Sara 《听老友记学地道美语》课程 9 & 10 出自 S01E01 搜狐未删减版 24:30 (Rachel 剪信用卡, Monica 说了经典台词「Welcome to the real world! It sucks. You're gonna love it!」)

  • Monica: All right, you ready?
  • Rachel: No. No, no, I'm not ready! How can I be ready? "Hey, Rach! You ready to jump out the airplane without a parachute?" Come on, I can't do this!
  • Monica: You can, I know you can!
  • Rachel: I don't think so.
  • Ross: Come on, you made coffee! You can do anything!
    Chandler slowly tries to hide the now dead plant from that morning when he and Joey poured their coffee into it.
  • Ross: Cut. Cut...
  • All: Cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut... (She cuts one of them and they cheer.)
  • Rachel: You know what? I think we can just leave it at that. It's kinda like a symbolic gesture...
  • Monica: Rachel! That was a library card!
  • All: Cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut..
  • Chandler (as Rachel is cutting up her cards): You know, if you listen very closely, you can hear a thousand retailers scream.
    She finishes cutting them up and they all cheer.
  • Monica: Welcome to the real world! It sucks. You're gonna love it!


  • 「Are you ready?」的 are 在口语中常常省略,同样的用法还出现在:
    • S01E23 Ross: Ben, you ready? //17:00 Ross 和 Phoebe 被关在医院储藏室里, 急着出去见证 Ross 的儿子 Ben 的诞生. 然后 Phoebe 说自己穿的衣服刚好是医院员工 Ben 的, 所以 Ross 就准备把她抬上去开通风口.
    • S02E10 Rachel: Russ, you ready? //15:15 Rachel 叫上山寨 Ross 出去约会.
  • 「you made coffee! You can do anything!」Ross 这里说的就是 3/4 课说过的 Rachel 第一次冲咖啡之后说的话.
  • 「leave it at that」, 把某事某物留在这个阶段,留在这里 (就好了, 不用再继续了/到这儿就行了, 此事到此为止). 比如可以在这些情况下用:
    • 英语口语老师 Sara 的一个学生学了一个月, 从来没有开口练习过口语, 一次听力也没有做, 全是在眼睛学. 可以说: (剩下的事情我都不想跟你讲了,)「I just leave it at that.」
    • 一个学生和 Sara 老师辩论「不张嘴能不能学好口语」, Sara 认为不张嘴根本不知道自己的发音是什么样子的, 而且学口语不光是张嘴, 还要录下来跟原声进行比较才可以. 但学生还是坚持己见, 所以 Sara 老师就说「Can we just leave it at that?」
  • 「kinda」= a little
  • 「symbolic」象征, 「gesture」姿态 (姿势和态度), 意为 do something to show how you feel or your attitude, 也就是一个 gesture 有 symbolic 的含义, 剧中这里是指 Rachel 剪这一张信用卡的象征性动作 (言下之意

就是自己以后不会再乱花钱了), 同样的用法可用在:

  • S10E07 Ross: I've gotta say you guys, that's-that's an incredible gesture! //Phoebe 和未婚夫 Mike 打算把婚礼的开销省下来捐给穷困的小孩子, 所以 Ross 觉得他们两个太高姿态了.
  • Y'know she smile me of a sec. It must be symbolic gesture (of welcome/friendly/love)!
  • No, It's just a symbolic gesture. It shows that she's not happy about the fact that you don't do your homework.
  • 「listen closely」 close 作为形容词时表示「近的」, 作为副词仍然表示「近的」, 而加了 ly 之后的 closely 表示仔细地/认真地
  • 「scream」尖叫
    • 「shout」声音很大的那种喊, 善意恶意都可以, 比如街上看到熟人, 可以用于欢迎或者打招呼
    • 「scream」更强调声音尖 (是三个词里声音最大的最高的), 一般是由于惊吓/担惊受怕才发出 scream, 有时也用于比如收到生日礼物时兴奋地大叫等情况
    • 「yell」声音虽然不尖, 但常常都伴随着不高兴, 所以男女吵架可以用 yell: Don't yell at me!
  • 「real wolrd」这个词组的背景很复杂:
    • Rachel 家庭条件非常优越, 她爸爸给她买游艇买马, 而且表示「只要你回家, 就给你买奔驰敞篷车」.
    • Rachel 本来嫁人就是想离开父母之后能继续过衣食无忧的生活.
    • 卡剪掉之后, 信用卡公司甚至专门来关心一下她是不是出什么事情了, 可见平时消费有多厉害. 出自 S01E04:
      • Monica(on phone) Could you please tell me what this is in reference to (Listens) Yes, hold on. (To Rachel) Um, they say there's been some unusual activity on your account.
      • RachelBut I haven't used my card in weeks!
      • MonicaThat is the unusual activity. Look, they just wanna see if you're ok.
    • S01E04: Rachel: God, isn't this exciting? I earned this. I wiped tables for it, I steamed milk for it, and it was totally - (opens envelope) - not worth it. Who's FICA? Why's he getting all my money? //她甚至都不知道社保是什么
    • 从上面可以看出, 这么优越的条件变成现在要靠自己赚钱生活, this is Monica's「real world」means.
  • 「suck」有很多种口语表达「suck it up」,「suck up to someone」以及单独的动词「suck」, 表达为「something sucks」,「you suck」,「the movie sucked」, 这个词还出现在:
    • S01E12 Monica: You suck. //Monica 打桌球吊打了其他几个男生
    • S03E21 Phoebe: No I'm serious. I mean I'm intuitive, but my memory sucks.
    • S02E05
      • Ross: Oh, thank you, thanks. So uh, how was your night last night?
      • Rachel: Oh, well, it pretty much sucked. How was yours?
      • Monica: Yeah, ours pretty much sucked too.
    • S01E09 Chandler: Anyway, I was just thinking, I mean, if you'd gone to Vail, and if you guys'd been with your family, if you didn't have syphilis and stuff, we wouldn't be all together, you know? So I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm very thankful that all of your Thanksgivings sucked. //Chandler 9 岁的时候父母在感恩节 (家人团聚的日子) 那天晚上离婚的, 所以他讨厌感恩节讨厌一切节日. 关于 Chandler 和感恩节的片段有:
      • S05E08
        • Mrs. GellerI'm so glad you could come Chandler, we've got plenty of food so I hope you're hungry.
        • Ross: Oh, mom. Mom. Chandler hates Thanksgiving and doesn't eat any Thanksgiving food.
        • Mrs. Geller: Uhh. Oh I'm so glad you brought him here then.
      • S05E08 Mrs. Geller: She's upstairs. Monica! Come down! Everyone's here! Ross, Rachel, and the boy who hates Thanksgiving.

你可能感兴趣的:(Sara 《听老友记学地道美语》课程 9 & 10 出自 S01E01 搜狐未删减版 24:30 (Rachel 剪信用卡, Monica 说了经典台词「Welcome to the real world! It sucks. You're gonna love it!」))