2019-11-26 Hazelcast Map配置文档


  #  配置元素的名称是“map”。 它具有可选的属性“name”,可用于指定map名称。 其默认值为“default”。
  #   Configuration element's name is "map". It has the optional attribute "name" with which you
  #   can specify the name of your map. Its default value is "default".
  # It has the following sub-elements:

  # * "in-memory-format":

  # Specifies in which format data will be stored in your map. Available values are as follows:
  # - BINARY:
  #     Data will be stored in serialized binary format. It is the default option.
  #     数据将以序列化二进制格式存储。 这是默认选项。
  # - OBJECT:
  #     Data will be stored in deserialized form.
  # - NATIVE:
  #     Data will be stored in the map that uses Hazelcast's High-Density Memory Store feature. This
  #     option is available only in Hazelcast Enterprise HD.
  # * "statistics-enabled":

  #     启用它后,您可以检索地图条目统计信息,例如创建时间,到期时间,命中次数,键,值等。其默认值为true。
  #     When you enable it, you can retrieve map entry statistics such as creation time, expiration time,
  #     number of hits, key, value, etc. Its default value is true.

  # * "optimize-queries":

  #   从Hazelcast 3.6开始不推荐使用。 请改用“ cache-deserialized-values”元素。
  #   当同时使用“优化查询”和“反序列化缓存的值”时,Hazelcast将尽力检测可能的冲突。
  #   冲突检测是在尽力而为的基础上进行的,您不应依赖它。 如果为true,则会提高map中查询过程的速度。
  #   它仅在“内存格式”设置为BINARY并对查询的条目执行预缓存时才有效。   其默认值为false。
  #   It is deprecated as of Hazelcast 3.6. Use the "cache-deserialized-values" element instead. When
  #   "optimize-queries" and "cache-deserialized-values" are used at the same time, Hazelcast will do its
  #   best to detect possible conflicts. Conflict detection is done on best-effort basis and you should not
  #   rely on it. If true, it increases the speed of query processes in the map. It only works when
  #   "in-memory-format" is set to BINARY and performs a pre-caching on the entries queried. Its default
  #   value is false.

  # * "metadata-policy"

  # 此map的元数据策略。 Hazelcast可能会提前处理受支持类型的对象,以创建有关它们的其他元数据。
  # 然后,可以使用此元数据使查询和索引编制更快。 创建元数据可能会降低放置吞吐量。
  # Metadata policy for this map. Hazelcast may process objects of supported types ahead of time to
  # create additional metadata about them. This metadata then is used to make querying and indexing faster.
  # Metadata creation may decrease put throughput.
  # Valid values are:

  # CREATE_ON_UPDATE (default): Objects of supported types are pre-processed when they are created and updated.
  # OFF: No metadata is created.

  # * "cache-deserialized-values":

  # 控制反序列化值的缓存。 缓存可以使查询评估更快,但是会消耗内存。可用的值如下:
  # Controls caching of deserialized values. Caching makes the query evaluation faster, but it costs memory.
  # Available values are as follows:
  # - NEVER: Deserialized values will never be cached.反序列化的值将永远不会被缓存。
  # - INDEX-ONLY: Deserialized values will be cached only when they are inserted into an index.反序列化的值仅在将其插入索引时才被缓存。
  # - ALWAYS: Deserialized values will always be cached.反序列化的值将始终被缓存。

  # * "backup-count":
  #     同步备份的计数。
  #     当此计数为1时,映射条目将在群集的另一个节点上进行备份。
  #     如果将其设置为2,则映射条目将在其他两个节点上具有其备份。
  #     如果您不希望备份您的条目,可以将其设置为0。 备份计数的最大值为6。默认值为1。
  #     Count of synchronous backups. When this count is 1, a map entry will have its backup on one other node in
  #     the cluster. If you set it to 2, then a map entry will have its backup on two other nodes. You can set it
  #     to 0 if you do not want your entries to be backed up. The maximum value for the backup count is 6.
  #     Its default value is 1.

