first of all, you can find almost everything on this git page:

I'm just doing some translation work here, and of course, trying to make a note.

notes that I've try it out couple times both on my laptop in office and @ home.

install CTAGS:

0.在Package Control:Install 中找到Ctags,安装。

1.网上找到后,下载ctags58.zip包,解压,把ctags.exe放在sublime 2 的目录里[ probably u can put it wherever u like],配置path。

1.1 执行一个 ctags -R -f .tags的命令 // it will run a couple minutes;

2. open a file of your project and run this command in st2 : ctrl t r ; let it build for another couple minutes.

2.2 choose a function where it's been invoked, type in : ctrl t t ; see what comes out // jump to the definition. It just doesnot work for param.

u can also 在st2中,打开default设置查看各种快捷键用法,貌似有很多用不了,conflict。

rebuild tags: ctrl t + r // shortcut keys没反应的话,执行这个后,就应该能用了
jump back to last modification: ctrl + t + m , 这个已经被我改成 ctrl + i
jump to definition: ctrl + t + t