每日译文-Twitter takes next step in evolution, drops photos and videos from character limit

Twitter takes next step in evolution, drops photos and videos from character limit


每日译文-Twitter takes next step in evolution, drops photos and videos from character limit_第1张图片

Twitter is making some big changes, at least in the context of 140 characters or less. The social media service said Tuesday that in coming months, photos, videos and other media won’t count toward Twitter’s 140-character limit. That means more wordy tweets are on the way. The change, announced Tuesday, is yet another attempt by the San Francisco company to make its messaging service easier to use and to attract new users.


A few simple changes to make conversations on Twitter easier! And no more removing characters for images or videos!
Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey


Twitter did not, as many had speculated in recent months, abolish its character limit. A person’s Twitter handle, which starts with the “@” symbol, will also not count against character limits. And people will be able to retweet and quote their own tweets. In another change, any new tweet beginning with an “@” name will be seen by all followers. Twitter has tried to keep all users happy, those for and against relaxing character limits, by sticking to the current count while allowing more freedom to express thoughts, or rants, through images and other media. Above all, Twitter Inc. hopes that the changes will reignite user growth.


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