Swift how to use Swift and OC library together

How to mixture Swift and OC library use cocoapods

I want to use swift and OC library, So you must use use_frameworks! to make library complie to framework.

source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'

pod 'MagicalRecord', '~> 2.3.2'
pod "AsyncSwift" //swift library

Then Bridging.h, you have to use @import instead of #import, it's make sure Swift can Bridge to OC library.

@import MagicalRecord;
@import Async;

if you have some OC files in project, and you want to use OC library, you alse need @import instead of #import

//some OC file in your project
#import "TYWaveProgressView.h"
#import "TYWaterWaveView.h"
@import Masonry;

Now Swift and OC library will together work fine !

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