AIDAPro Overview AIDAPro概述

AIDAPro –先进辨识和数据分析—是PCTP软件包中的经验动态过程建模工具。AIDAPro使用过程数据辨识线性动态模型。AIDAPro以过程控制相关的方式,提供了强大科学的流程模型辨识技术。

良好的工艺模型为基于模型的先进控制方案的稳健和盈利的业绩奠定了基础。AIDAPro可以为这些模型提供所有的APC算法。AIDAPro 特别优化了为PCTP套件中基于模型控制算法的SMOCPro建立模型。将AIDAPro优先作为经验模型开发主要有以下几点原因:
• 使用简单;.
• 计算速度快;
• 健壮和可靠的技术,适用于具有不可测干扰影响的数据集,开环或闭环的测试数据;
• 界面由经验丰富的高级过程控制实施者设计;
• 产品特点是通过内置的计算引擎可以跨多个数据集拟合和验证模型以最大限度地提高项目效率;
• 可作为估计统计模型质量协助指导使用者进行模型开发;
• 与其它PCTP产品强大的集成。

20世纪70年代中期 AIDAPro演化可以上溯至20世纪70年代中期,这时候开发了经验建模应用FITTER的第一个版本。FITTER根据工厂测试数据拟合低阶动态模型,其核心技术一直流行了20多年。 FITTER使用了在LSU(路易斯安那州立大学)开发的一种搜索算法(PATERN)。 FITTER在DMC及后来的QDMC的开始及成长过程中长期担任了建模平台的作用。
1984~1990 IMPULSE (使用最小二乘估计法辨识模型参数): IMPULSE是来自荷兰和美国的Shell R&D技术人员间彼此协作的结果。
20世纪80年代后期至90年代初期 集成Plot340,在辨识中引入了数据分析、绘图和可视化功能。它提高了建模工作流程,使之更为高效,也更好使用。
20世纪90年代初期 很多基于MATLAB的应用(例如MVID和MVID-II),包括非参数(FIR) 的使用和参数辨识技术都得到开发。
1992~1994 用于台式PC的基于Windows图形用户界面的过程控制技术包(PCTP)得到开发。PCTP–ID是PCTP的一个组成部分。ID的这个主版本推出了噪声建模技术,使用FIR模型智能引导FITTER进行初步估计、参数约束和统计指标,以帮助获得好的模型拟合。这一代的ID在Shell全球得到流行,为众多Shell和供应商技术应用开发模型。
2001~2002 在Shell全球解决方案(1999年)的基于模型控制平台SMOCII 采用之后,PCTP进入了全新的阶段。它决定在2001/2002将ID完全改造成AIDA。相关技术得到了精简和提高,使得相关大型项目和问题的辨识变得更简单有效。参数和非参数估计的计算速度和性能都得到增强,并重新进行完整的GUI设计。
2003 随着PCTP Pro软件包的发行,对AIDAPro软件包进行了几次升级。
2004 AIDAPro的底层技术被更新,以便与现在的AIDAPro, MDPro和RQEPro共享代码库。
使用AIDAPro is 工作的过程也得到简化。

What is AIDAPro?
AIDAPro – Advanced Identification and Data Analysis – is the empirical dynamic process-modeling tool in the PCTP suite. AIDAPro uses process data from which it identifies linear dynamic models. AIDAPro makes available the powerful science and art of process model identification, in a process control relevant fashion.
Why Use AIDAPro?
Good process models form the basis for robust and profitable performance of any model-based advanced control scheme. AIDAPro can furnish any APC algorithm with these models. AIDAPro is particularly optimized to build models for the model –based control algorithm in the PCTP suite: SMOCPro . Some reasons that make AIDAPro the preferred choice for empirical model development are:
• Ease of use.
• Fast computation speed.
• Robust and reliable technology, applicable to datasets with unmeasured disturbance effects, and to open and closed-loop test data.
• Interface designed by experienced advanced process control implementers.
• Features that maximize project efficiency such as fitting and validating models across multiple data sets and a built-in calculation engine.
• Statistical estimates of model quality available as guides to the user to assist in model development.
• Strong integration with other PCTP products
The salient features of AIDAPro are covered in more detail in other sections.

AIDAPro represents years of Shell’s expertise in advanced process control and modeling, and state-of-the-art identification technology.
Mid 1970s The evolution of AIDAPro can be traced back to the mid- 1970s when the first version of the empirical modeling application, FITTER, was introduced. FITTER fit low-order dynamic models from plant test data and its core technology remained popular for over 20 years. FITTER used a search algorithm (PATERN) developed at LSU. FITTER served as the modeling platform during the beginning and growth of DMC, followed by QDMC.
1984 to 1990 IMPULSE (Identification of Model Parameters Using Least- Squares Estimation): IMPULSE was a result of the collaboration between Shell R&D technologists from the Netherlands and the United States.
Late 1980s to Early 1990s Introduction of Plot340 marked the incorporation of data analysis, plotting and visualization functions to identification. It enhanced the modeling work process, making it efficient and enjoyable to use.
Early 1990s Many MATLAB based applications (such as MVID and MVID-II) that incorporate the use of non-parametric (FIR) and parametric identification technology were developed.
1992 to 1994 The Process Control Technology Package (PCTP) was developed for desktop PCs with Windows Graphical User Interfaces. PCTP – ID was a component of PCTP. Introduced in this major version of ID were noise-modeling technology, the use of FIR models to intelligently guide FITTER initial estimates, parameter constraints, and statistical metrics to help determine good model fitting. This generation of ID became popular in the global Shell group and was used to develop models for many Shell and vendor technology applications.
2001 to 2002 PCTP entered its newest phase with the adoption of SMOCII as the model-based control platform by Shell Global Solutions (in 1999). It was decided to revamp ID completely in 2001/2002 into AIDA. The technology was streamlined and enhanced to make it easier and more effective for large identification projects and problems. Computation speed and performance were enhanced for both parametric and non-parametric estimation and a complete GUI redesign was performed.
2003 Several upgrades of the AIDAPro package are made in step with the releases of the PCTP Pro series.
2004 The underlying technology of AIDAPro is updated so that AIDAPro, MDPro and RQEPro now share the same code base.
The work process of using AIDAPro is also streamlined.


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