





< view >
< view class= "{{showView?'show':'hide'}}" >
< input bindinput = "userNameInput" placeholder= "请输入修改内容" > input >
< button bindtap= "queding" >确定 button >
< button bindtap= "quxiao" >取消 button >
view >
< view class= 'v1' >
< view wx:for= "{{array1}}" wx:for-index= "index" wx:for-item= "item" >
< view class= 'line-main' >
< view class= 'line-buck' >{{index+1}}、{{item}} view >
< view class= "line-buck line-img" bindtap= "addarray" id= "{{index}}" >
< image class= 'button-add ub-img1 ' src= "../../image/icon-add.png" > image >
view >
< view class= "line-buck line-img" bindtap= "selectarray" id= "{{index}}" >
< image class= 'button-add ub-img1 ' src= "../../image/icon-edit.png" > image >
view >
view >
view >
view >
< view class= 'v2' >
< view wx:for= "{{array2}}" wx:for-index= "index" wx:for-item= "item" >
< view class= 'line-main' >
< view class= 'line-buck' >{{index+1}}、{{item}} view >
< view class= "line-buck line-img" bindtap= "delarray" id= "{{index}}" >
< image class= 'button-add ub-img1 ' src= "../../image/icon-close.png" > image >
view >
view >
view >
view >
view >


.line-main {
font-size: 1em ;
vertical-align: middle ;
.line-buck {
display: inline-block ;
line-height: 50px ;
text-align: center ;
.line-img {
display: inline-block ;
position: relative ;
float: right ;
.v0 {
width: 100% ;
.v1 {
float: left ;
width: 45% ;
.v2 {
float: right ;
width: 45% ;
.button-add {
border-radius: 15px ;
vertical-align: middle ;
background-color: black ;
text-align: center ;
height: 30px ;
width: 30px ;

   -webkit-background-size: contain ;
   background-size: contain ;
   background-repeat: no-repeat ;
   background-position: center ;
   -webkit-background-size: cover ;
   background-size: cover ;
   background-repeat: no-repeat ;
   background-position: center ;
   display: -webkit-box !important ;
   display: box !important ;
   position: relative ;
   -webkit-box-direction: reverse ;
   box-direction: reverse ;
.text-input {

.text-button {

.text-main {

.hide {
display: none ;
.show {
display: block ;


const app = getApp ()

Page ({
data : {
motto : 'Hello World' ,
userInfo : {},
hasUserInfo : false ,
canIUse : wx .canIUse ( 'button.open-type.getUserInfo' ),
i : 0 ,
array1 :[ "UZI" , "MLXG" , "小虎" , "卡莎" , "Letme" , "Ming" ],
array2 :[],
showView : false ,
userName : "" ,
index : 0
bindViewTap : function () {
wx .navigateTo ({
url : '../logs/logs'
add : function (e ) {
var that = this ;
var i = Number (that .data .i ) + Number ( 1 );
console .log ( "加完" ,i );
that .setData ({
i : i ,
motto : 'Hello World+' + i
addarray : function (index ){
console .log (index );
var id = index .currentTarget .id ;
var value = this .data .array1 [id ];
console .log ( "value" ,value );
var array2 = this .data .array2 ;
array2 .push (value );
console .log ( "array2" ,array2 );
var array1 = this .data .array1 ;
array1 .splice (id , 1 );
console .log ( "array1" , array1 );
this .setData ({
array2 : array2 ,
array1 : array1
delarray : function (index ) {
console .log (index );
var id = index .currentTarget .id ;
var value = this .data .array2 [id ];
console .log ( "value" , value );
var array1 = this .data .array1 ;
array1 .push (value );
console .log ( "array1" , array1 );
var array2 = this .data .array2 ;
array2 .splice (id , 1 );
console .log ( "array1" , array2 );
this .setData ({
array2 : array2 ,
array1 : array1

selectarray : function (index ){
var id = index .currentTarget .id ;
this .setData ({
showView : true ,
index : Number (id )

quxiao : function (){
this .setData ({
showView : false

queding : function (){
this .setData ({
userName : ""

this .setData ({
showView : false

userNameInput : function (e ){
this .setData ({
userName : e .detail .value
var array1 = this .data .array1 ;
array1 [ this .data .index ] = this .data .userName ;
this .setData ({
array1 : array1
onLoad : function () {
if (app .globalData .userInfo ) {
this .setData ({
userInfo : app .globalData .userInfo ,
hasUserInfo : true
} else if ( this .data .canIUse ){
// 由于 getUserInfo 是网络请求,可能会在 Page.onLoad 之后才返回
// 所以此处加入 callback 以防止这种情况
app .userInfoReadyCallback = res => {
this .setData ({
userInfo : res .userInfo ,
hasUserInfo : true
} else {
// 在没有 open-type=getUserInfo 版本的兼容处理
wx .getUserInfo ({
success : res => {
app .globalData .userInfo = res .userInfo
this .setData ({
userInfo : res .userInfo ,
hasUserInfo : true
getUserInfo : function (e ) {
console .log (e )
app .globalData .userInfo = e .detail .userInfo
this .setData ({
userInfo : e .detail .userInfo ,
hasUserInfo : true

