




# 语法:sentinel down-after-milliseconds  
# Number of milliseconds the master (or any attached replica or sentinel) should
# be unreachable (as in, not acceptable reply to PING, continuously, for the
# specified period) in order to consider it in S_DOWN state (Subjectively Down).
# 意思是任何从节点或者哨兵在指定的时间内,不能ping通主机就被认为成S_DOWN


# 语法:sentinel monitor    
# Tells Sentinel to monitor this master, and to consider it in O_DOWN
# (Objectively Down) state only if at least  sentinels agree.
# 意思是:告诉Sentinel监视这个master,如果至少quorum 数量的哨兵同意的话就变成了
# 客观宕机



  2、每隔两秒钟,每个哨兵都会往自己监控的某个master+slaves对应的__sentinel__:hello channel里发送一个消息,内容是自己的host、ip和runid还有对这个master的监控配置,每个哨兵也会去监听自己监控的每个master+slaves对应的__sentinel__:hello channel,然后去感知到同样在监听这个master+slaves的其他哨兵的存在。



  哨兵会负责自动纠正slave的一些配置,比如slave如果要成为潜在的master候选人,哨兵会确保slave在复制现有master的数据; 如果slave连接到了一个错误的master上,比如故障转移之后,那么哨兵会确保它们连接到正确的master上






 (4)run id


(down-after-milliseconds * 10) + milliseconds_since_master_is_in_SDOWN_state



# The replica priority is an integer number published by Redis in the INFO output.
# It is used by Redis Sentinel in order to select a replica to promote into a
# master if the master is no longer working correctly.
# A replica with a low priority number is considered better for promotion, so
# for instance if there are three replicas with priority 10, 100, 25 Sentinel will
# pick the one with priority 10, that is the lowest.
# However a special priority of 0 marks the replica as not able to perform the
# role of master, so a replica with priority of 0 will never be selected by
# Redis Sentinel for promotion.
# By default the priority is 100.
replica-priority 100

(2)如果slave priority相同,那么看replica offset,哪个slave复制了越多的数据,offset越靠后,优先级就越高
(3)如果上面两个条件都相同,那么选择一个run id比较小的那个slave



  2、如果quorum < majority,比如5个哨兵,majority就是3,quorum设置为2,那么就3个哨兵授权就可以执行切换,但是如果quorum >= majority,那么必须quorum数量的哨兵都授权,比如5个哨兵,quorum是5,那么必须5个哨兵都同意授权,才能执行切换

6、configuration epoch

  哨兵会对一套redis master+slave进行监控,有相应的监控的配置

  1、执行切换的那个哨兵,会从要切换到的新master(salve->master)那里得到一个configuration epoch,这就是一个version号,每次切换的version号都必须是唯一的。

  2、如果第一个选举出的哨兵切换失败了,那么其他哨兵,会等待failover-timeout时间,然后接替继续执行切换,此时会重新获取一个新的configuration epoch,作为新的version号。





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