  # * "async-backup-count":

  # 异步备份数。 与同步备份过程不同,异步备份过程不会阻止映射操作。 它的默认值为0,表示将没有异步备份。
  # Number of asynchronous backups. Unlike the synchronous backup process, asynchronous backup process does not
  # block the map operations. Its default value is 0, meaning there will be no asynchronous backups.

  # * "time-to-live-seconds":
  # 每个条目停留在map上的最长时间(以秒为单位)。
  #    如果它不为0,则将自动逐出早于该时间且当前未更新的条目。
  #    有效值是0到Integer.MAX VALUE之间的整数。
  #    其默认值为0,表示无穷大。 如果它不为0,则不管设置的驱逐策略如何,都将逐出条目。
  # Maximum time in seconds for each entry to stay in the map. If it is not 0, entries that are older than
  # this time and not updated for this time are evicted automatically. Valid values are integers between 0 and
  # Integer.MAX VALUE. Its default value is 0, which means infinite. If it is not 0, entries are evicted regardless
  # of the set eviction-policy.

  # * "max-idle-seconds":

  # 每个条目在地图上保持空闲状态的最长时间(以秒为单位)。 空闲时间超过此时间的条目将被自动逐出。
  # 如果没有调用get,put,EntryProcessor.process或containsKey,则该条目是空闲的。
  # 有效值是0到Integer.MAX VALUE之间的整数。 其默认值为0,表示无穷大。
  # Maximum time in seconds for each entry to stay idle in the map.
  # Entries that are idle for more than this time are evicted automatically.
  # An entry is idle if no get, put, EntryProcessor.process or
  # containsKey is called.
  # Valid values are integers between 0 and Integer.MAX VALUE. Its default value
  # is 0, which means infinite.

  # * "eviction-policy":
  # Eviction policy configuration. Its default values is NONE. Available values are as follows:
  # - NONE:
  #     No items will be evicted and the property max-size will be ignored. You still
  #     can combine it with time-to-live-seconds and max-idle-seconds.
  # - LRU:  Least Recently Used.   最少最近使用
  # - LFU:  Least Frequently Used. 最不常使用

  # * "map-eviction-policy-class-name":

  # Internal eviction algorithm finds the most appropriate entry to evict from the map by using this policy.
  # 内部驱逐算法通过使用此策略找到最适合从map上驱逐的条目。

  # * "max-size":
  # map的最大大小取决于其“ policy”属性指定的给定策略。
  # 当达到最大大小时,将根据定义的策略将地图逐出。 有效值是0到Integer.MAX VALUE之间的整数。 其默认值为0,默认策略属性为“ PER_NODE”。
  # 如果要使最大尺寸有效,请将“ eviction-policy”设置为NONE以外的值。
  # 可用的最大大小策略如下:
  # Maximum size of the map depending on the given policy specified by its "policy" attribute. When maximum
  # size is reached, the map is evicted based on the policy defined. Valid values are integers between 0 and
  # Integer.MAX VALUE. Its default value is 0 and its default policy attribute is "PER_NODE". If you want
  # max-size to work, set the "eviction-policy" to a value other than NONE. Available max-size policies are
  # as follows:
  # - PER_NODE:
  #     Maximum number of map entries in each cluster member. You cannot set the max-size to a value lower
  #     than the partition count (which is 271 by default).
  #     Maximum number of map entries within each partition.
  #     Maximum used heap size in megabytes per map for each Hazelcast instance. It does not work when
  #     "in-memory-format" is set to OBJECT.
  #     Maximum used heap size percentage per map for each Hazelcast instance. If, for example, JVM is
  #     configured to have 1000 MB and this value is 10, then the map entries will be evicted when used heap size
  #     exceeds 100 MB. It does not work when "in-memory-format" is set to OBJECT.
  #     Minimum free heap size in megabytes for each Hazelcast instance.
  #     Minimum free heap size percentage for each Hazelcast instance. If, for example, JVM is configured to
  #     have 1000 MB and this value is 10, then the map entries will be evicted when free heap size is below 100 MB.
  #     Maximum used native memory size in megabytes per map for each Hazelcast instance. It is available only in
  #     Hazelcast Enterprise HD.
  #     Maximum used native memory size percentage per map for each Hazelcast instance. It is available only in
  #     Hazelcast Enterprise HD.
  #     Minimum free native memory size in megabytes for each Hazelcast instance. It is available only in
  #     Hazelcast Enterprise HD.
  #     Minimum free native memory size percentage for each Hazelcast instance. It is available only in
  #     Hazelcast Enterprise HD.

