YEP.54 – Row Formation


This plugin places party members into row formations to give them distinct
advantages based on row location in the form of states for maximum control.
Skills and items are capable of moving targets to different row locations.
If you are using YEP_BattleEngineCore.js, place this plugin under the
YEP_BattleEngineCore.js plugin in the Plugin Manager list to receive extra
features such as being able to change Rows mid-battle.

What are Rows?什么是行(阵列)

Rows are positions your party members are placed in. Depending on how you
set up the rows for your project (and how many), rows can provide different
advantages to the party members for just simply being in that row.
These advantages are granted through the states that are given to the party
members from the plugin parameter settings. How you set up these advantages
is entirely up to you.

An example of some setups:一些设置的例子

Front Row:前排
Members in the front row will receive full damage from the Melee element.
Middle Row:中排
Members in the middle row will receive slightly less damage from the Melee
element, but the Attack command is sealed unless they have a ranged weapon.
Back Row:后排
Members in the back row will receive a lot less damage fom the Melee element
and also cannot use the Attack command unless equipped with a ranged weapon.

How you choose to set up your rows is dependent on how you can set up your
states that affect those rows. These states cannot be removed by skills and
are considered a passive effective.

You can use these notetags to modify the various aspects of row formations.
Actor and Enemy Notetags:

This is the default row assigned to the battler by default. This will
override the default parameter settings. If multiple x values are assigned
then the battler can start in any of those rows. If multiple rows are
included, then at the start of the game (for actors) or start of battle
(for enemies), the battler will start in a random row included.

Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, and State Notetags:

This causes the affected battler to be row locked and unable to switch
rows. For enemies, this will override the default parameters.

This causes the affected battler to be not be row locked and able to
switch rows. This is primarily for enemies since all non-enemies are not
row locked by default. This will override the default parameters.

Skill and Item Notetags:

This makes it so that this skill/item can only be used by the battler if
the battler is in row x. If multiple rows are used, the battler can be in
any of those rows. If you use the x to y notetag, this will account for
all the rows from x to y.

Changes target's current row to x. This cannot go under 1 nor can it go
past the designated maximum row set in the parameters.

This will push the target back x rows. This cannot exceed the maximum row
set in the parameters.

This will pull the target forward x rows. This cannot exceed the maximum
rows set in the parameters.

Changes user's current row to x. This cannot go under 1 nor can it go
past the designated maximum row set in the parameters.

This will push the user back x rows. This cannot exceed the maximum row
set in the parameters.

This will pull the user forward x rows. This cannot exceed the maximum
rows set in the parameters.

Lunatic Mode - Conditional Row Modification

To the users who have a bit of JavaScript proficiency, you can use these
notetags to give your skills and items custom row modification properties.

Skill and Item Notetags基于目标/使用者自定义位置

if (user.hpRate() > 0.50) {
row += 1;
} else {
row = 1;

The 'row' variable refers to the target's row. This will allow you to set
or alter the target's row based on values. Remember that the lower the row
number, the closer the target is to the opposing party.

if (user.hpRate() > 0.50) {
row += 1;
} else {
row = 1;

The 'row' variable refers to the user's row. This will allow you to set or
alter the user's row based on values. Remember that the lower the row
number, the closer the user is the the opposing party.

Lunatic Mode - Conditional Row State

To the users who have a bit of JavaScript proficiency, you can use these
notetags to give your row states conditional activation properities, you can
use these notetags. These states have to be applied via the Row States in
the plugin parameters. However, they will not be applied to the battler
unless the conditions are met.

State Notetags:

if (user.hp / user.mhp <= 0.25) {
condition = true;
} else {
condition = false;

The 'condition' variable determines if the condition is met or not. If the
condition is true, the condition is met and this state will be applied to
the battler as a row state. If the 'condition' variable is false, then the
row state will not be applied to the battler.

Lunatic Mode - New JavaScript Functions~

For those with JavaScript proficiency, you can make use of some of these
newly added functions when you do an eval check for the battler info:

This will return the row the battler is currently resided in.

This will return the battler's index in relation to the other battlers of
the same team in the same row.

This will return a true/false if the battler is row locked.

This will set the battler's row to x. In battle, this will visually move
the battler there, unless the battler is the active battler.

This will alter the battler's row by x. In battle, this will visually move
the battler there, unless the battler is the active battler.

This will return the number of members found in that group in row x.

This will return the number of alive members found in that group in row x.

This will return the number of dead members found in that group in row x.

This will return each member of the group in row x.

This will return each alive member of the group in row x.

This will return each dead member of the group in row x.

