1、先安装好 RVM
RVM 是一个便捷的多版本 ruby 环境的管理和切换工具
1.1 在终端控制台命令:
$ curl -sSL https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable 之后按回车键
1.2 然后,载入 RVM 环境:
$ source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm
1.3 修改 RVM 下载 Ruby 的源,到 Ruby China 的镜像: !!!记住这个镜像 是 ruby-china.org 不是其他的。
echo "ruby_url=https://cache.ruby-china.org/pub/ruby" > ~/.rvm/user/db
1.3.1 检查一下是否安装正确
$ rvm -v
如果之前安装过 RVM 想要更新,则
$ rvm get stable
2、安装 ruby
列出 ruby 可安装的版本信息 (这里安装的是 2.4.0 的)
$ rvm list known
$ rvm install 2.4.0
$ rvm use 2.4.0 --default
经常碰到项目的Pod install 问题,如下提示,表示ruby版本不匹配,无法找到方法GundamStartUp。需要安装低版本的ruby,如2.4.0.
[!] Invalid `Podfile` file: .
# from /Users/xxx/Documents/xxx/xxx/xxx/Podfile:4
# -------------------------------------------
# require "./GUNDAM/Gundam.rb"
> GundamStartUp(self)
# -------------------------------------------
3.1 rvm uninstall 你当前的ruby版本
3.2 如果无法卸载,提示如下:
Error running '__rvm_rm_rf /Users/xxx/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.6.0-preview2',
please read /Users/xxx/.rvm/log/1538210544_ruby-2.6.0-preview2/remove.rubies.log
可以使用remove命令,sudo rvm remove 2.6.0,完全移除。
3.3 安装需要的版本
rvm ruby 2.4.1
3.4 安装指定的cocoaPods版本
sudo gem install cocoapods --version
gem sources --remove https://gems.ruby-china.org/
gem sources -a https://gems.ruby-china.com/
gem sources -l
gem list --local | grep cocoapods
sudo gem update --system
sudo gem update --system 2.7.6
gem uninstall cocoapods -v 1.5.3
sudo gem install cocoapods --version 1.3.1
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32965735/cocoapods-points-to-wrong-version ----issue
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25016382/cocoa-pods-need-to-completely-re-install/25021772#25021772 ----solution
Here is what I found out : In my case it was that RVM was not installed correctly so RubyGems wasn't installed correctly. That in turn made CocoaPods not install correctly.
1、To completely uninstall and remove RVM:
sudo rvm implode or you can do sudo rm -rf ~/.rvm
2、Reinstall RVM by doing this:
curl -sSL https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable --ruby
3、Reinstall CocoaPods like this:
gem install cocoapods