《The Ph.D. Grind 博士磨砺》读书札记2




If it's already been done before, then it wouldn't be research!"




Learning to send succinct and effective professional emails has benefited my career tremendously.

作者强调了,与同行之间持续的邮件交流的重要性。这与之前写的文章——科研高效率(1)——多使用Email和博客文字记录 | Xiao-Le Deng不谋而合。作者文中,不断强调了cold-Email(冷邮件)的重要性。



Everysingle day, I tried reading sev-eral computer science research papers andtaking notes to get inspiredto think of my own creative ideas. But withoutproper guidance orcontext, I ended up wasting a lot of time and not extractingany mean-ingful insights from my readings.

带着问题来看文献,或者以一个关键点来查阅文献,即为主题法阅读文献的思路,见之前的文章——科研灵感(1)——主题式阅读文献法 | Xiao-Le Deng。



Thinking back, I’m surprised by how well I understood the Ph.D.game so early on. I couldn’t have worded this sentiment any better now, except that I’d also add fundable as an extracriteria for success.

I realized from this summer and my previous work experiences that it's going tobe really hard for me to push ahead with a Ph.D. project unless I feel a strongsense of ownership and enthusiasm about it, so I really want to work to find the intersection of what I feel passionate about and what is actually deemed`research-worthy' by professors and the greater academic community.

Be proactive in talking with professors to find research topics that are mutually interesting,and no matter what, don't just hole up in isolation.



I came into the meeting prepared with notes about three specic ideas and pitched them in the following format:

  1. What's the problem?
  1. What's my proposed solution?
  1. What compelling experiments can I run to demonstrate the effectiveness of my solution?





The importance of the third point thinking in terms of experiments when proposing research project ideas. Professors are motivated by having their names appear on published papers, and computer science conference papers usually need strong experiments to get accepted for publication. Thus, it's crucial to think about experiment design at project inception time.



The author whose name appears first is the project leader (e.g., Joel) who does more work than all subsequently listed authors and thus deserves most of the credit. All other authors are project assistants usually younger students (e.g., me) or distant colleagues who contributed enough to warrant their names being on the paper. Ph.D. students often list their advisor (e.g., Scott) as the last author, since the advisor helps with idea formulation, project planning, and paper writing.

this experience taught me a great deal both about how to do research and about howto write research papers.

As I worked, I kept a meticulous log of my experimental progress in a research labnotebook, nothing which trials did and did not work.

Everyweek or so, I would meet with Dawsonto present my findings. Our meetingsusually consisted of me showing him printouts of graphs or data tables that myanalyses had generated, followed by him making high-level suggestions such as, “Wow,thispart of the graph looks weird, why is that? Split the data up in this way anddig deeper.”

These two opposing experiences taught me the importance of deeply understanding the motivations and incentives of one's potential collaborators before working with them.

In effect, Ph.D. students working with those young researchers were more easily able to publish and graduate.

Desperate to generate another plausible dissertation idea, I spent my nights and weekends throughout the summer reading research papers and brainstorming at coffee shops. inspiration suddenly struck.

No idea is truly original, so there will always be related projects. However, in order to eventually publish, I had to make a convincing case for how IncPy was different enough from similar projects. Within a few days, I had sketched out an initial project plan, which included arguments for why IncPy was unique, innovative, and research-worthy.

I then pitched them my IncPy idea and discussed possible renements to make it both moreuseful and also more interesting from a research perspective. Each successive generation builds upon the ideas of the previous one.

For therest of the summer, I spent my nights and weekends at coffee shops refining myedgling IncPy idea, strengthening its marketing pitch, and getting morefeedback from MSR colleagues. I emailed drafts of my idea to Dawson, but Ididn't actually care how enthusiastic he was about it since this was going tobe my own undertaking. I wasn't asking for his permission; I was just informing him.

Of course, those early years weren't actually lost; without those struggles, I wouldn't have gained the inspiration or abilities to create the five projects that comprised my dissertation.

Random conversations with my grad schoolfriends led to tons of unexpected inspiration.

I discovered that this strategy of finding and setting short-term deadlines for myself would work wonders in keeping me focused throughout the rest of my Ph.D. years. Without self-imposed deadlines, it becomes easy to fall into a rut and succumb to chronic procrastination.

I wouldn’t have gotten lucky if I hadn’t followed my curiosity at that moment. Part of luck is always keeping your eyes open for new opportunities while simultaneously focusing enough to make consistent progress.

One benefit of presenting a talk on a paper is that people can chat with you about it afterward, which can lead to serendipity.

Within the next twelve months, though, I would publish four conference papers and one workshop paper (all as the first author), thereby paving a clear path for my graduation. So besides working towards the upcoming paper dead-line, I also spent some time thinking about my next project idea.

Both IncPy and SlopPy were software tools to improve the productivity of computational researchers. Thus, to think of my next project idea, I returned to identifying problems computational researchers faced in their work and then designing new tools to address those problems.

In many science and engineering fields, this perception is totally inaccurate: The writing is simply combining one's published papers together into a single document and surrounding their contents with introductory and concluding chapters. All of the years of sweaty labor has already been done by the time a student sits down to write their dissertation document.

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