
1.Practice is the single most important factor in determining a person’s ultimate achievement in a given domain, it makes sense that if genes do play a role, their role would play out through shaping how likely a person is to engage in deliberate practice or how effective that practice is likely to be. Seeing it in this way puts genetic differences in a completely different light.

2.People do not stop learning and improving because they have reached some innate limits on their performance; they stop learning and improving because, for whatever reasons, they stopped practicing-or never started. There is no evidence that any otherwise normal people are born without the innate talent to sing or do math or perform any other skill.

  1. The most important gifts we can give our children are the confidence in their ability to remake themselves again and again and the tools with which to do that job. They will need to see firsthand-through their own experience of developing abilities they thought were beyond them-that they control their abilities and are not held hostage by some antiquated idea of natural talent.