  # * "eviction-percentage":
  # When "max-size" is reached, the specified percentage of the map will be evicted. For example,
  # if set to 25,
  # 25% of the entries will be evicted. Valid values are integers between 0 and 100. Its default value is 25.

  # * "min-eviction-check-millis":
  # Specifies the frequency of the eviction process, i.e. minimum time in milliseconds which should elapse before
  # checking whether a partition of the map is evictable or not. Its default value is 100. Setting it to 0 (zero)
  # makes the eviction process run for every put operation.

  # * "merge-policy":
  # Policy that specifies how the map entries in the small cluster will merge with the bigger cluster after a
  # split-brain syndrome. Its default values is "com.hazelcast.map.merge.PutIfAbsentMapMergePolicy". Available
  # built-in policies are as follows:
  # - com.hazelcast.map.merge.PassThroughMergePolicy:
  #     Entry will be added if there is no existing entry for the key.
  # - com.hazelcast.map.merge.PutIfAbsentMapMergePolicy:
  #     Entry will be added if the merging entry does not exist in the cluster.
  # - com.hazelcast.map.merge.HigherHitsMapMergePolicy:
  #     Entry with the higher number of hits wins.
  # - com.hazelcast.map.merge.LatestUpdateMapMergePolicy:
  #     Entry with the latest update wins.

  # * "read-backup-data":

  # Used to enable reading from local backup map entries. Its default value is false. It can be used if there is
  # at least 1 sync or async backup.

  # * "hot-restart":

  # Used to enable Hazelcast's Hot Restart Persistence feature for the map. It is available only in Hazelcast
  # Enterprise HD. Set its "enabled" to true to enable the feature. By default, it is disabled. It has the following
  # sub-element.

  # - "fsync":
  #     Set to true if the writing to disk should be followed by an fsync() system call. Its default value is false.

  # * "map-store":

  # 要从/向诸如关系数据库之类的持久数据存储中加载/存储地图条目时的配置选项。
  # 在配置“地图存储”之前,您需要实现Hazelcast的MapStore或MapLoader接口。
  # Configuration options when you want to load/store the map entries from/to a persistent data store such as a
  # relational database. Before configuring "map-store", you need to implement Hazelcast's MapStore or MapLoader
  # interfaces.

  # It has the following attributes:
  # - enabled:
  #     设置为true以启用map的存储功能。 其默认值为true。
  #     Set to true to enable the map store functionality for your map. Its default value is true.
  # - initial-mode:
  #     设置初始条目加载模式。 可用值如下
  #     Sets the initial entry loading mode. Available values are as follows:

