S9300系列交换机作为华为主要运营商级、企业级核心、汇聚交换机,广泛应用在各行各业的不同环境下。但是作为重要功能的MPLS ×××、NQA和IPv6功能却需要单独申请许可,方能使用。 在不加载License的情况下,交换机基本功能可以正常使用。但是不支持MPLS ×××、NQA和IPv6功能。




于S9306的license文件中的ESN(Equipment Serial Number,设备序列号)是存储在设备的背板backplane上。。

登陆设备 查看ESN号,用以申请相应的许可。许可文件将是以DAT为扩展名的一个文本文件。

disp esn

ESN of backplane: 020PBVD0A9101013



[AQY-S9306-02]ftp server enable
Info: Succeeded in starting the FTP server.


2、也可以将9306作为你的FTP客户端从你的电脑上下载许可文件。 顺带提一句,备份和升级固件、配置均可以用这个方法。


华为9306 如何注册激活license 文件_第1张图片



Trying ...
Press CTRL+K to abort
Connected to
220 3Com 3CDaemon FTP Server Version 2.0
331 User name ok, need password
Enter password:
230 User logged in

200 PORT command successful.
150 File status OK ; about to open data connection
226 Closing data connection
FTP: 101 byte(s) received in 0.060 second(s) 1.68Kbyte(s)/sec.

[ftp]get Demo_QuidwayS9300_V100R003_All_20130926-1.dat
200 PORT command successful.
150 File status OK ; about to open data connection
226 Closing data connection; File transfer successful.
FTP: 1675 byte(s) received in 0.087 second(s) 19.25Kbyte(s)/sec.


Directory of cfcard:/

Idx Attr Size(Byte) Date Time FileName
0 -rw- 26,184,259 Nov 27 2010 09:33:30 s9300.cc
1 drw- - Oct 06 2013 21:32:26 logfile
2 -rw- 198 Jan 22 2013 00:40:16 $_patchstate_a
3 -rw- 4 Oct 21 2013 04:47:44 snmpnotilog.txt
4 -rw- 524,405 Feb 10 2012 16:16:38 private-data.txt
5 -rw- 1,702,024 Nov 27 2010 09:52:06 s9300v100r002sph010.pat
6 -rw- 140,708 Jan 22 2013 00:40:16 patchhistory
7 -rw- 4,953 Oct 09 2013 18:16:14 vrpcfg.zip
8 -rw- 2,839,729 Jan 21 2013 16:39:12 s9300v100r002sph022.pat
9 -rw- 14 Oct 21 2013 09:41:20 system_sj_a
10 -rw- 14 Oct 21 2013 09:41:20 system_sj_b
11 -rw- 1,675 Oct 21 2013 11:08:14 demo_quidways9300_v100r003_all_20130926-1.dat

500,192 KB total (459,240 KB free)



disp license
Info: License activated does not exist on master board.


license active demo_quidways9300_v100r003_all_20130926-1.dat
Info: The License is being activated. Please wait for a moment.
Info: No License was activated on slave board.

这个错误提示是什么 意思呢?原来咱们的9306支持主备两个主控板。其实一个活动的主控板为当前主控板,咱们上传的license文件就在这个主控板上,另一块为备用主控板,它上面是不会有license文件呢,如果设备 主控板发生切换,而原来的备机上没有license文件,就会有问题。因此需要同步这个license文件到备用主控板。

copy demo_quidways9300_v100r003_all_20130926-1.dat slave#cfcard:/
Warning: File cfcard:/demo_quidways9300_v100r003_all_20130926-1.dat will be copied to slave#cfcard:/demo_quidways9300_v100r003_all_20130926-1.dat. Continue? [Y/N]:y
Info: Copying file cfcard:/demo_quidways9300_v100r003_all_20130926-1.dat to slave#cfcard:/demo_quidways9300_v100r003_all_20130926-1.dat


license active demo_quidways9300_v100r003_all_20130926-1.dat
Info: The License is being activated. Please wait for a moment.
PRD_VER not matched, but locate single segment with PRD_NAME & PRD_ESN
Info: Succeeded in activating the License file on the master board.
PRD_VER not matched, but locate single segment with PRD_NAME & PRD_ESN
Info: Succeeded in activating the License file on the slave board.


display license
Active License on master board: cfcard:/demo_quidways9300_v100r003_all_20130926-1.dat

Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
All rights reserved.
Product name : Quidway S9300
Product version : V100R002
License Serial No : LIC20130926111F10
Creator : Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Created Time : 2013-09-26 16:04:12
Feature name : ACCESS
Authorize type : DEMO
Expired date : 2013-12-25
Trial days : 60
Expired date of software maintain : 0000-00-00
Expired date of hardware maintain : 0000-00-00
Expired date of free software update : 0000-00-00
Configure items :
Item name : LLE0IPV601 value : 1
Item name : LLE0MPLS01 value : 1
Item name : LLE0NQAF01 value : 1

Active License on slave board: slave#cfcard:/demo_quidways9300_v100r003_all_20130926-1.dat

Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
All rights reserved.

Product name : Quidway S9300
Product version : V100R002
License Serial No : LIC20130926111F10
Creator : Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Created Time : 2013-09-26 16:04:12
Feature name : ACCESS
Authorize type : DEMO
Expired date : 2013-12-25
Trial days : 60
Expired date of software maintain : 0000-00-00
Expired date of hardware maintain : 0000-00-00
Expired date of free software update : 0000-00-00
Configure items :
Item name : LLE0IPV601 value : 1
Item name : LLE0MPLS01 value : 1
Item name : LLE0NQAF01 value : 1
