2019-10-10 DBA4
3.50am照常起来,不到 7am finish yoga,昨天吃的很多cheese消化还不错,看来keto有他的的道理,但我的muesli和mini croissant是个额外carb,早餐看到学校某些人亲昵举动,一点不奇怪,我很自然扯到中国旅游团,一片狼籍和食物一扫而空,前两天清净完全没有,服务人员很紧张!
我拒绝和亲昵关系一桌但建议一起去学校,路上讨论BSl是否enter China,我自告奋勇服务,结果公司变成高等教育机构,没啥不好的。
上午是case study presentation,来自美国的V主题pharmaceutical company sustainability,对于我来说陈词滥调,我还忙于工作各种回复,Tru内部混乱导致终止合同,各种crab,好在我心情平和,就接受呗。我自己presentation,总是非常好,谦虚的说,我很擅长台前讲,不喜欢坐在圆桌边介绍,能量不通!
一些有价值反馈 Case study presentation outcome:
LR on holistic, or closer programs existing! Chief happiness officer or well-being officer, what they do?
case study on individual but need benefits of company: DSM, nestle, Fosun, PWC
Who are top employers in China: 最佳雇员
choose companies with different level of well-being 5, then deep dive into 1.
MVP: minimum variable project
接受一些建议,也许拓展case study到一些大公司,回去联系一下呗。
Theoretical underpinnings
‣ Aristotelian view of happiness, eudaimonic vs. hedonic or pleasurable (Waterman, 1993)同意
‣ Well-being impacts productivity and profitability (Harter et al., 2003, 2010; Baard et al., 2004)我找到原文,不需要自己论证,可以直接引用
‣ Well-being components impact performance
•Positive emotions (e.g. Wright et al., 2002)•Engagement (e.g. Salanova et al.,2006)•Relationships (Heaphy & Dutton, 2008)•Meaning (e.g. Duffy et al., 2012)•Accomplishment (e.g. Sheldon & Elliott,1999)这个和我的定义有不同,但无所谓啦。
以上对于leadership过程很好,也看到不要再研究啥leadership,都被人说烂啦。不过没提我着重的mindful leadership。
终于知道JF建议的是Adjunct Professor,此人教学属兼职,正式职业不是属于学校。我ok!
Vincent提到的方法Autoethnography is a theoretical, methodological, and (primarily) textual approach that seeks to experience, reflect on, and represent through evocation the relationship among self and culture, individual and collective experience, and identity politics and appeals for social justice. In investigating these relationships, autoethnography fuses personal narrative and sociocultural exploration. Autoethnographic inquiry and writing has long been practiced by journalists and novelists, historians and biographers, travelers and journal writers. However, development of the theoretical, methodological, and textual concerns and conventions of autoethnography among researchers and scholars in the human disciplines is more recent. 我看了一下google scholar解释,认为我写文章的方法很类似,有意思。