小作品: Python 命令行词典,含 15 万离线词库(附源码)

python-translate(Python 命令行词典)

python-translate 是一个简单的命令行翻译工具,数据源自必应、有道及爱词霸翻译服务。

小作品: Python 命令行词典,含 15 万离线词库(附源码)_第1张图片


  • Python 版本
    python 2.6 +
  • 演示环境
    BunsenLabs Linux Hydrogen (Debian GNU/Linux 8.5)


  • 英汉 / 汉英 翻译
  • 拼写检查及拼写建议(仅英文)
  • 数据存储 (使用 dbm 模块)
  • 单词发音


usage: translate.py [-h] [-n] [-p {espeak,festival}] [-s {bing,youdao,iciba}]
                    [-w] [-V]

positional arguments:
  word                  word or 'some phrase'

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -n, --nostorage       turn off data storage
  -p {espeak,festival,real}, --pronounce {espeak,festival,real}
                        text-to-speech software: 'espeak', 'festival' or 'real'
  -s {bing,youdao,iciba}, --service {bing,youdao,iciba}
                        translate service: 'bing', 'youdao' or 'iciba'
  -w, --webonly         ignore local data
  -V, --version         show program's version number and exit
  • 关于查询结果保存
    默认保存查询结果,如需关闭,可使用 -n--nostorage 选项。
$ python2 translate.py hello -n
  • 关于本地数据使用
    默认使用本地数据库,如需关闭,可使用 -w--webonly 选项。
$ python2 translate.py hello -w
  • 关于翻译服务选择
    可使用 -s--service 选项指定翻译服务:bing | youdao | iciba ,默认使用必应翻译。以下三种表示方法均有效:
$ python2 translate.py hello -s=youdao
$ python2 translate.py hello -s youdao
$ python2 translate.py hello -syoudao

若该选项非空,则 webonly 会自动开启,即不使用本地数据库。

  • 关于单词发音
    单词发音功能默认关闭,如需启用,可使用 -p--pronounce 选项,选择具体的软件发音: espeak | festival 。
    另外 TTS 合成语音效果一般,若有真人语音文件,可配合 aplay、mpg321、sox 等命令使用,可修改源码中的 pronounce 部分以更改的发音配置。
    p.s. 语音资源可搜索 "OtdRealPeopleTTS"、"WyabdcRealPeopleTTS" 等关键词。
$ python2 translate.py hello -p=espeak
$ python2 translate.py hello -p=festival
$ python2 translate.py hello -p=real

库依赖 & 软件支持

  • requests
  • Beautiful Soup 4
  • lxml
  • pyenchant
$ pip install requests beautifulsoup4 lxml pyenchant
# OR
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
  • eSpeak (发音需要,可选择安装)
  • Festival (发音需要,可选择安装)
  • ALSA (发音需要,可选择安装)
$ sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev libxslt-dev python-dev espeak festival alsa-base alsa-utils


  • 设置命令别名
$ alias t="python2 /path/to/the/translate.py"
$ alias te="t -p=espeak"
$ alias tf="t -p=festival"
$ alias tr="t -p=real"
$ alias tb="t -s=bing"
$ alias ty="t -s=youdao"
$ alias ti="t -s=iciba"
  • data 文件夹内包含了 15 万英文单词的翻译结果
  • 修改 hosts 配置可加速在线查询,参考 test 文件夹中的 hosts 文件
  • 预先批量查询并保存结果,可作离线词典使用,单词列表见 spell-checker 文件夹


  • SCOWL (Spell Checker Oriented Word Lists)
  • List of spell checkers
  • Wiktionary:Frequency lists
  • wordlist.10000
  • top10000en.txt
  • google-10000-english


#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*
import os
import argparse
import dbm
import re
from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool as ThreadPool
from multiprocessing import Process

class Bing(object):

    def __init__(self):
        super(Bing, self).__init__()

    def query(self, word):
        import requests
        from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
        sess = requests.Session()
        headers = {
            'Host': 'cn.bing.com',
            'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:50.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/50.0',
            'Accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8',
            'Accept-Language': 'en-US,en;q=0.5',
            'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate',
        url = 'http://cn.bing.com/dict/SerpHoverTrans?q=%s' % (word)
            resp = sess.get(url, timeout=100)
            return None
        text = resp.text
        if (resp.status_code == 200) and (text):
            soup = BeautifulSoup(text, 'lxml')
            if soup.find('h4').text.strip() != word.decode('utf-8'):
                return None
            lis = soup.find_all('li')
            trans = []
            for item in lis:
                transText = item.get_text()
                if transText:
            return '\n'.join(trans)
            return None

class Youdao(object):

    def __init__(self):
        super(Youdao, self).__init__()

