2018-01-01 解决问题:www.hxxhxx.xxx 不解析问题


hxxhxx.clxx   ok

但是www. hxxhxx.clxx   就 failed


先找nameccheap   liveperson 聊, --问题不在他们那里--feedback ,我填写的setting 都对!!

建议我去 找 host providr 了解情况

--ok ,我去找 vultr ,插入个小问题 ,他家网页上 一开始找不多 客服的按钮

google 搜 

vultr contact

找到 ,ok 写信!!

my vultr IP is bla ,bla

vultr ID is "blabla

today ,I try to use my namecheap's DNS --???" to bind my above ip,

the ???.club is working ,but the "www.???" failed

I talked to namecheapt's customer service first with feedback all setting in their side are done correctly and  all my other DNS which begining with www. ???.com all worked well.

-- the namecheap suggest me to ask Vultr for the check of "whether conresponding is created from host side for theWWW.???

So could you help me to check the problem.

answer as below:

Ticket TMD-52KBN has been updated by Jeff Benfer [staff].


www.???.club resolves to a different IP than ???.club does.

你可能感兴趣的:(2018-01-01 解决问题:www.hxxhxx.xxx 不解析问题)