->opts := nsqd.NewOptions()
->nsqd, err := nsqd.New(opts)
->lookupdHTTPAddrs := n.lookupdHTTPAddrs()
->channelNames, err := n.ci.GetLookupdTopicChannels(t.name, lookupdHTTPAddrs)
->endpoint := fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/channels?topic=%s", addr, url.QueryEscape(topic))
->err := c.client.GETV1(endpoint, &resp)
->channels = append(channels, resp.Channels...)
->channelNames = ci.GetLookupdTopicChannels(t.name, lookupdHTTPAddrs)
-> go func p.nsqd.Main()
->n.waitGroup.Wrap(func() {
exitFunc(protocol.TCPServer(n.tcpListener, tcpServer, n.logf))
->tcpServer := &tcpServer{ctx: ctx}
->for {} ->clientConn, err := listener.Accept()
->go handler.Handle(clientConn) "每来一个链接,启一个goroutine"
->func (p *tcpServer) Handle()
-func (p *protocolV2) IOLoop()
->clientID := atomic.AddInt64(&p.ctx.nsqd.clientIDSequence, 1) "每来一个链接,自增1"
->client := newClientV2(clientID, conn, p.ctx)
->go p.messagePump(client, messagePumpStartedChan)
->subChannel.StartInFlightTimeout(msg, client.ID, msgTimeout)
->err = p.SendMessage(client, msg)
->response, err = p.Exec(client, params)
->params[0] = 判断命令操作类型,"PUB" / "SUB" / "TOUCH" / ... / ...
->以"PUB"为例 -> "把消息存放在topic的memoryMsgChan"
->params[1] = topicName
->topic := p.ctx.nsqd.GetTopic(topicName)
->t = NewTopic(topicName, &context{n}, deleteCallback)
->func (t *Topic) messagePump()
->for { case msg = <-memoryMsgChan:}
->for 每一个 channel
->chanMsg = NewMessage(msg.ID, msg.Body)
->err := channel.PutMessage(chanMsg)
->c.memoryMsgChan <- m:
->"每一个client只能sub一次" -> "每一个client只对应一个channel"
->func (p *protocolV2) SUB(client *clientV2, params [][]byte)
->topic := p.ctx.nsqd.GetTopic(topicName)
->channel = topic.GetChannel(channelName)
->client.Channel = channel
->client.SubEventChan <- channel
-> memoryMsgChan = subChannel.memoryMsgChan
->msg := <-memoryMsgChan
->subChannel.StartInFlightTimeout(msg, client.ID, msgTimeout)
->err = p.SendMessage(client, msg)
->func (p *protocolV2) FIN(client *clientV2, params [][]byte)
->id, err := getMessageID(params[1])
->err = client.Channel.FinishMessage(client.ID, *id)
->msg := NewMessage(topic.GenerateID(), messageBody)
->err = topic.PutMessage(msg)
->err := t.put(m)
->t.memoryMsgChan <- m:
->如果 (内存channel)满了,则写磁盘
->client.PublishedMessage(topicName, 1)
->err = p.Send(client, frameTypeResponse, response)
->channels := n.channels()
->returns a flat slice of all channels in all topics
->n.resizePool(len(channels), workCh, responseCh, closeCh)
->queueScanWorker = 4
->n.waitGroup.Wrap(func() {
n.queueScanWorker(workCh, responseCh, closeCh)
->c := <-workCh
->msg, _ := c.inFlightPQ.PeekAndShift(t)
->x := (*pq)[0]
->c.popInFlightMessage(msg.clientID, msg.ID)
->c.memoryMsgChan <- m:
->lookupPeer := newLookupPeer(host, n.getOpts().MaxBodySize, n.logf,
connectCallback(n, hostname))
->&Command{[]byte("IDENTIFY"), nil, body}, nil
->err = json.Unmarshal(resp, &lp.Info)
->"peerInfo contains metadata for a lookupPeer instance "
->"broadcast_address:http_port" -> 拿到这个地址后,nsqd就可以去查topic,channel
->for _, topic := range n.topicMap
->commands = append(commands, nsq.Register(channel.topicName, channel.name))
->&Command{[]byte("REGISTER"), params, nil}
->lookupPeers = append(lookupPeers, lookupPeer)
->case <-ticker:
->&Command{[]byte("PING"), nil, nil}
->case val := <-n.notifyChan:
->&Command{[]byte("UNREGISTER"), params, nil}
