我国瓷器的发展,无论造型和装饰,可谓是世界之最。尤其是清代瓷器珍品,时至雍正时期,虽为时短暂,但经济发展,社会安定,政府财力雄厚,国内外市场活跃,制瓷工艺突飞猛进,在继承康熙朝制瓷工艺的基础上,又有了许多创新、变化 和提高,不仅品种多、题材广泛、造型多样,而且原料的选择和加工也比以前更讲究。青花瓷在雍正时期尽管不是官窑的主流产品,但其质量之精美,花色品种之丰富,艺术水准之高超,都是清代其他各朝所无法比拟的。
The development of China's porcelain, regardless of the shape and decoration, can be said to be the world's most. , especially in the qing dynasty porcelain treasures, yongzheng period is too short, but the economic development, social stability, the government financially strong, active at home and abroad market, porcelain making technology by leaps and bounds, on the basis of inheriting kangxi dynasty porcelain making technology, and have a lot of innovation, change and improve, not only many varieties, wide-ranging, modelling diversity, and the choice of raw materials and processing is more exquisite than ever before. Although blue and white porcelain was not the mainstream product of the imperial kilns during the yongzheng period, its exquisite quality, rich varieties and superb artistic level were incomparable to other dynasties in the qing dynasty.
Yongzheng period for the production of porcelain more small, less large, modeling meaningful xiuer ya, small and exquisite. There are mainly bowl, plate, cup, dish, etc., the overall proportion of coordination. Large uniform shape, porcelain thin. There are orange peel glaze, glaze varieties, such as kiln red glaze, furnace jun glaze. Yongzheng blue flower hair color is cyan white or powdery white, cyan administrative levels is less than period of kang xi period, be in commonly 2 to 3 kinds of color depth change. Colour porcelain is tonal and downy, among them the design such as the character on colour of powdery enamel, multicoloured, enamel, scene is compared before the dynasty shrinks many, integral picture gathers together systole.
Collect a bound to be opposite it may be said yongzheng porcelain is to regard as treasure, since 1997 begin, as clear 3 acting as porcelain to occupy the mainstream position of porcelain auction market gradually, yongzheng porcelain is in hand in porcelain of kang xi, qianlong in New York, London, Hong Kong and outback market limelight, social status year by year bullish. According to incomplete statistic, the auction market that comes up to now from 2000, clinch a deal the yongzheng porcelain with the price above 10 million yuan has 25 much. It can be seen that the value of its yongzheng porcelain.
精 品 推 荐
深圳万世艺术征集到清朝出土的藏品,经万世艺术资深专家边复初老师鉴定为【清雍正 黄地花卉开光人物故事盘口尊】此藏品高:43.5cm,口径:28.4cm,口外撇,圈足,束颈,满器施黄地釉,沿口以海水波浪纹为装饰,瓶颈部绘制五彩花卉纹,瓶中央描绘开光人物故事纹,人物着装不相同,衣衫色彩华丽浓艳,纹饰绘画细腻流畅,怡然自得的神态淋漓尽致地刻画了出来,瓶底书“雍正年制”四字,此藏品图案富丽华贵,构图繁密,层次清晰,充分体现了雍正时期瓷器制作工艺的最高成就,加之整器造型典雅,色彩艳丽,保存完好,是一件不可多得的传世佳品!
Shenzhen wanshi art collected the collection unearthed in the qing dynasty, which was appraised as "qing yongzheng huangdi flower blooming figure story pan kou zun" by bian fuchu, a senior expert of wanshi art. The collection is 43.5cm in height and diameter: 28.4 cm, outlets, ring foot, neck, full device glaze, huang shi along the mouth with water wave grain is adornment, the bottleneck of draw colorful flowers, a bottle of central depiction medallion character story lines, dress is not the same, dressed in colorful, more exquisite and smooth, decorative painting expression incisively and vividly depict the pick, bottle book "yongzheng year" four words, richly showily the collection design, the composition is incredibly, the level is clear, fully embodies the highest achievement of yongzheng period porcelain production process, and the whole device modelling elegant, colour is gorgeous, intact, is a rare handed down from ancient times to taste!
Yellow blue and white because of the implication of yellow noble stately, yellow and blue two colors and each other, since the beginning of the burn is heavy for the court, and has been continued to burn until the end of the Ming dynasty. To the qing dynasty, especially the yongzheng emperor more in the copy of the ancient aspect of the tree quite abundant, nature is quite cherished, there are more firing. But the inspection spreads up to now the yong kiln yellow ground blue and white ware, with each kind of dish kind most sees, chisels stand piece is very rare.
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【中国陶瓷】:历代陶瓷精品,元、明、清官窑为主,宋瓷为佳; 彩瓷,素瓷,青花瓷等;