D48-20170315-writting study-133
1. To talking
E.g. When people get use to talking via email, they might lose the ability too communicate with others face to face, since that is not necessarily.
2. Communication-Uncountable
E.g. Particularly, the most significant disadvantage of that is reducing emotional communications.
3. 第三类问题,题目问 it's advantages outweigh disadvantages, 第一段应该说I'll discuss whether the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.
4. 自从我来到澳洲
Since coming to Australia ( to )
5. 没有 a lots
只有 a lot of / lots of / a lot
6. Send email everywhere 不是 in everywhere
7. 每部分都不可单独作句子
Specifically, the primary cause for this is that there is no evidence supporting that; on the opposite, working mothers can provide better education for their children, since they go into the social and experience a lot more than just staying at home.