
I’m Sorry I Love You X (128)

Gulam: Steven! Good to see you brother! How are you? How was your trip?

Steven: It was fine. I’ve been better but, it’s great to be home, I’ve missed you all! How’s mom?

Gulam: She’s great! All she ever does is talk about you-her little boy that went to the United States. You’re her pride and joy, you know that, right? 

Steven: Can’t wait to see her. And you? What’s new with you?

Gulam: Well, Nisha and I are expecting! You’ll have another nephew or niece soon!

Steven: That’s great! Wow! Congrats! You two are great together, you know. You have such a beautiful family. I hope that one day I can have that.

Gulam: Of course, man! Come on! I mean, everything was set here for you to marry Shalini! You know, she’s still pining after you. I don’t think she’ll ever get over you.

Steven: What are you talking about? I hardly knew her! How could she be in love with me? I couldn’t go through with it even though she is a great woman. No, I left my heart in the United States. I just hope Veronica is happy.

Gulam: Get over it! You’re home now. Everyone here thinks so highly of you; there’ll be girls throwing themselves at you. You can marry anyone you want!

Steven: I don’t wanna marry anyone! I wanna marry her! Don’t you understand?

Gulam: You are incorrigible.

Liliana: Steven! My baby how are you! I’ve missed you so much!

Steven: Hey, mom! Great to see you!

Liliana: You look so thin! Didn’t those Americans feed you? Come come, let’s have some chai. By the way... There is a girl here waiting for you.

Veronica: Hi Steven.

Steven: Veronica! How did you get here? How did you know where I live? I waited for you at the airport but you never showed...

Veronica: I also have some little secrets that I haven’t told you about, but we can discuss that later. I realized that I was just scared. Scared of how much I love you and of the commitment that marriage requires. I’m here now. Now there’s something I wanna ask you. Steven, will you marry me?

Priest: I now declare you, husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.
