路透社6月10日莫斯科消息,俄罗斯联邦反垄断服务局称,正在对六家笔记本电脑生厂商在其电脑上预装微软公司(Microsoft Corp., MSFT)的视窗(Windows)操作系统展开调查。涉嫌妨碍竞争的这六家企业包括宏碁、华硕、东芝、惠普、三星和戴尔。反垄断服务局称:在大多情况下消费者无法从上述PC厂商购买到没有预装视窗Windows操作系统的笔记本电脑,或不能拒绝这些厂商将视窗系统硬卖给消费者。
MOSCOW, June 10 (Reuters) Russia's state anti-monopoly service FAS launched a probe into Acer Inc (2353.TW), Asustek (2357.TW), Toshiba Corp (6502.T), Hewlett-Packard (HPQ.N), Samsung Electronics (005930.KS) and Dell Inc (DELL.O). "The signs of violation of the anti-monopoly legislation are seen in agreed actions by laptop makers which have been preinstalling an operating system of the one same producer," FAS said in a statement on its Web site www.fas.gov.ru. It said in most cases customers were unable to buy a laptop of the above-mentioned producers without the pre-installed Windows OS or were not able to refuse to use the operating system they were "foisted off" with the laptops. (Reporting by Maria Kiselyova; editing by Elaine Hardcastle)