
shake up 重组 整顿 mortgage  抵押; 抵押单据,抵押证明; 抵押权,债权; predetermined 预先裁定( predetermine的过去式和过去分词 ); 注定; overdrawn  透支( overdraw的过去分词 ); (overdraw的过去分词); To date 至今, 直到今天, 到目前为止; 迄今; dire 可怕的,恐怖的; 悲惨的; 迫切的,极端的; unscathed  未受损伤的; 未受伤害的; overwhelmingly  压倒地,无法抵抗地; lending 出借; 出租; 贷款; 出借物; mount 增加; 上升;安装,架置; 镶嵌,嵌入; 准备上演; 成立(军队等); conspicuously  显著地,超群地; conduct  组织; 实施; 执行; 指挥; incumbents 教区牧师( incumbent的名词复数 ); 教会中的任职者; resilient 能复原的; 弹回的,有弹性的; 能立刻恢复精神的; 社会渣滓; cumbersome 笨重的; 累赘的,难以携带的; 缓慢复杂的,冗长的; 麻烦的; regulator 调节器; 校准器; 整时器; 监管者; explicit 明确的,清楚的; 直言的; 详述的; 不隐瞒的; consent 准许,赞同; 同意; (意见等的)一致; kick-start 强力启动; 提供最初推动力 authentication  证明,鉴定; 身份验证; 认证; 密押; sophisticated 复杂的; 精致的; 富有经验的; 深奥微妙的 profitability 获利(状况),盈利(情况); [经]收益性; 利益率; 有利; rock-bottom 底层的,最低的; proportion  比,比率; [数学]比例(法); 面积; 相称,平衡; resistance 抵抗; 阻力; 抗力; 电阻; manifested 清楚表示( manifest的过去式和过去分词 ); 显露; 显现; 使人注意到; respondent 回答者; [法](特指离婚诉讼的)被告; [生]反应,反射; liability 责任; 倾向; 债务; <口>妨碍; legitimate  合法的,合理的; 正规的; 合法婚姻所生的; 真正的,真实的; convince 使相信,说服,使承认; 使明白; 使确信; 使悔悟,使认错 robust  精力充沛的; 坚定的; 粗野的,粗鲁的; 需要体力的; water down 掺水于; 用水把…冲淡; 削弱; 使缓和; interpret  解释; 理解; 诠释,体现; 口译; bare one’s teeth  露出牙齿 citing 引用( cite的现在分词 ); 传唤; 记起; [军事]传(或通)令嘉奖; team up 联手 startup  启动; 新兴公司(尤指新兴网络公司); 新兴公司,新开张的企业; entrant 参加者,新加入的; 参加竞赛者; 新生,新工作者; confrontation对抗; 面对; 遭遇; 对峙; exploit 参加者,新加入的; 参加竞赛者; 新生,新工作者; New European payments regulation has the potential to shake up the banks. 新出台的欧洲支付法规有可能会给银行业带来巨大冲击。 这里不能翻译为削弱,Shake up 一般指带来重大改变。 European rules will open the door to a host of innovative services that analyze transactions. 欧洲法规将给交易分析相关的创新服务带来更多机遇。 这里to open the door是机遇之门的意思,给交易分析相关的创新服务带来更多机遇。 1.to give someone new opportunities (sometimes + for ) 2. (sometimes + to ) Customers need barely ever interact with their bank. 客户几乎都不需要通过银行。 如果这边一定把interact翻成与银行互动,显得死板,意思应为不用通过银行。 European retail banking has been remarkably unscathed by technology-driven disruption. 技术带来的变革对欧洲零售银行业产生的影响微乎其微。 remarkably unscathed几乎毫发无伤 disruption 颠覆 Fintech companies are beginning to mount a challenge, most conspicuously in the online-payments industry in northern Europe. But their reach is more limited elsewhere in Europe. 互联网金融公司已经开始发起挑战,尤其是在北欧线上支付领域。但对欧洲其他地区的影响则要小得多。 mount a challenge 发起挑战,构成威胁 reach,用作名词时候和influence一个意思,用来表达影响的范围 Regulators, however, are about to transform the landscape. 然而,监管部门即将改变这一现状。 andscape原意是风景,景色,地貌,此处也是暗喻的用法,衍生为局面,局势。 Banks’ lockhold on payments serves as a handy source of income. 牢牢把控支付领域使得银行轻而易举就能赚钱。 lock锁住, hold紧握,加在一起lockhold就是牢牢把控的意思 handy 唾手可得 Resistance is manifested as a concern about data protection. Such concerns are legitimate but also, argue fintech supporters, offer a convenient excuse for banks to block competition. 抗拒源自对数据保护的担忧,这是合情合理的。但互联网金融的支持者们认为,这也是银行抵制竞争的绝佳借口。 Yet for all their complaints, customers still trust banks with their money. 尽管客户怨声载道,但他们依然更信任把钱放在银行。 For all 表示尽管,虽然,等于despite.  