

Parameter Description
Name   Unique name of the rule. For example, “Local network”.
Discovery by proxy What performs discovery:
no proxy - Zabbix server is doing discovery
- this proxy performs discovery
IP range   The range of IP addresses for discovery. It may have the following formats:
Single IP:
Range of IP addresses:
IP mask:
supported IP masks:
/16 - /30 for IPv4 addresses
/112 - /128 for IPv6 addresses
Note: Each IP address should be included only once; having multiple rules for a single IP address can have unexpected behavior such as having deadlocks and/or duplicate hosts in the database. The same could happen if two hosts having the sameDNSname are included in separate discovery rules.
Delay (in sec)   This parameter defines how often Zabbix will execute the rule.
Delay is measured after the execution of previous discovery instance ends so there is no overlap.
Checks   Zabbix will use this list of checks for discovery.
Supported checks: SSH, LDAP, SMTP,FTP, HTTP, HTTPS, POP, NNTP, IMAP, TCP, Telnet, Zabbix agent, SNMPv1 agent, SNMPv2 agent, SNMPv3 agent, ICMP ping.
A protocol-based discovery uses the net.tcp.service[] functionality to test each host, except for SNMP which queries an SNMP OID. Zabbix agent is tested by querying an item. Please see agent items for more details.
The 'Ports' parameter may be one of following:
Single port: 22
Range of ports: 22-45
List: 22-45,55,60-70
Device uniqueness criteria   Uniqueness criteria may be:
IP address - no processing of multiple single-IP devices. If a device with the same IP already exists it will be considered already discovered and a new host will not be added.
Type of discovery check - either SNMP or Zabbix agent check.
Enabled   With the check-box marked the rule is active and will be executed by Zabbix server.
If unmarked, the rule is not active. It won't be executed.





1.4 -->Conditions


1.5 -->Operations
