请让我用最好的方式表达我对你的爱Expressing my love to you in the best way

今天读完了查普曼博士(Dr.Gary Chapman)写的《爱的五种语言》Five Love Languages. For the first time, I have realized that a book can be so practical and a writer can be so powerful and helpful. First I'd like to highlight these five love languages: 

No. 1: Words of Affirmation. 肯定的言辞. If coincidently our dearest ones hear some words of affirmation and they show great happiness and ecstasy, we can almost  confirm that their love language is words of affirmation. We should frequently ask ourselves, have we say some words of affirmation to our dearest ones, our children and our friends? Observe, listen, never be hesitate to praise the dearest ones. 

No. 2: Quality time. 精心的时刻:同在一起,彼此注意力的焦点有关。精心时刻之意义,并非指我们必须用所有共处的时间 ,凝视着对方;而应该是说,两人 同心一起做些什么,并且给予对方全部的注意力。  去说.

No. 3: Gifts giving 送礼物.

No. 4. Acts of service (devotion)服务的行动。去做。爱箱常满

No. 5. 身体的接触。Physical touch

每个人都会用他认为的爱的语言去表达自己的爱,同时每个人的爱又是不同的,所以就造成了,结婚后两个人分别说“他不爱我”, “她不爱我”的局面。每个人都是从自己的角度出发去理解爱,表达爱,不会从对方的角度去阅读对方心中的爱的语言。非常实用的一本书,我想每个人都可以从自己的实际出发,发掘对方的爱的语言,使其变成自己的爱的语言的一份子,从而用最好,最适当的方式去表达对对方的爱。

你可能感兴趣的:(请让我用最好的方式表达我对你的爱Expressing my love to you in the best way)