


To C:BCV Wallet 开发完成通过内测开放下载。BCV Wallet 采用科技蓝为主色调,视觉简洁清新。其中内置的 CandyLot 可以通过telegram、Facebook、Line 等社交平台与全球好友分享具有独特体验的数字资产钱包。BCV Wallet 下载地址:https://bitcv.app/(下载页面会自动识别系统设置语言,如果您系统语言为中文,下载页面选择切换为英语即可下载)。

BCV Wallet is developed through open beta download. BCV Wallet USES technology blue as the main color, with simple and fresh vision. The built-in CandyLot can share the digital asset wallet with global friends through social platforms such as telegram, Facebook and Line. BCV Wallet download address: https://bitcv.app/ ;



To C:幸运大转盘优化,免费场调整奖励内容,增加 ETH 奖励,免费次数调整为每天一次。用户可以通过分享邀请好友下载币威钱包获得额外的免费次数。

Lucky big turntable optimization, free field adjustment award content, increased ETH award, free times adjusted to once a day. Users can get extra free times by sharing invites to their friends to download BCV wallet.


3、AAC 定制大转盘即将上线

To C:“幸运大转盘 AAC 专场”开发完成进入测试阶段,将于近期上线定制版幸运大转盘。通过支付 AAC 获得幸运转盘次数,获得幸运奖励。

"Lucky big turntable AAC special" has been developed and entered the testing stage, and a customized version of lucky big turntable will be launched soon. Get the number of lucky turns by paying AAC.


To C:钱包内新独特体验游戏完成了规则设计,数值平衡调试以及模拟测试。

BCV Wallet new unique experience game completed the rule design, numerical balance debugging and simulation test.


To F:调仓宝1.0版本完成设计,将在今日上线钱包。

Tiaocangbao1.0 finished the design and will be available today.


To F:币威量化总收益:BTC 收益-3.02%;ETH 收益18.25%;

BitCV quantified total earnings: BTC earnings -3.02%; ETH earnings of 18.25%;



由币威超级战略合作伙伴-全球人工智能区块链 30 人论坛主办的“一带一路,智链万物”首届全球新技术产业论坛将在2018年9月9日在香港举行,基于双方长期友好合作,币威将作为筹备组成员参与此次论坛。本次论坛聚焦人工智能和区块链两大革命性技术创新,推动世界经济朝着世界经济更加高效、创新、公平、健康的方向发展。

Sponsored by BitCV super strategic partner - Forum-30 on AI and BlockChain , the first global new technology industry Forum will be held in Hong Kong on September 9, 2018. Based on the long-term friendly cooperation between the two parties, BitCV will participate in this Forum as a member of the preparatory group. The Forum focuses on two major revolutionary technological innovations, artificial intelligence and blockchain, to push the world economy towards a more efficient, innovative, fair and healthy direction.


币威应硅谷合作伙伴 F50 的邀请参加了本周火星财经硅谷峰会。BitCV 美国 CSO Alex Lee 在会场与行业人士、投资人以及主办方核心人员进行了交流,向大家展示了 BCV Wallet 的使用,并分享了币威如何打造“三位一体”技术生态体系理念。

BitCV attended this week's Mars finance silicon valley summit at the invitation of silicon valley partner F50. BitCV USA CSO Alex Lee spoke to industry players, investors and key organizers at the conference, showing the use of BCV Wallet and sharing how BitCV builds a technology ecosystem



In the interview published by sohu news and netease news, the concept of BitCV was elaborated: in the blockchain field, the technology has always held an unshakable position. It is the core of blockchain and the first standard to test whether a project can land safely. Only when the technology is complete and the ecology is implemented, and a strong technical force is formed, it is possible to construct a perfect product model and contribute energy to the project.


币威钱包受邀登陆纳斯达克大屏幕,受到十余家媒体报道,报道媒体包含希欧网、搜狐科技、北国网、fx168 财经网、链友财经、互链财经、国际日报、天天快报、网易新闻客户端、腾讯新闻客户端等。

BCV Wallet was invited to the big screen of nasdaq and was reported by more than 10 media, including xiouhui.com, sohu technology, fx168 financial , Lianyou finance, Hulian finance, international daily, netease news, tencent news, etc.



Visit BitCV strategic partners and BitCV ecological partners to discuss cooperation on the market and product level, including Candylot customization and EncryptoMore customization.



Free package customization is open to all project parties, communities, media, etc., so that each project party has its own Candylot, and every digital asset fan can enjoy digital asset red envelope



Exchange with several local partners in silicon valley, including fund, public chain project, talent partner, incubator partner, etc.



开展内部学习区块链知识活动,每天分享《区块链 100 问》及《图解区块链》相关内容。以此促进团队内部学习机制和团队成员区块链领域知识体系的建设。

Carry out internal learning activities of blockchain knowledge, and share relevant contents of "100 questions of blockchain" and "diagrammatic blockchain" every day. In this way, the internal learning mechanism of the team and the knowledge system of the blockchain domain of team members are promoted.


招聘销售助理、Android开发工程师,简历请投递:[email protected]

Recruiting sales assistant and Android development engineer. Please send your resume to [email protected]