-> &Command{[]byte("REGISTER"), params, nil}
->func (c *Channel) put(m *Message) error
->case c.memoryMsgChan <- m:
->b := bufferPoolGet()
->err := writeMessageToBackend(b, m, c.backend)
->producer, err := nsq.NewProducer(addr, cfg)
->producer.Publish(*topic, line)
->w.sendCommand(Publish(topic, body))
->params = [][]byte{[]byte(topic)}
->&Command{[]byte("PUB"), params, body}
->doneChan := make(chan *ProducerTransaction)
->err := w.sendCommandAsync(cmd, doneChan, nil)
->if atomic.LoadInt32(&w.state) != StateConnected
->err := w.connect()
->w.conn = NewConn(w.addr, &w.config, &producerConnDelegate{w})
->conn, err := dialer.Dial("tcp", c.addr)
->c.conn = conn.(*net.TCPConn)
->c.r = conn
->c.w = conn
->ci["client_id"] = c.config.ClientID
->ci["msg_timeout"] = int64(c.config.MsgTimeout / time.Millisecond)
->cmd, err := Identify(ci)
->&Command{[]byte("IDENTIFY"), nil, body}
->err = c.WriteCommand(cmd)
->c.maxRdyCount = resp.MaxRdyCount
->go c.readLoop()
->delegate := &connMessageDelegate{c}
->frameType, data, err := ReadUnpackedResponse(c)
->"前4个byte是frame ID,后面N个byte是data"
->c.delegate.OnResponse(c, data)
->w.responseChan <- data
->msg, err := DecodeMessage(data)
->msg.Timestamp = int64(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(b[:8]))
->msg.Attempts = binary.BigEndian.Uint16(b[8:10])
->copy(msg.ID[:], b[10:10+MsgIDLength])
->msg.Body = b[10+MsgIDLength:]
->msg.Delegate = delegate
->msg.NSQDAddress = c.String()
->go c.writeLoop()
->case cmd := <-c.cmdChan:
->case resp := <-c.msgResponseChan:
->atomic.StoreInt32(&w.state, StateConnected)
->go w.router()
->case t := <-w.transactionChan:
->w.transactions = append(w.transactions, t)
->err := w.conn.WriteCommand(t.cmd)
->case data := <-w.responseChan:
->w.popTransaction(FrameTypeResponse, data)
->t.doneChan <- t
->"t.doneChan <- t"
->t := &ProducerTransaction{
cmd: cmd,
doneChan: doneChan,
Args: args,
->w.transactionChan <- t:
->在 router()函数中
->w.transactions = append(w.transactions, t)
->func (w *Producer) onConnResponse(c *Conn, data []byte) { w.responseChan <- data }
->case data := <-w.responseChan:
->w.popTransaction(FrameTypeResponse, data)
->t := w.transactions[0]
->w.transactions = w.transactions[1:]
->t.doneChan <- t
->case data := <-w.errorChan:
->err := w.conn.WriteCommand(t.cmd)
->_, err := cmd.WriteTo(c)
->t := <-doneChan
->consumer, err := nsq.NewConsumer(topic, *channel, cCfg)
->go r.rdyLoop()
->"redistributing max-in-flight to connections"
->len(conns) > int(maxInFlight)
->r.inBackoff() && len(conns) > 1
->consumer.AddConcurrentHandlers(topicHandler, len(destNsqdTCPAddrs))
for i := 0; i < concurrency; i++ {
go r.handlerLoop(handler)
->message, ok := <-r.incomingMessages
->err := handler.HandleMessage(message) -> if err != nil
->"sends a REQ command to the nsqd"
->m.doRequeue(delay, true)
->m.Delegate.OnRequeue(m, delay, backoff)
->c.msgResponseChan <- &msgResponse{msg: m, cmd: Requeue(m.ID, delay), success: false, backoff: backoff}
->&Command{[]byte("REQ"), params, nil}
-> if err == nil
->c.msgResponseChan <- &msgResponse{msg: m, cmd: Finish(m.ID), success: true}
->&Command{[]byte("FIN"), params, nil}
->msgsInFlight := atomic.AddInt64(&c.messagesInFlight, -1)
->err := consumer.ConnectToNSQDs(nsqdTCPAddrs)
->func (r *Consumer) ConnectToNSQD(addr string)
->conn := NewConn(addr, &r.config, &consumerConnDelegate{r})
