我认为微笑曲线还有现实意义,微笑嘴型的一条曲线,两端朝上,在产业链中,附加值更多体现在两端,微笑曲线理论设计和销售,处于中间环节的制造附加值最低。微笑曲线中间是制造;左边是研发,属于全球性的竞争;右边是营销,主要是当地性的竞争。当前制造产生的利润低,全球制造也已供过于求,但是研发与营销的附加价值高,因此产业未来应朝微笑曲线的两端发展,也就是在左边加强研展创造智慧财产权,在右边加强客户导向的营销与服务。如下图所示:微笑曲线有两个要点, 第一个是可以找出附加价值在哪里, 第二个是关于竞争的型态。
制造业传统意义上的价值创造和分配模式正在发生转变,借助互联网平台,企业、客户及利益相关方纷纷参与到价值创造、价值传递及价值实现等生产制造的各个环节。因为 “互联网+工业”不仅仅是“信息共享”,还将广泛开展“物理共享”,从而形成新的价值创造和分享模式,开创全新的共享经济,带动大众创业和万众创新
2.阅读一篇以上Industrial Chain相关英文文章,要求用英文摘录文章主旨,并列出关键单词等,还须附上文章链接.
The Global Value Chains (GVC) literature intervenes in today’s challenging development context by focusing on the means by which developing-country industries can ‘upgrade’ their market positions and outcomes for workers. Yet while this literature has produced hundreds of rich empirical case studies, there has to date been no attempt to systematically analyze this case literature for lessons regarding the antecedents and consequences of the key outcome of upgrading. This paper undertakes a systematic analysis of a representative sample of 45 case studies of primary product and light manufacturing industries in developing countries. These studies were coded for factors involved in initiating and sustaining upgrading processes, the results of upgrading, and the role of local institutions in these processes. We find that contrary to the major assumptions of the literature, advanced-country buyers are not the main force in the initiation of industrial upgrading. Rather, in most cases, developing-country firms initiate upgrades when pushed by “shocks” of market vulnerability, usually produced by state policies, that force them to seek to change their status quo operations. Once initiated, upgrading processes can produce a wide spectrum of results—from little to no advancement in market position (‘treadmilling’) to vaulting to the forefront of a global industry (‘leaps forward’)—on the basis of the sources of learning present in the local institutional environment, such as state agencies and business associations. We also identify conditions under which state participation in upgrading processes can lead to increased local institutional capacity. Together, these findings suggest a framework for upgrading that we refer to as an ‘induced search’ model. This model has important implications for future research on the dynamics of industrial upgrading in developing countries, techniques of state intervention, and processes of mutually supportive learning between actors in the public and private sector.
升级流程 The upgrade process
诱导搜索 Induction of search
技术研究 Technical research
3.阅读一篇以上supply chain 相关英文文章,要求用英文摘录文章主旨,并列出关键单词,附上文章链接。
Data entry errors are greatly reduced due to computer to computer communications. The speed of the processing is also improved.
Both parties are interested in giving better service levels to the end customer. Having the correct item in stock when the end customer needs it, benefits all parties involved.
A true partnership is formed between the Manufacturer and the Distributor. They work closer together and strengthen their ties. This benefits of a stronger partnership goes beyond VMI.
Stabilize the timing of Purchase Orders - PO's are now generated on a predefined basis. Example: A once/twice Weekly purchase order cycle.
a predefined basis 一个预定义的基础
Purchase Orders 采购订单
stronger partnership 强大的合作伙伴关系