RxJava2 和 RxJava1 的变化


Operator differences

Most operators are still there in 2.x and practically all of them have the same behavior as they had in 1.x. The following subsections list each base reactive type and the difference between 1.x and 2.x.

Generally, many operators gained overloads that now allow specifying the internal buffer size or prefetch amount they should run their upstream (or inner sources).

Some operator overloads have been renamed with a postfix, such as fromArray, fromIterable etc. The reason for this is that when the library is compiled with Java 8, the javac often can't disambiguate between functional interface types.

Operators marked as @Beta or @Experimental in 1.x are promoted to standard.

1.x Observable to 2.x Flowable

Factory methods:

1.x 2.x
amb added amb(ObservableSource...) overload, 2-9 argument versions dropped
RxRingBuffer.SIZE bufferSize()
combineLatest added varargs overload, added overloads with bufferSize argument, combineLatest(List) dropped
concat added overload with prefetch argument, 5-9 source overloads dropped, use concatArray instead
N/A added concatArray and concatArrayDelayError
N/A added concatArrayEager and concatArrayEagerDelayError
concatDelayError added overloads with option to delay till the current ends or till the very end
concatEagerDelayError added overloads with option to delay till the current ends or till the very end
create(SyncOnSubscribe) replaced with generate + overloads (distinct interfaces, you can implement them all at once)
create(AsnycOnSubscribe) not present
create(OnSubscribe) repurposed with safe create(FlowableOnSubscribe, BackpressureStrategy), raw support via unsafeCreate()
from disambiguated into fromArray, fromIterable, fromFuture
N/A added fromPublisher
fromAsync renamed to create()
N/A added intervalRange()
limit dropped, use take
merge added overloads with prefetch
mergeDelayError added overloads with prefetch
sequenceEqual added overload with bufferSize
switchOnNext added overload with prefetch
switchOnNextDelayError added overload with prefetch
timer deprecated overloads dropped
zip added overloads with bufferSize and delayErrors capabilities, disambiguated to zipArray and zipIterable

Instance methods:

1.x 2.x
all RC3 returns Single now
any RC3 returns Single now
asObservable renamed to hide(), hides all identities now
buffer overloads with custom Collection supplier
cache(int) deprecated and dropped
collect RC3 returns Single
collect(U, Action2) disambiguated to collectInto and RC3 returns Single
concatMap added overloads with prefetch
concatMapDelayError added overloads with prefetch, option to delay till the current ends or till the very end
concatMapEager added overloads with prefetch
concatMapEagerDelayError added overloads with prefetch, option to delay till the current ends or till the very end
count RC3 returns Single now
countLong dropped, use count
distinct overload with custom Collection supplier.
doOnCompleted renamed to doOnComplete, note the missing d !
doOnUnsubscribe renamed to Flowable.doOnCancel and doOnDispose for the others, additional info
N/A added doOnLifecylce to handle onSubscribe, request and cancel peeking
elementAt(int) RC3 no longer signals NoSuchElementException if the source is shorter than the index
elementAt(Func1, int) dropped, use filter(predicate).elementAt(int)
elementAtOrDefault(int, T) renamed to elementAt(int, T) and RC3 returns Single
elementAtOrDefault(Func1, int, T) dropped, use filter(predicate).elementAt(int, T)
first() RC3 renamed to firstElement and returns Maybe
first(Func1) dropped, use filter(predicate).first()
firstOrDefault(T) renamed to first(T) and RC3 returns Single
firstOrDefault(Func1, T) dropped, use filter(predicate).first(T)
flatMap added overloads with prefetch
N/A added forEachWhile(Predicate, [Consumer, [Action]]) for conditionally stopping consumption
groupBy added overload with bufferSize and delayError option, the custom internal map version didn't make it into RC1
ignoreElements RC3 returns Completable
isEmpty RC3 returns Single
last() RC3 renamed to lastElement and returns Maybe
last(Func1) dropped, use filter(predicate).last()
lastOrDefault(T) renamed to last(T) and RC3 returns Single
lastOrDefault(Func1, T) dropped, use filter(predicate).last(T)
nest dropped, use manual just
publish(Func1) added overload with prefetch
reduce(Func2) RC3 returns Maybe
N/A added reduceWith(Callable, BiFunction) to reduce in a Subscriber-individual manner, returns Single
N/A added repeatUntil(BooleanSupplier)
repeatWhen(Func1, Scheduler) dropped the overload,use subscribeOn(Scheduler).repeatWhen(Function) instead
retry added retry(Predicate), retry(int, Predicate)
N/A added retryUntil(BooleanSupplier)
retryWhen(Func1, Scheduler) dropped the overload, use subscribeOn(Scheduler).retryWhen(Function) instead
sample doesn't emit the very last item if the upstream completes within the period,added overloads with emitLast parameter
N/A added scanWith(Callable, BiFunction) to scan in a Subscriber-individual manner
single() RC3 renamed to singleElement and returns Maybe
single(Func1) dropped, use filter(predicate).single()
singleOrDefault(T) renamed to single(T) and RC3 returns Single
singleOrDefault(Func1, T) dropped, use filter(predicate).single(T)
skipLast added overloads with bufferSize and delayError options
startWith 2-9 argument version dropped, use startWithArray instead
N/A added startWithArray to disambiguate
N/A added subscribeWith that returns its input after subscription
switchMap added overload with prefetch argument
switchMapDelayError added overload with prefetch argument
takeLastBuffer dropped
N/A added test() (returns TestSubscriber subscribed to this) with overloads to fluently test
throttleLast doesn't emit the very last item if the upstream completes within the period, use sample with the emitLast parameter
timeout(Func0, ...) signature changed to timeout(Publisher, ...) and dropped the function, use defer(Callable>) if necessary
toBlocking().y inlined as blockingY() operators, except toFuture
toCompletable RC3 dropped, use ignoreElements
toList RC3 returns Single>
toMap RC3 returns Single>
toMultimap RC3 returns Single>>
N/A added toFuture
N/A added toObservable
toSingle RC3 dropped, use single(T)
toSortedList RC3 returns Single>
withLatestFrom 5-9 source overloads dropped
zipWith added overloads with prefetch and delayErrors options