Eg. For all its clarity of style, the book is not easy to read. shake up 重组 整顿 mortgage  抵押; 抵押单据,抵押证明; 抵押权,债权; predetermined 预先裁定( predetermine的过去式和过去分词 ); 注定; overdrawn  透支( overdraw的过去分词 ); (overdraw的过去分词); To date 至今, 直到今天, 到目前为止; 迄今; dire 可怕的,恐怖的; 悲惨的; 迫切的,极端的; unscathed  未受损伤的; 未受伤害的; overwhelmingly  压倒地,无法抵抗地; lending 出借; 出租; 贷款; 出借物; mount 增加; 上升;安装,架置; 镶嵌,嵌入; 准备上演; 成立(军队等); conspicuously  显著地,超群地; conduct  组织; 实施; 执行; 指挥; incumbents 教区牧师( incumbent的名词复数 ); 教会中的任职者; resilient 能复原的; 弹回的,有弹性的; 能立刻恢复精神的; 社会渣滓; cumbersome 笨重的; 累赘的,难以携带的; 缓慢复杂的,冗长的; 麻烦的; regulator 调节器; 校准器; 整时器; 监管者; explicit 明确的,清楚的; 直言的; 详述的; 不隐瞒的; consent 准许,赞同; 同意; (意见等的)一致; kick-start 强力启动; 提供最初推动力 authentication  证明,鉴定; 身份验证; 认证; 密押; sophisticated 复杂的; 精致的; 富有经验的; 深奥微妙的 profitability 获利(状况),盈利(情况); [经]收益性; 利益率; 有利; rock-bottom 底层的,最低的; proportion  比,比率; [数学]比例(法); 面积; 相称,平衡; resistance 抵抗; 阻力; 抗力; 电阻; manifested 清楚表示( manifest的过去式和过去分词 ); 显露; 显现; 使人注意到; respondent 回答者; [法](特指离婚诉讼的)被告; [生]反应,反射; liability 责任; 倾向; 债务; <口>妨碍; legitimate  合法的,合理的; 正规的; 合法婚姻所生的; 真正的,真实的; convince 使相信,说服,使承认; 使明白; 使确信; 使悔悟,使认错 robust  精力充沛的; 坚定的; 粗野的,粗鲁的; 需要体力的; water down 掺水于; 用水把…冲淡; 削弱; 使缓和; interpret  解释; 理解; 诠释,体现; 口译; bare one’s teeth  露出牙齿 citing 引用( cite的现在分词 ); 传唤; 记起; [军事]传(或通)令嘉奖; team up 联手 startup  启动; 新兴公司(尤指新兴网络公司); 新兴公司,新开张的企业; entrant 参加者,新加入的; 参加竞赛者; 新生,新工作者; confrontation对抗; 面对; 遭遇; 对峙; exploit 参加者,新加入的; 参加竞赛者; 新生,新工作者; New European payments regulation has the potential to shake up the banks. 新出台的欧洲支付法规有可能会给银行业带来巨大冲击。 这里不能翻译为削弱,Shake up 一般指带来重大改变。 European rules will open the door to a host of innovative services that analyze transactions. 欧洲法规将给交易分析相关的创新服务带来更多机遇。 这里to open the door是机遇之门的意思,给交易分析相关的创新服务带来更多机遇。 1.to give someone new opportunities (sometimes + for ) 2. (sometimes + to ) Customers need barely ever interact with their bank. 客户几乎都不需要通过银行。 如果这边一定把interact翻成与银行互动,显得死板,意思应为不用通过银行。 European retail banking has been remarkably unscathed by technology-driven disruption. 技术带来的变革对欧洲零售银行业产生的影响微乎其微。 remarkably unscathed几乎毫发无伤 disruption 颠覆 Fintech companies are beginning to mount a challenge, most conspicuously in the online-payments industry in northern Europe. But their reach is more limited elsewhere in Europe. 互联网金融公司已经开始发起挑战,尤其是在北欧线上支付领域。但对欧洲其他地区的影响则要小得多。 mount a challenge 发起挑战,构成威胁 reach,用作名词时候和influence一个意思,用来表达影响的范围 Regulators, however, are about to transform the landscape. 然而,监管部门即将改变这一现状。 andscape原意是风景,景色,地貌,此处也是暗喻的用法,衍生为局面,局势。 Banks’ lockhold on payments serves as a handy source of income. 牢牢把控支付领域使得银行轻而易举就能赚钱。 lock锁住, hold紧握,加在一起lockhold就是牢牢把控的意思 handy 唾手可得 Resistance is manifested as a concern about data protection. Such concerns are legitimate but also, argue fintech supporters, offer a convenient excuse for banks to block competition. 抗拒源自对数据保护的担忧,这是合情合理的。但互联网金融的支持者们认为,这也是银行抵制竞争的绝佳借口。 Yet for all their complaints, customers still trust banks with their money. 尽管客户怨声载道,但他们依然更信任把钱放在银行。 For all 表示尽管,虽然,等于despite.  Eg. For all its clarity of style, the book is not easy to read.  
