
Problem: AnyConnect was not able to establish a connection to the specified secure gatway_第1张图片


problem:anyconnect was net able to establish a connection to the specified secure gateway,Please try connecting again. 

Problem: AnyConnect was not able to establish a connection to the specified secure gatway_第2张图片


  1. 去掉Internet连接共享的勾勾,大部分原因是因为这个(这个我也遇到过,之前环境是win7系统)

    Problem: AnyConnect was not able to establish a connection to the specified secure gatway_第3张图片

2.点击开始菜单-运行-输入services.msc,找到windows Firewall和internet connection sharing这两个服务,右击“停止”。(这个我也遇到过,环境是win8系统)