->resp, err := conn.Connect()
->conn, err := dialer.Dial("tcp", c.addr)
->c.conn = conn.(*net.TCPConn)
->c.r = conn
->c.w = conn
->go c.readLoop()
->&Command{[]byte("NOP"), nil, nil}
->c.delegate.OnMessage(c, msg)
->r.incomingMessages <- msg "是不是回到最初的起点"
->atomic.AddInt64(&c.messagesInFlight, 1) "表明待处理的消息"
->go c.writeLoop()
->case resp := <-c.msgResponseChan: "写完之后,有消息反馈"
-> "FIN" ->"如果反馈成功" -> resumeFlag
->r.startStopContinueBackoff(c, resumeFlag)
-> "REQ" -> "如果反馈失败"
->"返回backoff" -> backoffFlag
->r.startStopContinueBackoff(c, backoffFlag)
->nextBackoff := math.Pow(2, float64(attempt))
->backoffCounter == 0
-> "退出backoff"
->backoffCounter > 0 -> "在这段期间,停止接收信息"
->"send RDY 0 immediately (to *all* connections)"
->r.updateRDY(c, 0)
->backoffDuration := r.config.BackoffStrategy.Calculate(int(backoffCounter))
->time.AfterFunc(d, r.resume)
->r.updateRDY(choice, 1)
->cmd := Subscribe(r.topic, r.channel)
->&Command{[]byte("SUB"), params, nil}
->for _, c := range r.conns() {}
->count := r.perConnMaxInFlight()
->r.updateRDY(conn, count)
->c.maxRdyCount = resp.maxRdyCount
->maxPossibleRdy := int64(r.getMaxInFlight()) - atomic.LoadInt64(&r.totalRdyCount) + rdyCount
->"因为 atomic.LoadInt64(&r.totalRdyCount) + (maxPossibleRdy - rdyCount) <= getMaxInFlight "
->r.sendRDY(c, count)
->atomic.AddInt64(&r.totalRdyCount, count-c.RDY())
->err := c.WriteCommand(Ready(int(count)))
->&Command{[]byte("RDY"), params, nil}
->err := consumer.ConnectToNSQLookupds(lookupdHTTPAddrs)
->go r.lookupdLoop()
->"make an HTTP req to one of the configured nsqlookupd instances to discover"
->"which nsqd's provide the topic we are consuming"
->err := apiRequestNegotiateV1("GET", endpoint, nil, &data)
->broadcastAddress := producer.BroadcastAddress
->port := producer.TCPPort
->joined := "broadcastAddress:port"
->for{}->clientConn, err := listener.Accept()
->go handler.Handle(clientConn)
->func (p *LookupProtocolV1) IOLoop()
->response, err = p.Exec(client, reader, params)
->InactiveProducerTimeout: 300 * time.Second, "默认300s"
->Handle("GET", "/lookup")
->peerInfo.RemoteAddress = client.RemoteAddr().String()
->client.peerInfo = &peerInfo
->p.ctx.nsqlookupd.DB.AddProducer(Registration{"client", "", ""}, &Producer{peerInfo: client.peerInfo})
->response = tcp_port ...
->"client must IDENTIFY"
->topic, channel = params[0],params[1]
->if channel != ""
->key := Registration{"channel", topic, channel}
->p.ctx.nsqlookupd.DB.AddProducer(key, &Producer{peerInfo: client.peerInfo})
->key := Registration{"topic", topic, ""}
->p.ctx.nsqlookupd.DB.AddProducer(key, &Producer{peerInfo: client.peerInfo})
->topic, channel, err := getTopicChan("UNREGISTER", params)
->func (c *Channel) exit()
->func (t * topic) exit()
->router.Handle("GET", "/topics", http_api.Decorate(s.doTopics, log, http_api.V1))
->router.Handle("POST", "/topic/create", http_api.Decorate(s.doCreateTopic, log, http_api.V1))
->topicName, err := reqParams.Get("topic")
->key := Registration{"topic", topicName, ""}
->router.Handle("POST", "/topic/delete", http_api.Decorate(s.doDeleteTopic, log, http_api.V1))
->registrations := s.ctx.nsqlookupd.DB.FindRegistrations("channel", topicName, "*")
->router.Handle("POST", "/channel/create", http_api.Decorate(s.doCreateChannel, log, http_api.V1))
->key := Registration{"channel", topicName, channelName}
->key = Registration{"topic", topicName, ""}