    def query(self, word):
        import requests
            import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET
        except ImportError:
            import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
        sess = requests.Session()
        headers = {
            'Host': 'dict.youdao.com',
            'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:50.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/50.0',
            'Accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8',
            'Accept-Language': 'en-US,en;q=0.5',
            'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate'
        url = 'http://dict.youdao.com/fsearch?q=%s' % (word)
            resp = sess.get(url, timeout=100)
            return None
        text = resp.content
        if (resp.status_code == 200) and (text):
            tree = ET.ElementTree(ET.fromstring(text))
            returnPhrase = tree.find('return-phrase')
            if returnPhrase.text.strip() != word.decode('utf-8'):
                return None
            customTranslation = tree.find('custom-translation')
            if not customTranslation:
                return None
            trans = []
            for t in customTranslation.findall('translation'):
                transText = t[0].text
                if transText:
            return '\n'.join(trans)
            return None

class Iciba(object):

    def __init__(self):
        super(Iciba, self).__init__()

    def query(self, word):
        import requests
        from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
        sess = requests.Session()
        headers = {
            'Host': 'open.iciba.com',
            'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:50.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/50.0',
            'Accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8',
            'Accept-Language': 'en-US,en;q=0.5',
            'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate'
        url = 'http://open.iciba.com/huaci_new/dict.php?word=%s' % (word)
            resp = sess.get(url, timeout=100)
            text = resp.text
            pattern = r'(
)' text = re.search(pattern, text).group(1) except: return None if (resp.status_code == 200) and (text): soup = BeautifulSoup(text, 'lxml') ps = soup.find_all('p') trans = [] for item in ps: transText = item.get_text() transText = re.sub( r'\s+', ' ', transText.replace('\t', '')).strip() if transText: trans.append(transText) return '\n'.join(trans) else: return None path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) db = dbm.open(path + '/data/vocabulary', 'c') DEFAULT_SERVICE = 'bing' class Client(object): def __init__(self, word, service=None, webonly=False): super(Client, self).__init__() if not service: service = DEFAULT_SERVICE self.service = service self.word = word self.trans = None if webonly: self.db = {} else: self.db = db def translate(self): trans = self.db.get(self.word) if trans: return trans else: if self.service == 'bing': S = Bing() if self.service == 'youdao': S = Youdao() elif self.service == 'iciba': S = Iciba() trans = S.query(self.word) self.trans = trans return trans def suggest(self): if re.sub(r'[a-zA-Z\d\'\-\.\s]', '', self.word): return None import enchant try: d = enchant.DictWithPWL( 'en_US', path + '/data/spell-checker/american-english-large') except: d = enchant.Dict('en_US') suggestion = d.suggest(self.word) return suggestion def pronounce(self, tts): if tts == 'festival': cmd = ' echo "%s" | festival --tts > /dev/null 2>&1' % (self.word) elif tts == 'espeak': cmd = 'espeak -v en-us "%s" > /dev/null 2>&1' % (self.word) elif tts == 'real': cmd = 'find %s/data/RealPeopleTTS/ -type f -iname "%s.wav" | head -n1 | xargs -I {} aplay {} > /dev/null 2>&1' % ( path, self.word) import commands try: status, output = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd) except: pass return True def updateDB(self): if self.trans: db[self.word] = self.trans.encode('utf-8') db.close() return True def parseArgs(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('word', help="word or 'some phrase'") parser.add_argument('-n', '--nostorage', dest='nostorage', action='store_true', help='turn off data storage') parser.add_argument('-p', '--pronounce', dest='pronounce', choices=[ 'espeak', 'festival', 'real'], help="text-to-speech software: 'espeak', 'festival' or 'real'") parser.add_argument('-s', '--service', dest='service', choices=[ 'bing', 'youdao', 'iciba'], help="translate service: 'bing', 'youdao' or 'iciba'") parser.add_argument('-w', '--webonly', dest='webonly', action='store_true', help='ignore local data') parser.add_argument('-V', '--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s 0.1.3') return parser.parse_args() if __name__ == '__main__': args = parseArgs() word = args.word.strip() service = args.service webonly = args.webonly if service: webonly = True C = Client(word, service=service, webonly=webonly) pool = ThreadPool() _trans = pool.apply_async(C.translate) _suggestion = pool.apply_async(C.suggest) trans = _trans.get() if trans: print trans if args.pronounce: p1 = Process(target=C.pronounce, args=(args.pronounce,)) p1.daemon = True p1.start() if not args.nostorage: p2 = Process(target=C.updateDB) p2.daemon = True p2.start() else: suggestion = _suggestion.get() if not suggestion: print 'No translations found for \"%s\" .' % (word) else: print 'No translations found for \"%s\", maybe you meant:\ \n\n%s' % (word, ' / '.join(suggestion))

GitHub 仓库 https://github.com/caspartse/python-translate

你可能感兴趣的:(小作品: Python 命令行词典,含 15 万离线词库(附源码))