[Keras] [multiple inputs / outputs] ValueError: No data provided for "xx". Need data for each key...

  • stackOverflow 上有类似的问题,例如:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42379138/keras-valueerror-no-data-provided-for-input-1-need-data-for-each-key
  1. The input data does not have the same dimension as was declared in the first layer
  2. The input data includs missing values
  3. The input data is not a matrix (for example, a data frame)
  • 但我的问题不是这样,我的keras 使用了triplet loss,多个输入和输出,用dict描述,因此要注意,
    model = Model(inputs=[xx, xxx, xxxx], outputs=[y1,y2,y3])
    输入dict的key要和Input layer 的name一一对应,同理输出dict的key要和输出层的name一一对应。

你可能感兴趣的:([Keras] [multiple inputs / outputs] ValueError: No data provided for "xx". Need data for each key...)