TensorFlow实战 8 VGGNet进阶(图像风格迁移)

    背景:在上一篇TensorFlow实战 7 VGGNet神经网络中初步了解到VGGNet神经网络模型特点,本次通过使用已经训练好的imagenet-vgg-verydeep-19.mat实现对不同风格画面的迁移运用。

    参考博客: 1) TensorFlow练手项目三:使用VGG19迁移学习实现图像风格迁移



TensorFlow实战 8 VGGNet进阶(图像风格迁移)_第1张图片

      a图的style loss与p图的content loss线性组合的最小化loss而求得的x图像即为风格迁移结果:

                                                      \large L_{p} = \alpha L_{p}(\vec p, \vec x) + \beta L_{a}(\vec a, \vec x)


TensorFlow实战 8 VGGNet进阶(图像风格迁移)_第2张图片


对于内容重建,用了原始网络的五个卷积层,‘conv1_1’ (a), ‘conv2_1’ (b), ‘conv3_1’ (c), ‘conv4_1’ (d) and ‘conv5_1’ (e),即图下方中的a、b、c、d、e。VGG 网络主要用来做内容识别,使用前三层a、b、c已经能够达到比较好的内容重建工作,d、e两层保留了一些比较高层的特征,丢失了一些细节。

‘conv1_1’ (a), 
‘conv1_1’ and ‘conv2_1’ (b), 
‘conv1_1’, ‘conv2_1’ and ‘conv3_1’ (c), 
‘conv1_1’, ‘conv2_1’ , ‘conv3_1’and ‘conv4_1’ (d), 
‘conv1_1’, ‘conv2_1’ , ‘conv3_1’, ‘conv4_1’and ‘conv5_1’ (e)





 其中G为噪声图像的gram特征, A为原始图像的gram特征,w权重值




#parameters for artistic style

#set content image
CONTENT_IMAGE = 'images/content.jpg'
#set style image
STYLE_IMAGE = 'images/style.jpg'
#set the output image
OUTPUT_IMAGE = 'images/output'
#set vgg model path
VGG_MODEL_PATH = 'imagenet-vgg-verydeep-19.mat'
#define image height
#define image width
#define vgg_19 content layer loss parameters [conv_layer, weights]
CONTENT_LOSS_LAYERS = [('conv4_2', 0.5), ('conv5_2', 0.5)]
#define vgg_19 style layer parameters [conv_layer, weights]
STYLE_LOSS_LAYERS = [('conv1_1', 0.2), ('conv2_1', 0.2), ('conv3_1', 0.2), ('conv4_1', 0.2), ('conv5_1', 0.2)]
#define noize rate
NOIZE = 0.5
#define image mean value
IMAGE_MEAN_VALUE = [104, 117, 124]
#define content loss weight
#define style loss weight
BETA = 500
#define train steps


import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import setting
import scipy.io
import scipy.misc

#define model class to build vgg_19 network
class model(object):
	description: to build vgg_19 network
	Funcs:	__init__(self, content_path, style_path): initialize parameters
			vggnet(self): construct vgg_19 network
			conv_relu(self, x, wb): relu activation
			pool(self, x): max_pool operation
			get_wb(self, layers, i): get the vgg parameter in i-th layer
			get_random_img(self): get noise image
			load_img(self, path): load the image form path
	def __init__(self, content_path, style_path):
		description: to initialize parameters
		Args:	content_path: content image path
				style_path: style image path
		Returns: None
		#get content image path
		self.content = self.load_img(content_path)
		#get style image path
		self.style = self.load_img(style_path)
		#get random noise image
		self.random_img = self.get_random_img()
		#set up the vgg network
		self.net = self.vggnet()

