL
  76.  Apache Commons JXPath
  77.  Apache Commons Lang
  78.  Apache Commons Launcher
  79.  Apache Commons Logging
  80.  Apache Commons Math
  81.  Apache Commons Modeler
  82.  Apache Commons Net
  83.  Apache Commons OGNL
  84.  Apache Commons Pool
  85.  Apache Commons Proxy
  86.  Apache Commons RNG
  87.  Apache Commons SCXML
  88.  Apache Commons Validator
  89.  Apache Commons VFS
  90.  Apache Commons Weaver
  91.  Apache Community Development
  92.  Apache Compress Ant Library
  93.  Apache Continuum (in the Attic)
  94.  Apache Cordova
  95.  Apache CouchDB
  96.  Apache Crail (Incubating)
  97.  Apache Crunch
  98.  Apache cTAKES
  99.  Apache Curator
  100.  Apache CXF
  101.  Apache Daffodil (Incubating)
  102.  Apache DataFu
  103.  Apache DataFu (Incubating)
  104.  Apache DataSketches (Incubating)
  105.  Apache Deltacloud (in the Attic)
  106.  Apache DeltaSpike
  107.  Apache Derby
  108.  Apache DeviceMap (in the Attic)
  109.  Apache DirectMemory (in the Attic)
  110.  Apache Directory
  111.  Apache Directory Server
  112.  Apache Directory Studio
  113.  Apache DLab (Incubating)
  114.  Apache Doris (Incubating)
  115.  Apache DRAT
  116.  Apache Drill
  117.  Apache Druid (Incubating)
  118.  Apache Dubbo
  119.  Apache Eagle
  120.  Apache ECharts (Incubating)
  121.  Apache ECS (in the Attic)
  122.  Apache Edgent (Incubating)
  123.  Apache Empire-db
  124.  Apache ESME (in the Attic)
  125.  Apache Etch (in the Attic)
  126.  Apache Excalibur (in the Attic)
  127.  Apache Falcon
  128.  Apache Felix
  129.  Apache Fineract
  130.  Apache Flagon (Incubating)
  131.  Apache Flex
  132.  Apache Flink
  133.  Apache Flume
  134.  Apache Fluo
  135.  Apache Fluo Recipes
  136.  Apache Fluo YARN
  137.  Apache FOP
  138.  Apache Forrest
  139.  Apache Fortress
  140.  Apache FreeMarker
  141.  Apache FreeMarker (Incubating)
  142.  Apache FtpServer
  143.  Apache Geode
  144.  Apache Geronimo
  145.  Apache Giraph
  146.  Apache Gobblin (Incubating)
  147.  Apache Gora
  148.  Apache Griffin
  149.  Apache Groovy
  150.  Apache Guacamole
  151.  Apache Gump
  152.  Apache Hadoop
  153.  Apache Hama
  154.  Apache Harmony (in the Attic)
  155.  Apache HAWQ
  156.  Apache HBase
  157.  Apache Helix
  158.  Apache Heron (Incubating)
  159.  Apache Hive
  160.  Apache Hivemall (Incubating)
  161.  Apache Hivemind (in the Attic)
  162.  Apache HTTP Server
  163.  Apache HttpComponents Client
  164.  Apache HttpComponents Core
  165.  Apache Hudi (Incubating)
  166.  Apache Iceberg (Incubating)
  167.  Apache Ignite
  168.  Apache Impala
  169.  Apache IoTDB (Incubating)
  170.  Apache Isis
  171.  Apache Ivy
  172.  Apache IvyDE
  173.  Apache Jackrabbit
  174.  Apache Jakarta Cactus (in the Attic)
  175.  Apache JAMES
  176.  Apache jclouds
  177.  Apache Jena
  178.  Apache JMeter
  179.  Apache Johnzon
  180.  Apache Joshua
  181.  Apache JSPWiki
  182.  Apache Juneau
  183.  Apache Kafka
  184.  Apache Karaf
  185.  Apache Kerby
  186.  Apache Kibble
  187.  Apache Knox
  188.  Apache Kudu
  189.  Apache Kylin
  190.  Apache Labs
  191.  Apache Lens
  192.  Apache Lenya (in the Attic)
  193.  Apache Libcloud
  194.  Apache Livy (Incubating)
  195.  Apache log4cxx
  196.  Apache Log4j 2
  197.  Apache log4net
  198.  Apache log4php
  199.  Apache Lucene Core
  200.  Apache Lucene.Net
  201.  Apache Lucy (in the Attic)
  202.  Apache MADlib
  203.  Apache Mahout
  204.  Apache ManifoldCF
  205.  Apache Marmotta
  206.  Apache Marvin-AI (Incubating)
  207.  Apache Maven
  208.  Apache Maven Doxia
  209.  Apache Mesos
  210.  Apache MetaModel
  211.  Apache Metron
  212.  Apache Milagro (Incubating)
  213.  Apache MINA
  214.  Apache Mnemonic
  215.  Apache mod_ftp
  216.  Apache mod_perl
  217.  Apache MRUnit (in the Attic)
  218.  Apache MXNet (Incubating)
  219.  Apache MyFaces
  220.  Apache Mynewt
  221.  Apache Myriad (Incubating)
  222.  Apache Nemo (Incubating)
  223.  Apache NetBeans
  224.  Apache NiFi
