





Detecting AIDS


Wang Xiaoshuai, a gay man in the central city of Hefei, used to believe that only people who injected drugs could contract HIV. But then a man he had sex with revealed that he had tested HIV-positive. Mr Wang visited a local NGO and took a pinprick test to determine whether he, too, was infected. Happily, he was not. But the experience was terrifying. “It never occurred to me that someone around me could actually get HIV,” he says.

believe (that)认定,to have the opinion that sth is right or true。一词多意

detect检测,可以与疾病搭配detect AIDS,另外还有diagnose AIDS诊断疾病【医学类话题】


名词为合约,作动词contract sth感染 contract a virus;contract a disease感染病毒;疾病

顺带可以记忆contagious 易感染的。the virus is highly contagious 这个病毒感染性极强

类似意思的词如catch,意为得病,染疾,比如I caught this cold from you. 是你把感冒传给我的【医学类话题】

visit造访,去到,不要一直用go to a place

pinprick test针刺测验

It never occurred to me that……我从未想过……



Many others are less fortunate. In November China’s Centre for Disease Control said that 850,000 people were known to be HIV-positive, 12% more than a year earlier and almost three times the number in 2010. An official study found that new cases of HIV among students aged between 15 and 24 rose by more than one-third every year in 2011-15, mostly as a result of gay sex.

were known tosth were known to 某件事是被了解,知晓的,sth is known to me,我知道这件事;sth is known to be harmful,这件事是有害的

12% from a year earlier in (timeApril月份)与去年相比同期增长12% ,加上more than:more than 12% from a year earlier,同比增长超过12%【写作建议】

new cases rose by more than one-third every year新病例每年增长超过1/3【写作建议】



The virus may not be spreading as fast as these figures suggest. The rapid increase is largely the result of better detection. Over the past decade the number of health facilities offering HIV tests has quadrupled. In 2016 Chinalaunched a five-year plan to combat HIV and AIDS. It increased funding to NGOs providing free self-testing kits to high-risk groups, such as gay men. It also gave NGOs money to provide HIV-positive people with free medicine. In 2015 nearly 70% of those diagnosed with HIV were receiving antiretroviral drugs. In 2017 just over 80% were.


quadruple变成四倍; triple:变成三倍; double:变成两倍

launchlaunch sth,发起某个活动,计划。

combat防止或减轻;与……战斗。 combat his enemy 与敌人战斗;combat crime/disease 打击犯罪/防止疾病(stop sth from getting worse)

just over刚刚超过,稍稍超过。这里不是“只超过”的意思,不然上下文语意不同【写作建议】



Most people in China are infected through heterosexual activity. Sex between men has also become a big contributor, resulting in about one-quarter of transmissions (see chart). The proportion of sexually active gay men infected with HIV is now much higher than that of female sex workers. Social media have made it easier for gay men to find casual partners. The country has the world’s largest gay social-networking app, Blued. On January 6th the service said it was suspending registrations for one week after a Chinese magazine reported that boys under 18 had contracted HIV through encountersfacilitated by the app(Blued says it will step up enforcement of measures to prevent minors from joining).


result in导致。

the proportion of A is higher/lower than that of BA的比例比B的比例高/低 than that of这里的that指代the proportion,避免重复【写作建议】理解than在此处的含义


suspending registrationssuspend,暂停用户注册

facilitated byto make it possible or easier,这里可以理解为APP为交友提供的便利

step up加强



But social media can also spread awareness of HIV. Blued has added a red ribbon icon to its platform, clicking on which offers information about HIV services. NGOs also use WeChat, a messaging app, to urge people, gay and straight, to get tested. Such tactics may be helping: 200m tests were performed in 2017, up 38% from 2015.

awareness of……的认识,认知

urge督促,催促,鼓励 urge sb to do sth

up 38% from 2015与2015年相比上升38%【写作建议】



Encouraging people to come forward is still difficult, however. The government reckons that 400,000 people may have the virus but not know it, ie, less than 70% of cases appear to have been detected. UNAIDS believes that less than half of gay men carrying HIV in China are aware of it. Discrimination may bedeterring some from being screened. A survey of 2,000 people with HIV found that 12% had been refused medical treatment and 15% had been denied work,presumably because of prejudice.

deter fromstop from;prevent from 阻止【写作建议】可替换

screen检查疾病,screen sb for sth,筛查,检查,men over 55 should be regularly screened for prostate cancer55岁以上的男性应定期做前列腺癌检查。【写作建议】可以与题目detect AIDS中的detect进行互换,都可用于筛查检查疾病




Officials’ efforts to make free testing available outside the public health system suggest they are aware of the problem. Those tested at state hospitalstypically have to pay 60-100 yuan ($9-15). ZhengHuang, who manages an HIV-related NGO in Shanghai, says gay people like to use its testing services not only because they are free, but because most of the staff are gay.




HIV prevalence is low in China compared with the West. The proportion of people believed to have the virus is only 0.09%. In Britain it is 0.15% and in America 0.34%. But the leading role of sex as a mode of transmission is common both to China and the West. Preventing infection rates from climbingin China will require shattering taboos and teaching young people about how to have safe sex.

prevalence流行 the prevalence of HIV或HIV prevalence,形容词搭配用high 和low

as a mode of作为一种方式

climbing比率上升,比going up更加形象






名词为合约,作动词contract sth感染 contract a virus;contract a disease感染病毒;疾病

顺带可以记忆contagious 易感染的。the virus is highly contagious 这个病毒感染性极强

类似意思的词如catch,意为得病,染疾,比如I caught this cold from you. 是你把感冒传给我的

screen检查疾病,screen sb for sth,筛查,检查,men over 55 should be regularly screened for prostate cancer55岁以上的男性应定期做前列腺癌检查。可以与题目detect AIDS中的detect进行互换,都可用于筛查检查疾病

deter fromstop from;prevent from 阻止


12% from a year earlier in (timeApril月份)与去年相比同期增长12% ,加上more than:more than 12% from a year earlier,同比增长超过12%

new cases rose by more than one-third every year新病例每年增长超过1/3

just over刚刚超过,稍稍超过。这里不是“只超过”的意思,不然上下文语意不同

the proportion of A is higher/lower than that of BA的比例比B的比例高/低 than that of这里的that指代the proportion,避免重复

up 38% from 2015与2015年相比上升38%
