
11 月 6 日,我国最大的网约车企滴滴宣布,将于 11 月 20 日起,陆续在哈尔滨、太原、石家庄、常州、沈阳、北京、南通 7 个城市上线顺风车试运营。此消息一出,就引发公众热议,尤其是其中限制女性乘客使用时间的规定,引起了大家的质疑。即将回归 7 个城市的滴滴顺风车,能否让乘客安心出行?为什么滴滴对女性用户设定这条“限时条款”呢?

如何理解 ride-hailing 这个词?

China's top ride-hailing company introduced a 'curfew' for women after riders were killed. It's being forced to backtrack


Didi Chuxing earlier this week announced it would resume its controversial carpooling service, Hitch, for the first time since taking it offline last year following the killings of two female passengers. In a bid to improve passenger safety, it said it would only let women book rides until 8:00 p.m., while men could use the platform until 11:00 p.m.

滴滴出行在本周早些时候宣布,它将重新上线备受争议的拼车服务——顺风车,去年两名女乘客遇害后该服务曾被下线,此次上线是滴滴恢复顺风车业务的首次尝试。为了更好地保障乘客的安全,该公司表示,平台将只允许女性在晚上 8 点前预约车辆,而男性直到晚上 11 点前都可以使用这个平台。

Following a huge backlash on Chinese social media, the company has backpedaled fast. Didi said on Friday that the earlier cutoff would now apply to all customers regardless of gender.


As of Friday morning, the hashtag "#WomenCan'tTakeDidiAfter8PM" was trending on Chinese social network Weibo, generating over a thousand posts on the Twitter-like service.


"Crazy," one user wrote. "That's total discrimination, and it says this is for the sake of females' safety." "Men committed crimes, but they put a curfew on women instead of on men," said another user.


The company spokesperson said Friday that its 8:00 p.m. cutoff for women was because its data showed that "sex-related complaints, predominantly from women users" are 45% higher between then and 11:00 p.m.

该公司的发言人在周五表示,限制女性在晚上 8 点之后出行,是因为有数据显示,从晚上 8 点到晚上 11 点,“主要来自女性用户的涉性类投诉”比 8 点之前(5:00-20:00)多出 45%。

Feng Lai, a professor of public relations at Shanghai Normal University, said Didi probably had good intentions but should have anticipated the public outcry.


"Please bear with us as we continue to explore different ways of making your rides safer," the spokesperson said. "User safety is our number one priority and we will closely monitor the Hitch service during this trial period and beyond."




n. 打车;叫车

相关词汇:hail(v. 招呼;呼喊;称颂;万岁)

口语表达:Hail Hydra!


n. 宵禁,戒严

英文释义:to cover fire


v. 收回说法;改变意见;原路返回

相关词汇:track(n. 小道;路径)



例句:She resumed her career after giving birth.


n. 拼车

相关词汇:pool(n. 游泳池)

词性拓展:pool(v. 聚集;共享)

近义词:car-sharing, ride-sharing

相关词汇:tailored taxi service

相关词汇:tailor(n. 裁缝)

相关词汇:tailored(adj. 量身定制的)

相关词汇:fast ride

in a bid to


相关词汇:bid(n. 投标;出价;努力争取)

例句:Our firm won the bid.

搭配短语:make a bid for power


n. 强烈反响;强烈反对

相关词汇:lash(n. 鞭打)

搭配短语:a backlash against sth.


v. 改变立场;撤回

相关词汇:pedal(n. 踏板)

词性拓展:pedal(v. 骑自行车;用脚蹬)

例句:I pedalled as fast as I could, as if I were escaping, from longing, from innocence, from her.


n. 截止点;界限

相关词汇:cut off(切掉;中断)



词性拓展:trend(n. 趋势)

搭配短语:an upward trend; a downward trend

英文释义:to be one of the words, subjects, or names that is being mentioned most, often on a social media website or a news website at a particular time

for the sake of


相关词汇:sake(n. 目的)


例句:Don't get married just for the sake of it.

搭配短语:art for art's sake

近义词:for the purpose of


adv. 占绝大多数地;显著地

相关词汇:dominant(adj. 支配的;占首要的)

例句:The firm has achieved a dominant position in the market.


n. 强烈抗议或反对


n. 优先考虑的事

相关词汇:prior(adj. 优先的;居先的)

搭配短语:take priority over sth.

例句:User safety takes priority over any other matter.

trial period


相关词汇:trial(n. 试用;试验)

相关词汇:try(v. 尝试;试用)

搭配短语:to use it free on trial for 10 days

例句:She agreed to employ me for a trial period.