	def vggnet(self):
		description: to construct vgg_19 network
		Args:	self
		Returns :	net: the vgg_19 pretrained network without full connection layers
		#get the prtrained vgg-19.mat data
		vgg = scipy.io.loadmat(setting.VGG_MODEL_PATH)
		vgg_layers = vgg['layers'][0]
		#initialize net dict
		net = {}
		#use vgg19 pretrained model parameters to train input image without full connection layers
		net['input'] = tf.Variable(np.zeros([1, setting.IMAGE_HEIGHT, setting.IMAGE_WIDTH, 3]), dtype = tf.float32)
		net['conv1_1'] = self.conv_relu(net['input'], self.get_wb(vgg_layers, 0))
		net['conv1_2'] = self.conv_relu(net['conv1_1'], self.get_wb(vgg_layers, 2))
		net['pool1'] = self.pool(net['conv1_2'])
		net['conv2_1'] = self.conv_relu(net['pool1'], self.get_wb(vgg_layers, 5))
		net['conv2_2'] = self.conv_relu(net['conv2_1'], self.get_wb(vgg_layers, 7))
		net['pool2'] = self.pool(net['conv2_2'])
		net['conv3_1'] = self.conv_relu(net['pool2'], self.get_wb(vgg_layers, 10))
		net['conv3_2'] = self.conv_relu(net['conv3_1'], self.get_wb(vgg_layers, 12))
		net['conv3_3'] = self.conv_relu(net['conv3_2'], self.get_wb(vgg_layers, 14))
		net['conv3_4'] = self.conv_relu(net['conv3_3'], self.get_wb(vgg_layers, 16))
		net['pool3'] = self.pool(net['conv3_4'])
		net['conv4_1'] = self.conv_relu(net['pool3'], self.get_wb(vgg_layers, 19))
		net['conv4_2'] = self.conv_relu(net['conv4_1'], self.get_wb(vgg_layers, 21))
		net['conv4_3'] = self.conv_relu(net['conv4_2'], self.get_wb(vgg_layers, 23))
		net['conv4_4'] = self.conv_relu(net['conv4_3'], self.get_wb(vgg_layers, 25))
		net['pool4'] = self.pool(net['conv4_4'])
		net['conv5_1'] = self.conv_relu(net['pool4'], self.get_wb(vgg_layers,28))
		net['conv5_2'] = self.conv_relu(net['conv5_1'], self.get_wb(vgg_layers, 30))
		net['conv5_3'] = self.conv_relu(net['conv5_2'], self.get_wb(vgg_layers, 32))
		net['conv5_4'] = self.conv_relu(net['conv5_3'], self.get_wb(vgg_layers, 34))
		net['pool5'] = self.pool(net['conv5_4'])
		return net

	def conv_relu(self, x, wb):
		description: to excute relu activation
		Args:	x: the input data
				wb: weights and biases array
		Returns:	result of relu(x*wb[0] + wb[1])
		#excute conv2d operation
		conv = tf.nn.conv2d(x, wb[0], strides = [1, 1, 1, 1], padding = 'SAME')
		#relu activation
		relu = tf.nn.relu(conv + wb[1])
		return relu

	def pool(self, x):
		description: to excute max_pool operation
		Args:	x: the input data
		Returns:	the results of max_pool
		return tf.nn.max_pool(x, ksize = [1, 2, 2, 1], strides = [1, 2, 2, 1], padding = 'SAME')

	def get_wb(self, layers, i):
		description: to get weights and biases array
		Args:	layers: the pretrained vgg_19 layers
				i: the i-th layer
		Returns:	the w and b array
		w = tf.constant(layers[i][0][0][0][0][0])
		bias = layers[i][0][0][0][0][1]
		b = tf.constant(np.reshape(bias, (bias.size)))
		return w, b

	def get_random_img(self):
		description: to generate the random noise image
		Args:	self:
		Returns:	random_img
		noise_img = np.random.uniform(-20, 20, [1, setting.IMAGE_HEIGHT, setting.IMAGE_WIDTH, 3])
		random_img = noise_img * setting.NOIZE + self.content * (1 - setting.NOIZE)
		return random_img

	def load_img(self, path):
		description: to load the image form path
		Args:	self
				path: the file path
		Returns:	image
		img = scipy.misc.imread(path)
		img = scipy.misc.imresize(img, [setting.IMAGE_HEIGHT, setting.IMAGE_WIDTH])
		img = np.reshape(img, [1, setting.IMAGE_HEIGHT, setting.IMAGE_WIDTH, 3])
		return img

if __name__ == '__main__':
	model(setting.CONTENT_IMAGE, setting.STYLE_IMAGE)



import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import setting
import models
import scipy.misc

