翻译了Think Fast and Slow的一小段可能有趣的话

"How many animals of each kind did Moses take into the ark?" The number of people who detect what is wrong with this question is so small that it has been dubbed the "Moses illusion." Moses took no animals into the ark; Noah did...the Moses illusion is readily explained by norm theory. The idea of animals going into the ark sets up a biblical context, and Moses is not abnormal in that context. You did not positively expect him, but the mention of his name is not surprising. It also helps that Moses and Noah have the same vowel sound and number of syllables...you unconsciously detect associative coherence between "Moses" and "ark" and so quickly accept the question. Replace Moses with George W. Bush in this sentence and you will have a poor political joke but no illusion.

Think Fast and Slow

“(试问)有多少只动物被Moses带上了方舟?”注意到这个问句的古怪之处的人们非常少,以至于人们把这个问句的迷惑效果称为“Moses错觉”。事实上,Moses不曾把动物带上过方舟,把动物带上方舟的是Noah……Moses错觉的成因可以用“norm theory”方便地解释:(问句中的)动物被带上方舟构建了一个圣经情境,Moses出现在此情境中非常合理。你并不“有意识地”期待“Moses”和动物、方舟联系在一起(因为你实际上是知道把动物带上方舟的人是Noah),但是这个名字出现圣经情境中并不令人惊讶。另外,Moses和Noah有相同的元音和音节也让你难以察觉问句的异常之处……“无意识地”,你察觉到Moses和方舟的联系(通过圣经、元音、音节等),接受了这个问句。如果我们把Moses换成George W. Bush,你就会得到一个糟糕的政治笑话,而不再产生错觉了。


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