Peak Chapter6 2/2


getting past plateaus

释义:a period during which the level of something does not change, especially after a period when it was increasing愿意是高原的意思,到了高原了很难走的更高,就到瓶颈了。还可以做动词,到达瓶颈期。

例:Inflation rates have reached a plateau.


He was giving himself extra motivation to delve into these topics himself.

释义:to try to find more information about someone or something
造句:research that delves deeply into this issue


Both your body and your mind will habituate to the practice.

释义:be/become habituated to (doing) something / to be used to something or gradually become used to it:习惯于的动词表达法
例:Over the centuries, these animals have become habituated to living in a dry environment.

4.acclimate /əˈklaɪmət/=acclimatize

They do not get acclimated to pain in general.

释义:to become used to a new place, situation, or type of weather, or to make someone become used to it
    acclimatize to
例:Runners had to acclimatize to the humid tropical conditions.
    acclimatize yourself (to something)
     I found it hard to acclimatize myself to working at weekends.

文中出现的habituate,acclimate和inured to都有习惯于的意思。inured to sth习惯于,通常是一些令人不快的事情

5.rule of thumb

As a rule of thumb, I think that anyone who hopes to improve skill in a particular area should devote one or two hours a day to practice that can be done with full concentration.

 释义: a rough figure or method of calculation, based on practical experience:
 例:As a general rule of thumb, children this age should not spend more than one hour on homework.


如何度过瓶颈期?先找到阻碍的原因,再针对这个阻碍点进行联系突破。说起来很简单,但是做起来一点都不容易。想起自己英语听力瓶颈的突破经历。自己的英文在班级里一直还不错。但不是英文专业,所以也就停留在四六级。看原版电影或者听原版新闻的能力根本不具备。后来看英文3D原版电影,带上那破眼镜,看字幕的时候非常影响欣赏电影的画面。所以我前几年的new year resolution就是要能达到看原版电影不看字幕的听力水平。但是因为根本没有去深究过我的困难点在哪里,所以每年这个目标都未达成。

直到去年加入读书群,开始看书的时候也开始听有声书。记得当时Eric说他是边开车边听,就跟听音乐一样,真是令我汗颜。因为我自己集中注意力都无法跟上。回想起来我也没用什么特别的方法,就是多听。就这样到了今年,开始听podcast的节目,round table,基本无障碍。也不知道从什么时候开始,有声书也可以边做别的事边听了。上个月看小黄人三,我带着3D眼镜刻意不看字幕,居然可以无障碍的跟剧情,边看边嗨。


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