options是KVO中常见的参数,然而通常只是将它固定为“NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew | NSKeyValueObservingOptionOld”来使用却不知道到底这个参数有什么用。由此本文通过一个例子来描述该参数的实际表现。
- (void)addObserver:(NSObject *)observer
forKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath
context:(void *)context
typedefNS_OPTIONS(NSUInteger, NSKeyValueObservingOptions) {
/* Whether the change dictionaries sent in notifications should contain NSKeyValueChangeNewKey and NSKeyValueChangeOldKey entries, respectively.
NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew =0x01,
NSKeyValueObservingOptionOld =0x02,
/* Whether a notification should be sent to the observer immediately, before the observer registration method even returns. The change dictionary in the notification will always contain an NSKeyValueChangeNewKey entry if NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew is also specified but will never contain an NSKeyValueChangeOldKey entry. (In an initial notification the current value of the observed property may be old, but it's new to the observer.) You can use this option instead of explicitly invoking, at the same time, code that is also invoked by the observer's -observeValueForKeyPath:ofObject:change:context: method. When this option is used with -addObserver:toObjectsAtIndexes:forKeyPath:options:context: a notification will be sent for each indexed object to which the observer is being added.
NSKeyValueObservingOptionInitial NS_ENUM_AVAILABLE(10_5,2_0) =0x04,
/* Whether separate notifications should be sent to the observer before and after each change, instead of a single notification after the change. The change dictionary in a notification sent before a change always contains an NSKeyValueChangeNotificationIsPriorKey entry whose value is [NSNumber numberWithBool:YES], but never contains an NSKeyValueChangeNewKey entry. You can use this option when the observer's own KVO-compliance requires it to invoke one of the -willChange... methods for one of its own properties, and the value of that property depends on the value of the observed object's property. (In that situation it's too late to easily invoke -willChange... properly in response to receiving an -observeValueForKeyPath:ofObject:change:context: message after the change.)
When this option is specified, the change dictionary in a notification sent after a change contains the same entries that it would contain if this option were not specified, except for ordered unique to-many relationships represented by NSOrderedSets.For those, for NSKeyValueChangeInsertion and NSKeyValueChangeReplacement changes, the change dictionary for a will-change notification contains an NSKeyValueChangeIndexesKey (and NSKeyValueChangeOldKey in the case of Replacement where the NSKeyValueObservingOptionOld option was specified at registration time) which give the indexes (and objects) which *may* be changed by the operation.The second notification, after the change, contains entries reporting what did actually change.For NSKeyValueChangeRemoval changes, removals by index are precise.
NSKeyValueObservingOptionPrior NS_ENUM_AVAILABLE(10_5,2_0) =0x08
2016-07-04 19:18:29.265 testForKVO[50887:35316085] turn1
2016-07-04 19:18:29.265 testForKVO[50887:35316085] kind: 1
2016-07-04 19:18:29.266 testForKVO[50887:35316085] new: turn1
2016-07-04 19:18:29.266 testForKVO[50887:35316085] turn2
2016-07-04 19:18:29.266 testForKVO[50887:35316085] kind: 1
2016-07-04 19:18:29.266 testForKVO[50887:35316085] new: turn2
2016-07-04 19:19:14.562 testForKVO[50912:35317211] turn1
2016-07-04 19:19:14.562 testForKVO[50912:35317211] kind: 1
2016-07-04 19:19:14.562 testForKVO[50912:35317211] old: turn0
2016-07-04 19:19:14.563 testForKVO[50912:35317211] turn2
2016-07-04 19:19:14.563 testForKVO[50912:35317211] kind: 1
2016-07-04 19:19:14.563 testForKVO[50912:35317211] old: turn1
2016-07-04 19:20:08.003 testForKVO[50938:35318482] turn0
2016-07-04 19:20:08.004 testForKVO[50938:35318482] kind: 1
2016-07-04 19:20:08.004 testForKVO[50938:35318482] turn1
2016-07-04 19:20:08.004 testForKVO[50938:35318482] kind: 1
2016-07-04 19:20:08.004 testForKVO[50938:35318482] turn2
2016-07-04 19:20:08.005 testForKVO[50938:35318482] kind: 1
2016-07-04 19:20:47.936 testForKVO[50962:35319521] turn0
2016-07-04 19:20:47.937 testForKVO[50962:35319521] kind: 1
2016-07-04 19:20:47.937 testForKVO[50962:35319521] notificationIsPrior: 1
2016-07-04 19:20:47.937 testForKVO[50962:35319521] turn1
2016-07-04 19:20:47.937 testForKVO[50962:35319521] kind: 1
2016-07-04 19:20:47.937 testForKVO[50962:35319521] turn1
2016-07-04 19:20:47.938 testForKVO[50962:35319521] kind: 1
2016-07-04 19:20:47.938 testForKVO[50962:35319521] notificationIsPrior: 1
2016-07-04 19:20:47.938 testForKVO[50962:35319521] turn2
2016-07-04 19:20:47.938 testForKVO[50962:35319521] kind: 1
将options修改为 0 得到测试结果:
2016-07-04 19:50:43.925 testForKVO[51293:35351701] turn1
2016-07-04 19:50:43.925 testForKVO[51293:35351701] kind: 1
2016-07-04 19:50:43.925 testForKVO[51293:35351701] turn2
2016-07-04 19:50:43.925 testForKVO[51293:35351701] kind: 1
2016-07-04 19:33:12.326 testForKVO[51133:35333070] turn0
2016-07-04 19:33:12.326 testForKVO[51133:35333070] kind: 1
2016-07-04 19:33:12.326 testForKVO[51133:35333070] new: turn0
2016-07-04 19:33:12.327 testForKVO[51133:35333070] turn0
2016-07-04 19:33:12.327 testForKVO[51133:35333070] kind: 1
2016-07-04 19:33:12.327 testForKVO[51133:35333070] old: turn0
2016-07-04 19:33:12.327 testForKVO[51133:35333070] notificationIsPrior: 1
2016-07-04 19:33:12.327 testForKVO[51133:35333070] turn1
2016-07-04 19:33:12.327 testForKVO[51133:35333070] kind: 1
2016-07-04 19:33:12.327 testForKVO[51133:35333070] old: turn0
2016-07-04 19:33:12.327 testForKVO[51133:35333070] new: turn1
2016-07-04 19:33:12.328 testForKVO[51133:35333070] turn1
2016-07-04 19:33:12.328 testForKVO[51133:35333070] kind: 1
2016-07-04 19:33:12.328 testForKVO[51133:35333070] old: turn1
2016-07-04 19:33:12.328 testForKVO[51133:35333070] notificationIsPrior: 1
2016-07-04 19:33:12.328 testForKVO[51133:35333070] turn2
2016-07-04 19:33:12.328 testForKVO[51133:35333070] kind: 1
2016-07-04 19:33:12.328 testForKVO[51133:35333070] old: turn1
2016-07-04 19:33:12.328 testForKVO[51133:35333070] new: turn2