  #      - LAZY: The loading is asynchronous. It is the default mode. 加载是异步的。 这是默认模式。
  #      - EAGER: The loading is blocked until all partitions are loaded. 在所有分区加载完之前堵塞
  # It has the following sub-elements:
  # - "class-name":
  #     The name of your class implementing MapLoader and/or MapStore interface.
  # - "write-delay-seconds":
  #     延迟条目存储的秒数。 如果该值为0,则为直写。 否则,它将稍后才被写入,更新将在此时间后存储。 默认值为0。
  #     Number of seconds to delay the storing of entries. If the value is 0, then it is write-through.
  #     Otherwise, it is write-behind so updates will be stored after this period. Its default value is 0.
  # - "write-batch-size":
  #     Used to create batches when writing to map store. In default mode, all map entries will try
  #     to be written in one go. To create batches, the minimum meaningful value is 2. For values smaller than 2,
  #     it works as in default mode. Its default value is 1.
  # - "write-coalescing":
  #     It is meaningful if you are using write behind in MapStore. When it is set to true,
  #     only the latest store operation on a key during the write-delay-seconds will be
  #     reflected to MapStore. Its default value is true.
  # - "properties":
  #     While you are implementing MapStore or MapLoader you can define specific properties to be configured.
  #     It can be your store's URL, credentials, etc. Please see the example map configuration snippet below.
  # * "near-cache":
  # Configuration options when you want to use a Near Cache for your map.
  # It has the following attributes:
  # - name: You can give a name for your Near Cache. It is optional and its default value is "default".
  # It has the following sub-elements:
  #     - "max-size":
  #         Maximum size of the Near Cache. When this is reached, Near Cache is evicted based on the policy defined.
  #         Any integer between 0 and Integer.MAX_VALUE. 0 means Integer.MAX_VALUE. Its default value is 0.
  #     - "time-to-live-seconds":
  #         Maximum number of seconds for each entry to stay in the Near Cache. Entries that are older than this
  #         period are automatically evicted from the Near Cache. Any integer between 0 and Integer.MAX_VALUE.
  #         0 means infinite. Its default value is 0.
  #     - "max-idle-seconds":
  #         Maximum number of seconds each entry can stay in the Near Cache as untouched (not read). Entries that
  #         are not read more than this period are removed from the Near Cache. Any integer between 0 and
  #         Integer.MAX_VALUE. 0 means Integer.MAX_VALUE. Its default value is 0.
  #     - "eviction-policy":
  #         驱逐策略配置。 其默认值为NONE。 可用值如下:
  #         Eviction policy configuration. Its default values is NONE. Available values are as follows:
  #     - NONE:
  #         没有项目将被逐出,并且属性max-size将被忽略。 您仍然可以将其与生存时间和最大空闲时间相结合。
  #         No items will be evicted and the property max-size will be ignored. You still
  #         can combine it with time-to-live-seconds and max-idle-seconds.
  #     - LRU:  Least Recently Used.   最近最少使用。
  #     - LFU:  Least Frequently Used. 最少使用
  #     - "invalidate-on-change":
  #         指定在更新或删除条目时是否驱逐缓存的条目。 其默认值为true。
  #         Specifies whether the cached entries are evicted when the entries are updated or removed. Its default
  #         value is true.
  #     - "in-memory-format":
  #     指定数据将以哪种格式存储在您的Near Cache中。 请注意,map的内存格式可以与其“Near Cache”格式不同。
  #     Specifies in which format data will be stored in your Near Cache. Note that a map's in-memory format
  #     can be different from that of its Near Cache.
  #     Available values are as follows:
  #     - BINARY:
  #         数据将以序列化二进制格式存储。 这是默认选项。
  #         Data will be stored in serialized binary format. It is the default option.
  #     - OBJECT:
  #         数据将以反序列化形式存储。
  #         Data will be stored in deserialized form.

  #     - NATIVE:
  #         数据将存储在使用Hazelcast的高密度内存存储功能的近缓存中。
  #         此选项仅在Hazelcast Enterprise HD中可用。
  #         请注意,map及其Near Cache可以独立使用高密度内存存储。
  #         例如,虽然您的map不使用高密度内存存储,但其Near Cache可以使用。
  #         Data will be stored in the Near Cache that uses Hazelcast's High-Density Memory Store feature.
  #         This option is available only in Hazelcast Enterprise HD. Note that a map and its Near Cache
  #         can independently use High-Density Memory Store. For example, while your map does not use
  #         High-Density Memory Store, its Near Cache can use it.

