swift 学习(9)枚举(Enumerations)

An enumeration is a list of related values that define a common type and let you work with values in a type-safe way.


enum Month {
  case january
  case february
  case march
  case april
  case may
  case june
  case july
  case august
  case september
  case october
  case november
  case december

enum Month {
  case january, february, march, april, may, june, july, august,
  september, october, november, december


enum Month {
    case january, february, march, april, may, june, july, august,
    september, october, november, december
    //let semester = month.semester // "Autumn"
    var semester : String {
        switch self {
        case .august, .september, .october, .november, .december:
            return "Autumn"
        case .january, .february, .march, .april, .may:
            return "Spring"
        case .june, .july:
            return "Summer"
var month = Month.april
month = .september
let semester = month.semester // "Autumn"

Raw values

Unlike enumeration values in C, Swift enum values are not backed by integers as a default.


enum Month: Int {
  case january = 1, february, march, april, may, june, july,
  august, september, october, november, december

Month.october.rawValue // 10

Initializing with the raw value

let fifthMonth = Month(rawValue: 5)
monthsUntilWinterBreak(from: fifthMonth) // Error: value not unwrapped

 let fifthMonth = Month(rawValue: 5)!
monthsUntilWinterBreak(from: fifthMonth)  // 7

String raw values

enum Icon: String {
  case music
  case sports
  case weather
  var filename: String {
    // 2
    return "\(rawValue.capitalized).png"
let icon = Icon.weather
icon.filename // Weather.png

Associated values

  • 每个枚举值都有0个或者多个关联值
  • 每个枚举值的关联值都有自己的数据类型
  • 你可以像定义方法参数一样定义关联值
enum WithdrawalResult {
  case success(newBalance: Int)
  case error(message: String)

let result = WithdrawalResult.success(newBalance: 100)
//let result = WithdrawalResult.error(message: "测试错误数据")

switch result {
case .success(let newBalance):
    print("Your new balance is: \(newBalance)")
case .error(let message):

switch result {
case .success(let newBalance):
  print("Your new balance is: \(newBalance)")
case .error(let message):

enum WithdrawalResult {
    case success(newBalance: Int,parameters: Int)
    case error(message: String)


enum HTTPMethod {
  case get
  case post(body: String)

let request = HTTPMethod.post(body: "Hi there")
 In this code, guard case checks to see 
 if request contains the post enumeration case and if so,
 reads and binds the associated value.
 guard case 判断 request 是否是post ,如果是post,读取并且关联值到body
guard case .post(let body) = request else {
  fatalError("No message was posted")

if case .post(let body) = request  {


Optionals 的底层实现就是枚举,只是编译器隐藏了实现细节,包括可选值绑定 ? 和 ! 操作符,以及nil的实现。

var age: Int?
age = 17
age = nil

switch age {
case .none:
  print("No value")
case .some(let value):
  print("Got a value: \(value)")

if let age = age {


if (age != nil)  {


//Optional type 'Int?' cannot be used as a boolean; test for '!= nil' instead
if age {


Key points

  • An enumeration is a list of related values that define a common type. 枚举是定义公共类型的相关值的列表。

  • Enumerations provide an alternative to old-fashioned integer values.枚举提供了一种替代老式整数值的方法

  • You can use enumerations to handle responses, store state and encapsulate values.您可以使用枚举来处理响应,存储状态和封装值。

  • Case-less enumerations prevent the creation of instances.枚举里枚举值为空不允许创建实例。

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