3.6 iOS 控件 - Screen 屏幕

A group component with realistic iOS-style push and modal transitions. Add any layer inside the screen. Use the Touch button on the component to get information about the screen's presentation status.
一个模拟iOS的页面左右和上下切换的组。在 Screen 内添加任意一个图层。使用 Touch 按钮获取有关屏幕呈现状态的信息。

3.6 iOS 控件 - Screen 屏幕_第1张图片

Enable 启用
A boolean that is true when the screen is displayed.

Present 显示
A pulse that presents the screen by animating it in.

Dismiss 隐藏
A pulse that dismisses the screen by animating it out.

Transition 过渡
The animation style: Push or Modal.

Start State 开始状态
The starting position: Dismissed or Presented.

Edge Swipe 边缘滑动
A boolean that is true when edge-swiping is enabled.

X Offset X轴偏移
A number that represents the horizontal offset of the screen.

Touch 按钮
Progress 进度
A progress value that represents presentation (0 for dismissed, 1 for presented). Used to synchronize other animations.

X Offset
The X position for sliding the prior screen left in a Push transition. Connect to the X Offset of the prior screen.

全部图层,查看 图层目录

Related Patches 相关模块

Interaction,Scroll,Pop Switch

Related Layers 相关图层

Action Sheet 操作表,Activity Indicator 加载菊花,Alert View 警告弹窗,Fake Keyboard 模拟键盘,Page Control 翻页小点,Slider 滑块,Status Bar 状态栏,Switch 开关,Tab Bar 标签栏,Text Field 文本输入框,Visual Effect 毛玻璃效果

Related Learn Content 相关课程

Screen Transitions
Create screen flows.

Related Examples 案例

Instagram Boomerang
Transition between screens and scrolls in Boomerang.

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