外刊精读周计划 5.8 Mon 精读笔记

5.8 Mon 精读笔记






enlist v. to engage (a person or their help or support)

e.g. The company enlisted the help of independent consultants.

know sb. slightly 和某人不熟

feasible a. possible and practical to do easily or conveniently.

e.g. The Dutch have demonstrated that it is perfectly feasible to livebelow sea level.

restive a.不耐烦的

hitthe delete button 点删除键

subject line 主题行(就是填写“邮件主题”那一栏)

panel n. A panel is a small group of people who are chosen todo something, for example, to discuss something in public or to make adecision.

e.g. He assembled a panel of scholars to advise him.

live...up If a place or event livens up, or if

something livens it up, it becomes more interesting and


e.g. How could we decorate the room to liven it up?

cut to the chase 开门见山,切入主题

chase 在这里作“主题”

e.g. Cut to the chase—what is it you want us to do?

butter up: to charm sb. with flattery

SYN: compliment < flatter < adulate

manipulative a.工于心计的,善于操纵的

e.g. He described Mr. Long as cold, calculating, and manipulative.

miles/a mile: very much

e.g. You're miles better than most of the performers we see nowadays.

ungratifying a.令人不满意的,无法令人满足的

e.g. Rose says so far the marriage has been unsatisfying.

attest v.证明

SYN: to give proof or evidence of; manifest;to bear witness to; certify

e.g. His status is attested by his becoming an alderman (市议员).

His numerous drawings of babies attest to his fascination with them.

be a fiend with…

fiend n. (informal) An enthusiast or devotee of a particular thing

e.g. a tea fiend 嗜茶的人(“戏痴”等词也可借鉴这种翻法)

half way down the second page(指写的信要)超过一页半

sign off: Conclude a letter, broadcast, or other message

e.g. He signed off with a few words of advice.

rattle on 喋喋不休

bring to life: make or become active, lively, or interesting

scorch v. Burn the surface of (something) with flame or heat

scorch wit and sense(才思敏捷)

comply (with) v. 遵从;答应

e.g. We are unable to comply with your request.


Tina Fey 伊丽莎白·斯塔玛蒂娜·“蒂娜”·菲(英语:Elizabeth Stamatina "Tina" Fey,1970年5月18日-),美国剧作家,喜剧演员,演员和制片人。她至今已8次获艾美奖,两次获金球奖,5次获美国演员工会奖,4次获美国编剧工会奖。她在电影《贱女孩》中的表演虽让她赢得良好声誉,但她最为著名的表演却是在《周末夜现场》中扮演莎拉·佩林(阿拉斯加州前州长,2008年共和党的副总统候选人)以及她在《超级制作人》中的演出,她还被芭芭拉·沃尔特斯选为“2008年全美十大最具吸引力的人物”。

因此,“You are our own Tina Fey”means you are our superstar.

Mind Map

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