L2方式、L3方式、dns方式、广播转单播方式 描述的非常详细
AP Join Process (1 of 2) – Discovery Process
This is the first part of a two part post regarding the AP/WLC join process. The first stage of the process is discovery, followed by WLC selection and join.
IP Address Assignment
The discovery process commences once a lightweight AP has an IP address. The AP must have IP connectivity in order to discover a WLC. If configured with a static IP address the WLC will attempt to use it, else if no IP address is configured it will attempt to obtain one using DHCP.
Once the AP has received an IP address it will proceed with the discovery phase.
Build a list of candidate WLCs
The AP will attempt to build a list of candidate WLCs to which it may join using the discovery methods below. If not discovery methods are successful the AP with reload and the process will start again. The command below will prevent an AP from reloading, this can be useful when troubleshooting.
debug capwap client no-reload
Layer 2
Now depreciated, layer 2 discovery was previously supported and enabled APs to join a WLC within an Ethernet broadcast domain. If layer 2 discovery is not successful the AP will move to layer 3 discovery.
Layer 3
Layer 3 mode enables an AP to join a WLC either within the same subnet, or across subnets boundaries connected by a router.
Static, configured WLC IP:
Configure Primary/Secondary/Tertiary WLCs using the command:
ap#capwap ap [primary|secondary|tertiary]-base [wlc-name] [wlc-ip-address]
Verify configured WLCs:
ap#show capwap client config | i mwar
mwarName mywlc1
mwarName mywlc2
Or if the AP has not been registered to a WLC before, stage the AP with this command which is disabled after the first successful WLC join:
capwap ap controller ip address
Remembered WLCs from previously joined mobility group:
Verify previously joined WLCs:
ap#show capwap client config | i Addr
Configured Switch 1 Addr
Configured Switch 2 Addr
Configured Switch 3 Addr
DHCP option 43 (and optional Option 60):
If an AP has a DHCP IP address assignment additional parameters can be passed from the DHCP server to the client (AP) in the form of DHCP options.
Option 43 is a field that can contain the IP address of one or more WLCs. Below is an example of a DHCP Offer packet containing option 43
The value of the option file is ‘f104c0a81e05’, this translates to the following Type, Length Value (TLV):
Type 0xf1 – type decimal 241
Length 04 – length (4 octets – one IP address, 8 octets = 2 IP addresses etc.)
Value c0a81e05 – value (convert each pair from hex to decimal)
Message seen when option 43 is received via DHCP:
%CAPWAP-5-DHCP_OPTION_43: Controller address;obtained through DHCP
A DHCP client (AP) will advertise it’s Vendor Class Identifier (VCI) to the DHCP server, in the DHCP discover packet. The DHCP server can be configured to only provide Option 43 information to clients matching a specific VCI. For a list of VCI refer to this link.
Example of vendor class identifier sent by Cisco 1130 AP in DHCP request:
Screen Shot 2015-09-24 at 05.31.53
An AP will attempt to discover all WLCs by sending an Discovery Request packet to the broadcast address of the IP network used by the AP. All WLCs in the subnet should receive the broadcast and respond with a unicast Discovery Reply.
Using IP Helper function, a network device can be configured to indiscriminately forward all IP broadcast packets (matching specific UDP ports) as unicast packets to one or more designated hosts. This method can be used to allow an AP to discover WLCs outside it’s own subnet. By default CAPWAP broadcast traffic is not forwarded by IP helper, so the following commands are required:
router(config)#ip forward-protocol udp 5246 #capwap-control
router(config)#ip forward-protocol udp 5246 #lwwap-control (legacy)
Next, on the L3 interface connected to the AP configure the WLC IP addresses that should receive the broadcast (delivered as unicast):
router(config)#interface x/y
router(config-if)# ip helper-address
OTAP (Over The Air Provisioning)
OTAP is a method of WLC discovery that utilizes the wireless network. OTAP has several significant limitations and is essentially no longer used. The AP must be using the full lightweight AP image, and not the recovery image, new APs only ship with the recovery image and radios are disabled. Additionally, the OTAP feature is disabled by default, and no longer available from release
Enabling OTAP on the WLC:
config network otap-mode {enable | disable}
If an AP is using OTAP to discover a WLC it will upon boot-up scan each channel listening for RRM packets, which (with OTAP enabled) contain the MAC and IP address of the WLC. A unicast Discovery Request will be sent to the WLC IP.
An AP will attempt to discover WLCs by resolving a DNS A or CNAME records matching CISCO-CAPWAP-CONTROLLER.localdomain or CISCO-LWAPP-CONTROLLER.localdomain, where localdomain is the access point domain name. The DNS entry if configured will resolve to one or more WLC IP addresses.
In order for the AP to resolve DNS names one of the following must be available:
- DNS name server configured locally within the AP
- DNS name server provided in a DHCP offer
- DNS name server located in local subnet (which responds to DNS requests sent to broadcast address of the IP network used by the AP)
Additionally, the correct DNS suffix must be configured within the AP, or sent via DHCP offer. For example if the DNS entry is CISCO-CAPWAP-CONTROLLER.mycorp.com, the AP must use the DNS suffix mycorp.com in order for DNS resolution of the name to work.
Once the DNS name has been resolved a unicast Discovery Request will be sent to the WLC IP/s.