  #     - "cache-local-entries":
  #         指定是否缓存本地条目。 当Near Cache的内存中格式不同于map的内存格式时,此功能很有用。 默认情况下,它是禁用的。
  #         Specifies whether the local entries will be cached. It can be useful when in-memory format for
  #         Near Cache is different from that of the map. By default, it is disabled.
  #     - "eviction":
  #         #当Near Cache的内存中格式为NATIVE时逐出的配置。 它具有以下属性:
  #         Configuration for the eviction when the in-memory format of the Near Cache is NATIVE. It has the
  #         following attributes:
  #         - size: Maximum size (entry count) of the Near Cache.
  #         - max-size-policy: Maximum size policy for eviction of the Near Cache. Available values are as follows:
  #             * ENTRY_COUNT: Maximum entry count per member. 每个成员的最大条目数
  #              * USED_NATIVE_MEMORY_SIZE: Maximum used native memory size in megabytes.最大已使用本机内存大小(以兆字节为单位)。
  #              * USED_NATIVE_MEMORY_PERCENTAGE: Maximum used native memory percentage.最大已用本机内存百分比。
  #              * FREE_NATIVE_MEMORY_SIZE: Minimum free native memory size to trigger cleanup.最小可用本机内存大小以触发清理。
  #              * FREE_NATIVE_MEMORY_PERCENTAGE: Minimum free native memory percentage to trigger cleanup.触发清除的最小可用本机内存百分比。
  #         - eviction-policy: See the "eviction-policy" element above.
  #         - comparator-class-name: The comparator to be used while comparing entries to be evicted.
  # * "wan-replication-ref":
  #     Configuration of the WAN replication for your map.
  #     It has the following attributes:
  #     - name:
  #         Name of the WAN replication configuration specified in the "name" attribute of the
  #         "wan-replication" element. See the "wan-replication" element above.
  #     It has the following sub-elements:
  #     - "filters":
  #         Filters to intercept WAN replication events before they are placed to WAN event replication
  #         queues by providing a filtering API. Just implement Hazelcast's MapWanEventFilter interface
  #         to create your filters. You can define multiple filters and add to the configuration using the
  #         "filter" sub-elements within the "filters" element.
  #     - "republishing-enabled":
  #         When enabled, an incoming event to a member is forwarded to target cluster of that member. Its
  #         default value is true.
  #      - "merge-policy":
  #         Resolve conflicts that occurred when target cluster already has the replicated
  #         entry key.
  #         4 merge policy implementations for IMap and 2 merge policy implementations for
  #         ICache are provided out-of-the-box.
  #         IMap has the following merge policies:
  #         com.hazelcast.map.merge.PutIfAbsentMapMergePolicy: Incoming entry merges from the
  #         source map to the target map if it does not exist in the target map.
  #         com.hazelcast.map.merge.HigherHitsMapMergePolicy: Incoming entry merges from the
  #         source map to the target map if the source entry has more hits than the target one.
  #         com.hazelcast.map.merge.PassThroughMergePolicy: Incoming entry merges from the
  #         source map to the target map unless the incoming entry is not null.
  #         com.hazelcast.map.merge.LatestUpdateMapMergePolicy: Incoming entry merges from the
  #         source map to the target map if the source entry has been updated more recently
  #         than the target entry. Please note that this merge policy can only be used when the
  #         clusters' clocks are in sync.
  #         ICache has the following merge policies:
  #         com.hazelcast.cache.merge.HigherHitsCacheMergePolicy: Incoming entry merges from
  #         the source cache to the target cache if the source entry has more hits than the
  #         target one.
  #         com.hazelcast.cache.merge.PassThroughCacheMergePolicy: Incoming entry merges from
  #         the source cache to the target cache unless the incoming entry is not null.

