基础for fun:系统地梳理一下安卓的基础知识
Android is a mobileoperating system(OS) based on theLinux kerneland currently developed by Google.
Android Architecture is made up of 4 key components: 1. Linux Kernel, 2. Libraries, 3. Android Framework, 4. Android Applications
1. What is meaning of Android Word?
it means a robot with a human appearance.
2. What is Android?
an open-source operating system used for smartphones and tablet computers. (there are televisions (Android TV), cars (Android Auto), and wrist watches (Android Wear) )
5. Features of Android OS?
Most of us are aware of features like
Live wallpaper, GPS
Web Browsing
Alarm etc. etc….
6. Advance Features of Android OS?
Google now (voice assistant)
NFC (Near Field Communication)
Unlock your phone by your face
Use your phone with joystick to enjoy gaming experience
Connect your phone with LED TV via MHL or micro HDMI cable
Screen Capture
Multitasking Future (Task Switcher)
Data Usages (Check and also set limit from device)
7. Tools Required for Developing Android Apps?
Eclipse + ADT plugin (Android Developer Tools)
SDK Tools. (Software Development Kit)
10. Advantages of android?
Supports various technologies (having number of native application like: camera, bluetooth, wifi, speech, EDGE)
11. Language Know to develop android apps?
12. Android application main components are?
Activities: dictate the UI and handle the user interaction to the smartphone screen. An activity is a single, focused thing that the user can do. when ever user click on GUI the next Activity will be start and new GUI set base on coding.
Services: They handle background processing associated with an application.
Broadcast Receivers: They handle communication between Android OS and applications.
Content Providers: They handle data and database management issues.
14. What is Intent? 意图
An Intent is exactly what it describes. It's an "intention" to do an action.
An Intent is basically a message to say you did or want something to happen. Depending on the intent, apps or the OS might be listening for it and will react accordingly.
There are two types of intents in android:
Implicit Intent
Explicit Intent
15. How to Start Another Activity?
Intent i = new Intent(getApplicationContext(), Activity2.class); // 建立一个新意图,这个
startActivity(i); // 运行这个意图
Note: you need to past this code on onClick method.
16. Explain Folder, File & Description of Android Apps? 项目中各个文件夹的意义
src: This contains the .java source files for your project.
gen: contains the .R file, a compiler-generated file that references all the resources found in your project. You should not modify this file.
bin: contains the Android package files .apk built by the ADT during the build process and everything else needed to run an Android application.
This is a directory for drawable objects that are designed for high-density screens.
This is a directory for files that define your app's user interface.
This is a directory for other various XML files that contain a collection of resources, such as strings and colors definitions.
This is the manifest file which describes the fundamental characteristics of the app and defines each of its components.
17. What is AVD?
AVD Stand for Android Virtual Device (emulator), The Android SDK includes a mobile device emulator - a virtual mobile device that runs on your computer.
5) What is AAPT?
AAPT is short for Android Asset Packaging Tool. This tool provides developers with the ability to deal with zip-compatible archives, which includes creating, extracting as well as viewing its contents.