Different return types

  • Some operators that produced exactly one value or an error now return Single in 2.x (or Maybe if an empty source is allowed).
  • (Remark: this is "experimental" in RC2 and RC3 to see how it feels to program with such mixed-type sequences and whether or not there has to be too much toObservable/toFlowable back-conversion.)
Operator Old return type New return type Remark
all(Predicate) Observable Single Emits true if all elements match the predicate
any(Predicate) Observable Single Emits true if any elements match the predicate
count() Observable Single Counts the number of elements in the sequence
elementAt(int) Observable Maybe Emits the element at the given index or completes
elementAt(int, T) Observable Single Emits the element at the given index or the default
elementAtOrError(int) Observable Single Emits the indexth element or a NoSuchElementException
first(T) Observable Single Emits the very first element or NoSuchElementException
firstElement() Observable Maybe Emits the very first element or completes
firstOrError() Observable Single Emits the first element or a NoSuchElementException if the source is empty
ignoreElements() Observable Completable Ignore all but the terminal events
isEmpty() Observable Single Emits true if the source is empty
last(T) Observable Single Emits the very last element or the default item
lastElement() Observable Maybe Emits the very last element or completes
lastOrError() Observable Single Emits the lastelement or a NoSuchElementException if the source is empty
reduce(BiFunction) Observable Maybe Emits the reduced value or completes
reduce(Callable, BiFunction) Observable Single Emits the reduced value (or the initial value)
reduceWith(U, BiFunction) Observable Single Emits the reduced value (or the initial value)
single(T) Observable Single Emits the only element or the default item
singleElement() Observable Maybe Emits the only element or completes
singleOrError() Observable Single Emits the one and only element, IndexOutOfBoundsException if the source is longer than 1 item or a NoSuchElementException if the source is empty
toList() Observable> Single> collects all elements into a List
toMap() Observable> Single> collects all elements into a Map
toMultimap() Observable>> Single>> collects all elements into a Map with collection
toSortedList() Observable> Single> collects all elements into a List and sorts it


  • To make sure the final API of 2.0 is clean as possible, we remove methods and other components between release candidates without deprecating them.
Removed in version Component Remark
RC3 Flowable.toCompletable() use Flowable.ignoreElements()
RC3 Flowable.toSingle() use Flowable.single(T)
RC3 Flowable.toMaybe() use Flowable.singleElement()
RC3 Observable.toCompletable() use Observable.ignoreElements()
RC3 Observable.toSingle() use Observable.single(T)
RC3 Observable.toMaybe() use Observable.singleElement()

Miscellaneous changes


In 1.x, the doOnUnsubscribe was always executed on a terminal event because 1.x' SafeSubscriber called unsubscribe on itself. This was practically unnecessary and the Reactive-Streams specification states that when a terminal event arrives at a Subscriber, the upstream Subscription should be considered cancelled and thus calling cancel() is a no-op.

For the same reason, unsubscribeOn is not called on the regular termination path but only when there is an actual cancel (or dispose) call on the chain.

Therefore, the following sequence won't call doOnCancel:

Flowable.just(1, 2, 3)
.doOnCancel(() -> System.out.println("Cancelled!"))

However, the following will call since the take operator cancels after the set amount of onNext events have been delivered:

Flowable.just(1, 2, 3)
.doOnCancel(() -> System.out.println("Cancelled!"))

If you need to perform cleanup on both regular termination or cancellation, consider the operator using instead.

Alternatively, the doFinally operator (introduced in 2.0.1 and standardized in 2.1) calls a developer specified Action that gets executed after a source completed, failed with an error or got cancelled/disposed:

Flowable.just(1, 2, 3)
.doFinally(() -> System.out.println("Finally"))

Flowable.just(1, 2, 3)
.doFinally(() -> System.out.println("Finally"))
.take(2) // cancels the above after 2 elements

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