D15/100 How to stop screwing yourself over/ Mel Robbins

The physical force u require to change your behaviour.

Set an alarm 30minutes before the time u get up.

When u become eighteen, nobody tells you that now it is gonna be your job to parent yourself.

5 Seconds rule. write a note

-If u don't marry the idea with your action in five seconds, u pull the emergency brake to kill your idea


1. 任何一个改变都不会让你感觉喜欢/舒服

2. 如何改变?简单,但不容易——force yourself强迫你自己:

-out of your head摆脱旧有思维

-don't care your feeling, to care what you want不要在意你的感受,在意你想要的是什么!

-get outside your comfort zone走出舒适区

3. 五秒钟原则,如果五秒钟内没有把想法付诸行动,你可能就会不去行动,所以请记下来。

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