  225.  Apache Nutch
  226.  Apache ODE
  227.  Apache OFBiz
  228.  Apache Olingo
  229.  Apache Oltu - Parent (in the Attic)
  230.  Apache Omid (Incubating)
  231.  Apache OODT
  232.  Apache Oozie
  233.  Apache Open Climate Workbench
  234.  Apache OpenJPA
  235.  Apache OpenMeetings
  236.  Apache OpenNLP
  237.  Apache OpenOffice
  238.  Apache OpenWebBeans
  239.  Apache OpenWhisk (Incubating)
  240.  Apache ORC
  241.  Apache ORO (in the Attic)
  242.  Apache PageSpeed (Incubating)
  243.  Apache Parquet
  244.  Apache PDFBox
  245.  Apache Phoenix
  246.  Apache Pig
  247.  Apache Pinot (Incubating)
  248.  Apache Pivot
  249.  Apache PLC4X
  250.  Apache POI
  251.  Apache Polygene (in the Attic)
  252.  Apache Pony Mail (Incubating)
  253.  Apache Portable Runtime
  254.  Apache Portals
  255.  Apache PredictionIO
  256.  Apache Props Ant Library
  257.  Apache Pulsar
  258.  Apache Qpid
  259.  Apache Ranger
  260.  Apache Rat
  261.  Apache Ratis (Incubating)
  262.  Apache REEF
  263.  Apache Regexp (in the Attic)
  264.  Apache Reusable Dialog Components (RDC) Taglib
  265.  Apache River
  266.  Apache Rivet
  267.  Apache RocketMQ
  268.  Apache Roller
  269.  Apache Royale
  270.  Apache Rya (Incubating)
  271.  Apache S2Graph (Incubating)
  272.  Apache SAMOA (Incubating)
  273.  Apache Samza
  274.  Apache Sandesha2
  275.  Apache Santuario
  276.  Apache Scout
  277.  Apache SDAP (Incubating)
  278.  Apache Sentry
  279.  Apache Serf
  280.  Apache ServiceComb
  281.  Apache ServiceMix
  282.  Apache Shale (in the Attic)
  283.  Apache ShardingSphere (Incubating)
  284.  Apache Shindig (in the Attic)
  285.  Apache Shiro
  286.  Apache SINGA (Incubating)
  287.  Apache SkyWalking
  288.  Apache Sling
  289.  Apache Solr
  290.  Apache SpamAssassin
  291.  Apache Spark
  292.  Apache Spatial Information System
  293.  Apache Spot (Incubating)
  294.  Apache Sqoop
  295.  Apache SSHD
  296.  Apache Stanbol
  297.  Apache Steve
  298.  Apache Storm
  299.  Apache Stratos (in the Attic)
  300.  Apache Streams
  301.  Apache Struts
  302.  Apache Subversion
  303.  Apache Superset (Incubating)
  304.  Apache Synapse
  305.  Apache Syncope
  306.  Apache SystemML
  307.  Apache Tajo
  308.  Apache Tamaya (Incubating)
  309.  Apache Tapestry
  310.  Apache Taverna (Incubating)
  311.  Apache Tentacles
  312.  Apache Tephra (Incubating)
  313.  Apache Texen
  314.  Apache Tez
  315.  Apache Thrift
  316.  Apache Tika
  317.  Apache Tiles (in the Attic)
  318.  Apache TinkerPop
  319.  Apache Tobago
  320.  Apache Tomcat
  321.  Apache TomEE
  322.  Apache Toree (Incubating)
  323.  Apache Torque
  324.  Apache Traffic Control
  325.  Apache Traffic Server
  326.  Apache Trafodion
  327.  Apache Training (Incubating)
  328.  Apache Turbine
  329.  Apache Tuscany (in the Attic)
  330.  Apache Tuweni (Incubating)
  331.  Apache TVM (Incubating)
  332.  Apache Twill
  333.  Apache UIMA
  334.  Apache Unomi
  335.  Apache Usergrid
  336.  Apache VCL
  337.  Apache Velocity
  338.  Apache Velocity DVSL
  339.  Apache Velocity Tools
  340.  Apache VSS Ant Library
  341.  Apache VXQuery
  342.  Apache Vysper
  343.  Apache Warble (Incubating)
  344.  Apache Websh
  345.  Apache Weex (Incubating)
  346.  Apache Whimsy
  347.  Apache Whirr (in the Attic)
  348.  Apache Whisker
  349.  Apache Wicket
  350.  Apache Wink (in the Attic)
  351.  Apache Woden
  352.  Apache Wookie (in the Attic)
  353.  Apache Xalan for C++ XSLT Processor
  354.  Apache Xalan for Java XSLT Processor
  355.  Apache Xerces for C++ XML Parser
  356.  Apache Xerces for Java XML Parser
  357.  Apache Xerces for Perl XML Parser
  358.  Apache Xindice (in the Attic)
  359.  Apache XML Commons External
  360.  Apache XML Commons Resolver
  361.  Apache XML Graphics Commons
  362.  Apache XMLBeans
  363.  Apache Yetus
  364.  Apache Zeppelin
  365.  Apache Zipkin (Incubating)
  366.  Apache ZooKeeper

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