#define loss function to calculate the sum loss of content loss and style loss
def loss(sess, model):
	description: to calculate the sum loss of content loss and style loss
	Args:	sess: tf Session
			model: the vgg_19 model parameters
	Returns:	the loss sum
	#access content layer
	content_layers = setting.CONTENT_LOSS_LAYERS
	#define the input image as content
	sess.run(tf.assign(model.net['input'], model.content))
	#calculate the content loss
	content_loss = 0.0
	#access the weights and biases in layers defined in vgg_19
	for layer_name, weights in content_layers:
		#extract the feature matrx in layer_name for content image
		p = sess.run(model.net[layer_name])
		#extract the feature matrx in layer_name for noise image
		x = model.net[layer_name]
		# M = length * width
		M = p.shape[1] * p.shape[2]
		# N = channel numbers
		N = p.shape[3]
		#calculate the content loss
		content_loss += (1.0 / (2 * M * N)) * tf.reduce_sum(tf.pow(p - x, 2))*weights
	content_loss /= len(content_layers)
	#access style layer
	style_layers = setting.STYLE_LOSS_LAYERS
	#define the input image as style
	sess.run(tf.assign(model.net['input'], model.style))
	#calculate the style loss
	style_loss = 0.0
	for layer_name, weights in style_layers:
		#extract the feature matrx in layer_name for style image
		a = sess.run(model.net[layer_name])
		#extract the feature max in layer_name for noise image
		x = model.net[layer_name]
		# M = length * width
		M = a.shape[1] * a.shape[2]
		# N = channel numbers
		N = a.shape[3]
		# A = gram(a) [style image gram feature matrx]
		A = gram(a, M, N)
		# G = gram(x) [noise image gram feature matrx]
		G = gram(x, M, N)
		#calculate the style_loss
		style_loss += (1.0 / (4 * M * M * N * N)) * tf.reduce_sum(tf.pow(G - A, 2)) * weights
	style_loss /= len(style_layers)
	#the total loss result
	loss = setting.ALPHA * content_loss + setting.BETA * style_loss
	return loss

#define gram function to calculate the g = transpose(x)*x
def gram(x, size, deepth):
	description: to calculate the gram result
	Args:	x: the input data
			size: the result (length * width)
			deepth: the channel numbers
	Returns:	g = transpose(x) * x
	x = tf.reshape(x, (size, deepth))
	g = tf.matmul(tf.transpose(x), x)
	return g

#define train function to train the model
def train():
	description: to train the model
	Args:	None
	Returns:	None
	model = models.model(setting.CONTENT_IMAGE, setting.STYLE_IMAGE)
	with tf.Session() as sess:
		#intialize the global variables
		#define cost
		cost = loss(sess, model)
		#define optimizer
		optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(1.0).minimize(cost)
		#intialize the global variables sine the new operation
		#train the model with noise image
		sess.run(tf.assign(model.net['input'], model.random_img))
		#define the train setps
		for step in range(setting.TRAIN_STEPS):
			#define BP once
			#output the trainning results
			if step % 50 == 0:
				print('step{} is done .'.format(step))
				#access the generated image
				img = sess.run(model.net['input'])
				#recover the image with adding the image mean value
				img += img + setting.IMAGE_MEAN_VALUE
				#get the batch 0 demension
				img = img[0]
				#recover the float32 image to int image in [0, 255]
				img = np.clip(img, 0, 255).astype(np.uint8)
				#save the image
				scipy.misc.imsave('{}-{}.jpg'.format(setting.OUTPUT_IMAGE, step), img)

		#save the finnal result
		img = sess.run(model.net['input'])
		#recover the image with adding the image mean value
		img += img + setting.IMAGE_MEAN_VALUE
		#get the batch 0 demension
		img = img[0]
		#recover the float32 image to int image in [0, 255]
		img = np.clip(img, 0, 255).astype(np.uint8)
		#save the image
		scipy.misc.imsave('{}.jpg'.format(setting.OUTPUT_IMAGE), img)

if __name__ == '__main__':


TensorFlow实战 8 VGGNet进阶(图像风格迁移)_第3张图片TensorFlow实战 8 VGGNet进阶(图像风格迁移)_第4张图片TensorFlow实战 8 VGGNet进阶(图像风格迁移)_第5张图片TensorFlow实战 8 VGGNet进阶(图像风格迁移)_第6张图片


practice makes perfect!
