

Leon and Amy:


偶然,accident, chance. 必然,certain, must.

他偶然遇到她,然后就爱上了她。 He met her by chance and then fell in love with her. 偶然, by chance. 爱上了某人, fall in love with.

他犯了一个错误,这件事情的发生是必然的。 He made a mistake, and this certainly happened.

你相信缘分吗? Do you believe in fate? 缘分,fate、destiny. 有首韩语歌的歌词是You are my destiny...挺好听的,你们可以找来听听。

李嘉诚说过:知识可以增加成功的概率。 Knowledge can increase the probability of success. 知识,knowledge. 增加, increase. 概率,probability, odds.

首先你需要做正确的事情,然后再把事情做正确。 First you need to do the right things, then do the things right. 首先,first. 然后, then. 正确,right.

你确定你是对的吗? Are you sure you're right? 确定, sure.

性格决定命运。 Character determines fate. 性格,character. 决定,determine.

我不知道你今晚会不会来,但我会一直在那里等你。 I don't know if you will come tonight, but I will always be there for you.

感谢上天让我遇到你,我确定你就是那个对的人。 Thank God for letting me meet you, and I'm sure you're the right person. 上天、上帝, God. 人,person.

我们需要尽快解决这个问题,避免错误再次发生。 We need to solve this problem as soon as possible, and avoid the mistake happening again. 解决问题, solve problem. 尽快,as soon as possible. 避免,avoid. 再次,again.

这是我们最好的机会了,我们一定要抓住它。 This is our best chance, we must seize/take it. 机会,chance. 抓住,catch、seize、take.

