
  • challenge
    • a new or difficult task that tests sb's ability and skill
    • an invitation or a suggestion to sb that they should enter a competition, fight, etc.
    • ~ (to sth) a statement or an action that shows that sb refuses to accept sth and questions whether it is right, legal, etc

  • furniture
    • large movable equipment, such as tables and chairs, that are used to make a house, office, or other space suitable for living or working
    • small accessories(配件) or fittings for a particular use or piece of equipment

  • establish
    • set up (organization, system, or set of rules) on firm or permanent basis
    • achieve permanent acceptance for (a custom, belief, practice(惯例), or institution)
    • show something to be true or certain by determining the facts

  • intellectual
    • appealing to or requiring use of the intellect
    • possessing a highly developed intellect

  • qualification
    • a quality accomplishment that makes someone suitable for particular job or activity
    • the action or fact of becoming qualified as a practitioner of a particular profession or activity
    • a condition that must be fulfilled before a right can be acquired; an official requirement

  • worthy
    • showing or characterized by good intent but lacking in humor or imagination
    • having or showing the qualities or abilities that merit(值得) recognition in a specified way
    • good enough; suitable

  • appearance
    • the way that someone or something looks
    • an act of performing or participating in a public event
    • an act of becoming visible or noticeable; an arrival