This is a special command. This will check each row in the party. If a row
is empty and/or doesn't have any alive members, all the remaining members
behind that row will move forward one row until all the empty rows are gone.

Main Menu Manager - Positioning the Row Command

For those using the Main Menu Manager and would like to position the Row
command in a place you'd like, use the following format:

  Name: Yanfly.Param.RowCmdName
Symbol: row
  Show: $gameSystem.isShowRowMenu()

Enabled: $gameSystem.isEnabledRowMenu()
Main Bind: this.commandRow.bind(this)
Actor Bind:

Insert the above setup within a Main Menu Manager slot. Provided you copy
the exact settings to where you need it, it will appear there while using
all of the naming, enabling, disabling, hiding, and showing effects done by
the plugin parameters.

Remember to turn off 'Auto Add Menu' from the plugin parameters.

Plugin Commands

The following are some plugin commands you can use to adjust rows mid-game.

Plugin Command:

This will either show or hide the Row command from the main menu.

This will either enable or disable the Row command from the main menu.

This will either show or hide the Row command from the battle party menu.
This requires the YEP_BattleEngineCore plugin to take effect.

This will either enable or disable the Row command from the battle party
menu. This requires the YEP_BattleEngineCore plugin to take effect.

SetActorRow actorId x
This will set the actor represented by actorId to move to row x. If you
want to move actor 3 to the 2nd row, the plugin command would look like:
SetActorRow 3 2

SetPartyRow slotId x
This will set the party member in slotId to move to row x. If you want to
move the 3rd party member to the 2nd row, the plugin command would look
like: SetPartyRow 3 2

SetEnemyRow slotId x
This will set the enemy member in slotId to move to row x. If you want to
move the 3rd enemy member to the 2nd row, the plugin command would look
like: SetEnemyRow 3 2

  • Note: If you use this plugin command during turn 0 and the parameter
    'Adjust Relative' is set to false, the enemies will not move and
    automatically assume the position they are in will be the row they'll be
    in. On the other hand, using this plugin on anything after turn 0 will
    move the enemy visually to a different position on the screen. If the
    parameter 'Adjust Relative' is true, the enemies will move.


Version 1.14:

  • Game now refreshes all battlers upon reentry into the battle after
    entering and leaving the Row formation menu mid-battle.

Version 1.13:

  • Bug fixed where setting an actor's home position didn't mark their
    original index value.

Version 1.12:

  • Lunatic Mode fail safes added.

Version 1.11:

  • Updated the conditional passives for rows to occur more frequently.

Version 1.10:

  • Updated notetag to also include so
    that actors or enemies can start in any of those default rows. If multiple
    rows are included, then at the start of the game (for actors) or start of
    battle (for enemies), the battler will start in a random row included.

Version 1.09b:

  • Updated Lunatic Mode to have an innate 'user' variable.
  • Added 'Auto Add Menu' to plugin parameters. This way, users don't have to
    make conflict with it if manually positioning the command with the Main Menu
    Manager plugin.
  • Documentation update for 'SetEnemyRow slotId x' plugin command.

Version 1.08:

  • Updated for RPG Maker MV version 1.1.0.

Version 1.07b:

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the Row command in-battle from updating.
  • Optimization update.
  • Disabled Row States from being applied outside of battle.

Version 1.06a:

  • Fixed a bug where Lunatic Mode effects weren't working properly.
  • Added a 'Use Map Sprite' plugin parameter for those using battlers that
    are too big for the Row changing menu.
  • Added new section to Help File on how to place Row Formation into the
    Main Menu Manager.

Version 1.05:

  • Fixed a bug with user row changing notetags not working properly.

Version 1.04:

  • Fixed a bug with the SetPartyRow slotId x plugin command.
  • Added 'Adjust Relative' plugin parameter for enemy rows.
    If this value is set to false, their positions in the Troops tab is where
    their designated row is. Meaning if you have a Wisp in Row 3, its current
    location in the Troops tab is where it would be if it be if it was in Row 3.
    If this value is set to true, their positions in the Troops tab is where
    their row 1 is. Meaning if you have a Wisp in Row 3, upon starting battle,
    it will be pushed back in positioning relative to its Troops tab position,
    which is row 1.

Version 1.03a:

  • More positioning fixes. Enemies no longer shift when entering and exiting
    the in-battle menu.

Version 1.02:

  • Made a change where enemies of different default rows don't automatically
    move positions at the start of battle.
  • Fixed an incompatibility issue for those using larger screen resolutions
    and battle repositioning.

Version 1.01:

  • Fixed a bug that caused music to not replay properly when accessing the
    Row change menu from battle.

Version 1.00:

  • Finished Plugin!

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