  # * "indexes":
  # 您可以使用此元素的“索引”子元素为地图定义索引。
  # 每个“索引”仅具有布尔“有序”属性。
  # 例如,如果您要对地图项的字段进行范围查询,则应将此属性设置为true。
  # 但是,如果该字段具有布尔值,则应将其设置为false。 其默认值为false。
  # You can define indexes for your map using this element's "index" sub-elements.
  # Each "index" has only the boolean "ordered" attribute.
  # For example, if you will have a ranged query for a field of a map entry,
  # then this attribute should be set to true.
  # But if the field has a boolean value, then it should be set to false.
  # Its default value is false.

  # * "attributes":
  # 您可以使用此元素的“属性”子元素定义在谓词,查询和索引中引用的属性。
  # 每个“属性”只有一个“提取器”属性,您应该通过实现Hazelcast的ValueExtractor类预先定义该属性。
  # You can define attributes that may be referenced in predicates, queries and indexes using this element's
  # "attribute" sub-elements. Each "attribute" has only the "extractor" attribute which you should define beforehand
  # by implementing Hazelcast's ValueExtractor class.

  # * "entry-listeners":
  #     使用“ entry-listener”子元素添加地图条目的侦听器(侦听器类)。
  #     如果希望输入事件包含项目值,还可以将其属性“ include-value”设置为true,
  #     如果要侦听本地成员的条目,则可以将其属性“ local”设置为true。
  #     Adds listeners (listener classes) for the map entries using the "entry-listener" sub-elements. You can also set its
  #     attribute "include-value" to true if you want the entry event to contain the item values, and you can set its attribute
  #     "local" to true if you want to listen to the entries on the local member.

  # * "partition-lost-listeners":
  #     添加通过实现Hazelcast的PartitionLostListener接口创建的分区丢失的侦听器。
  #     Adds the partition lost listeners that you created by implementing Hazelcast's PartitionLostListener interface.

  # * "quorum-ref":
  # 添加使用“ quorum”元素配置的此map的quorum。 您应该将“ quorum-ref”的值设置为“ quorum”的名称。
  # Adds the quorum for this map which you configure using the "quorum" element. You should set the "quorum-ref"'s value
  # as the "quorum"'s name.
      in-memory-format: BINARY
      metadata-policy: CREATE_ON_UPDATE
      statistics-enabled: true
      optimize-queries: true
      cache-deserialized-values: ALWAYS
      backup-count: 1
      async-backup-count: 0
      time-to-live-seconds: 0
      max-idle-seconds: 0
      eviction-policy: NONE
        policy: PER_NODE
        max-size: 0
      eviction-percentage: 25
      min-eviction-check-millis: 100
        batch-size: 100
        class-name: PutIfAbsentMergePolicy
      read-backup-data: false
        enabled: false
        fsync: false
        enabled: true
        initial-mode: LAZY
        class-name: com.hazelcast.examples.DummyStore
        write-delay-seconds: 60
        write-batch-size: 1000
        write-coalescing: true
          jdbc_url: my.jdbc.com
        max-size: 5000
        time-to-live-seconds: 0
        max-idle-seconds: 60
        eviction-policy: LRU
        invalidate-on-change: true
        in-memory-format: BINARY
        cache-local-entries: false
          size: 1000
          max-size-policy: ENTRY_COUNT
          eviction-policy: LFU
          merge-policy: com.hazelcast.map.merge.PassThroughMergePolicy
            - com.example.SampleFilter
            - com.example.SampleFilter2
          republishing-enabled: false
          ordered: false
          ordered: true
          extractor: com.bank.CurrencyExtractor
        - class-name: com.your-package.MyEntryListener
          include-value: false
          local: false
        - com.your-package.YourPartitionLostListener
      quorum-ref: quorumRuleWithThreeNodes

你可能感兴趣的:(2019-11-26 Hazelcast Map配置文档)