必胜客现在碉堡了,开始用机器人上菜了 | 双语热点

必胜客现在碉堡了,开始用机器人上菜了 | 双语热点_第1张图片



When it comes to bringing you a slice, Pizza Hut's new robot can't be topped


We love pizza, and we love robots, so when the two come together it's something to get really excited about. A branch of Pizza Hut in South Korea has introduced a robot waiter to serve your slice, in an effort to increase its use of food-related technology, lessen staff pressures, and of course to attract the geeky and inquisitive to come in and eat at the restaurant.


必胜客现在碉堡了,开始用机器人上菜了 | 双语热点_第2张图片

The robot is called the Dilly Plate, and it has been created by South Korean food technology company Woowa Brothers. Pizza Hut hasn't agreed to employ the robot full time yet, and it has two weeks to prove itself.

这个机器人叫Dilly Plate,是由韩国食品科技公司Woowa Brothers生产的。必胜客尚未同意全职雇佣这个机器人,它还有两周的试用期。

Dilly Plate is considerably less humanoid, and a lot more functional in its design. There are no arms or legs, only a motorized platform with a plate on the top that holds your pizza. Presumably, you will have to do the heavy pizza lifting when Dilly arrives at your table, due to its lack of limbs. Dilly will be able to stack pizzas for efficient delivery, as it can hold 22kg of food.

Dilly Plate不太人性化,设计上更侧重实用性。它没有胳膊和腿,只有一个机械化的平台,上面是一个能放披萨的托盘,想必Dilly到你桌前时你还需要自己把很沉的披萨拿起来,因为它没有四肢。Dilly可以叠放披萨,高效率地送餐,它能拿动22kg的食物。

必胜客现在碉堡了,开始用机器人上菜了 | 双语热点_第3张图片

Woowa Brothers founder and CEO Kim Bong-jin teased the introduction of Dilly Plate — which he called an autonomous serving robot — in an interview recently, and sees it as an experiment to help compare how people and robots can work together in a service environment. In particular, how robots can be used for deliveries and collections in apartment complexes and other enclosed spaces.

Woowa Brothers的创始人兼首席执行官Kim Bong-jin在最近一次采访中拿Dilly Plate的试用开玩笑,他称其为“自动服务机器人”,并把它看作一个实验品,有助于弄清在服务场所人和机器人如何共事,尤其想看看机器人在公寓和其他封闭场所是如何被用来传菜和收餐具的。

Pizza Hut is no stranger to robots in the workplace either, and had SoftBank's Pepper robot working in a branch in Singapore, where it took orders and made recommendations. The unnamed Pizza Hut store is located in southwest Seoul.

这也并非是必胜客第一次在工作场所使用机器人,在新加坡一家分店就使用了机器人SoftBank's Pepper,它负责下单和提供建议。上文未提及名字的必胜客店位于首尔西南部。






必胜客现在碉堡了,开始用机器人上菜了 | 双语热点_第4张图片


必胜客现在碉堡了,开始用机器人上菜了 | 双语热点_第5张图片

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