Jul. 2017 草莓专题之 Sand Play




不管什么季节,无论是 indoor 还是 outdoor,小朋友们都特别特别爱玩沙。那我们今天就带上我们的小工具,一起去玩沙吧!

Jul. 2017 草莓专题之 Sand Play_第1张图片
Sand play 玩沙啦!



出门的时候可以跟宝宝说,Do you want to go play sand? Let's gather your bucket and tools.想不想要去玩沙?那我们带齐你的桶和工具吧。

Let's see what we have here. We have one bucket 一个小沙桶,one shovel 一个小铲子,one rake 一个小耙子,one sand sifter 一个小沙漏,and a few molds 还有几个模具。

Jul. 2017 草莓专题之 Sand Play_第2张图片
Put all the tools in your bucket!

Should we count and see how many molds you have?我们要不要数看看你有几个模具?1、2、3、4......

Jul. 2017 草莓专题之 Sand Play_第3张图片
How many molds do you have?

Now let's put all your tools in your bucket, so you can carry it all by yourself! 那我们现在把你的小工具都放到你的小桶里吧,这样你自己就可以拎着走了!Remember now, this is your bucket of tools. 记住咯,这是你自己的工具桶哦。Off we go!

Ready to Play!

玩沙的时候,最爱做什么,当然是 挖dig!

Let's dig a big hole in the sand, big enough to bury Mommy's feet!  我们在沙里挖个大坑吧,可以把妈妈的脚埋起来那么大的坑!

Jul. 2017 草莓专题之 Sand Play_第4张图片
Bury your feet in the sand 把脚埋进沙里

Don't use your hands silly, use your shovel and your rake, or even your bucket! 别用手挖呀小傻瓜,用你的小铲子和小沙耙,用你的小桶也可以呀。

又或者,I hid your molds in the sand, can you dig them out? 我把你的模具藏在沙子里咯,你能把它们挖出来吗?Keep digging, you are getting really close. Look, I see the turtle!  再挖挖看,已经差不多找到咯。我看到乌龟模具了!

如果小朋友对砌高楼比较有兴趣,那我们就堆个沙雕城堡如何。Let's build a sandcastle!

我们能不能用小桶帮忙堆一个很高的城堡呢?我们试试看吧!Can we use your little bucket to build a really tall sandcastle? Why don't we try!

最后的最后,喜欢拍照的爸爸妈妈们,不能错过小脚印啦。Baby, let's play a game called "who makes the smallest footprints in the sand!" Come on, step here! 宝贝我们来玩个游戏吧,这个游戏叫做 “谁的脚印最小呢”。来这边踩踩看!

Jul. 2017 草莓专题之 Sand Play_第5张图片
Footprints 脚印;

小朋友都玩尽兴了吗?享受阳光的同时,千万不要忘记抹防晒哦~ ~ ~ Enjoy!


Jul. 2017 草莓专题之 Sand Play_第6张图片

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