Japanese Cheesecake(日式芝士蛋糕)


  • 6寸活底模具
  • | 100g | Cream Cheese | 奶油芝士
  • | 30g | Sour Cream | 酸奶酪
  • | 20g | Unsalted Butter | 无盐黄油
  • | 2 | Egg Yolks |蛋黄
  • | 20g | Cake Flour |低筋面粉
  • | 100ml | Milk |牛奶
  • | 1/2tsp | Vanilla Extract |香草精
  • | 2 | Egg Whites |蛋白
  • | 40g | Granulated Sugar |白糖
  • | | Apricot Jamdiluted with rum |朗姆酒|可选项
  • | | Powdered Sugaroptional |糖粉|可选项
  • | | Lemon Zestgrated, optional |柠檬|可选项


    1. Coat the side of the cake pan (15cm/5.9”) with a generous amount of butter. Using a pan with a removable bottom will help to remove the cheesecake. |用黄油擦拭烤盘周边以便于脱模

    Japanese Cheesecake(日式芝士蛋糕)_第1张图片

    1. Place a piece of parchment paper cut to fit into the bottom of the pan. Then, cover the outside of the pan with a large piece of aluminum foil.|烤盘底部平铺一张油纸

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    1. Bring the cream cheese, sour cream and butter to room temperature and combine them in a bowl with a balloon whisk.|把奶油芝士,黄油,酸奶酪放至室温后搅拌均匀

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    1. Add one egg yolk and mix thoroughly. |加一个蛋黄继续搅拌均匀

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    1. Then add the other egg yolk and mix.|再加一个蛋黄搅拌均匀

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    1. Sieve the cake flour into the bowl. Combine the mixture until there are no pockets of dry flour.|将面粉筛入,搅拌均匀

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    1. Add the milk a little at a time and mix thoroughly. Be sure to bring the egg yolks and milk to room temperature also.|将牛奶放置室温后逐步加入并搅拌均匀

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    1. Add the vanilla extract and mix.|加入香草精搅拌均匀

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    1. Finally, sieve the mixture into a bowl.|将搅拌后的液体过筛(也可省略此步骤)

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  • 10.Let’s make the meringue. Lightly beat the chilled egg whites with a hand mixer. Then, add the sugar in 3 steps and beat the egg white for a total of one and a half to two minutes.|打发蛋白,先打蛋白,再分三次逐步加入白糖,打发(步骤同戚风蛋糕的打发过程)

Japanese Cheesecake(日式芝士蛋糕)_第10张图片

    1. Avoid over-beating otherwise it’ll be difficult to combine the meringue and the egg yolk mixture, leading to more mixing and eventually breaking the foam.| 注意不要打发过度,打发后的蛋白用打蛋器挑起,能立起片刻,略微弯钩即可。

    Japanese Cheesecake(日式芝士蛋糕)_第11张图片

    1. Just before the meringue is ready, switch to a balloon whisk and check its consistency. Beat until the meringue reaches a firm peak stage and has a glossy texture. |同步骤11,没有做特别处理。

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    1. Add one-third of the meringue to the egg yolk mixture. Mix thoroughly. At this stage, you don’t need to worry about breaking the foam.|加入1/3打发后的蛋白,搅拌均匀。

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    1. Then, add another one-third of the meringue. This time, gently mix and avoid breaking the foam.|再加入1/3的蛋白,轻柔的搅拌以免消泡。我一般是由下往上翻着搅拌。

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    1. Finally, place all the egg yolk mixture into the bowl with the rest of the meringue.|将搅拌均匀的混合液倒入剩下1/3的蛋白容器中

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    1. Like shown, lift the whisk from the bottom to gently combine the batter. Be sure not to break the foam. Mix until all of the white lumps of meringue have disappeared.|轻柔的由下向上翻拌均匀,避免消泡。

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    1. Pour the batter into a pan and place it into a deep tray. The pan has a removable bottom so be sure to cover it with relatively thick aluminum foil to avoid wetting the cheesecake. If your aluminum foil is too thin, you should cover the cake pan with 2 or 3 layers, making absolutely sure to avoid any leakage.|倒入活底模具中。由于模具活底,此次烘焙又需要加隔水烘焙,需要用锡纸包住模具底部以免模具进水。

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    1. Slash the batter with a spatula to remove any air bubbles. Pour hot water into the tray about 2 cm deep.|用刮刀刮平面糊,去除气泡。在烤盘中加入2cm高的开水。

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    1. Place the cake pan into the preheated oven and bake at 160°C (320°F) for 10 minutes. Then, lower the temperature to 150°C (300°F) and bake for additional 40 to 50 minutes.|上下火烤盘置于中间层,160摄氏度先烤10分钟,在调至150摄氏度烤40-50分钟。

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    1. Pierce the cake with a bamboo stick. If the stick is clean, it is ready.|烤好后,插入筷子拿出来看,如果筷子上很干净,那么蛋糕就烤好了。

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    1. Remove and place the cake pan onto a cooling rack. Let it sit to cool and then chill the cake in the fridge for over 2 hours.|将模具置于烤架上降至室温后置于冰箱内2小时后可以食用。

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    1. Remove the soufflé cheesecake from the pan. Gently lift the bottom. Be careful not to damage the side of the cake. Run an icing spatula along the bottom. Remove the bottom of the pan and place the cheesecake onto a cutting board.|轻轻取出蛋糕。

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    1. Dampen the blade of a knife to help make a clean cut and cut a piece of cake.|考验切工,我觉得这步超级难,切不好。

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    1. Place the souffle cheesecake onto a plate. Finally, coat the top with the apricot jam diluted with rum.|装盘,拍照,开始享用,享受成功的喜悦。

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  • Be sure to bring the refrigerated items to room temperature before combining.
  • The refreshing aroma of lemon also goes great with the cheesecake. If you’re interested, add lemon zest to the batter after straining with a mesh strainer.
  • Alternatively, you can sprinkle icing sugar on top. It will be visually appealing and also delicious.


From: https://cookingwithdog.com/recipe/souffle-cheesecake/

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