P2.7 The categorical statement


the purpose of the reasoning precess, logic's principal concern, is demonstration(论证)--逻辑推理首要关心的是论证。(言之有据)。i am not reasoning with you if i simply say that suah-and-such is true and expect you to accept it as true only on my say-so. i must show you chant such-and-such is true, and i do tat by make an argument. an argument will only be as good as the statements of which it is composed, and those statements, in turn, will only be as good as the terms of which they are composed. everything i have said thus far has been said with argument in mind. argument(论证)is the activity  of logic, and any particular argument is a concrete manifestation fo the reasoning process. the next step in the process will be to look more closely at the statement, ,more specifically, at the "categorical statement."  the most effecctive argument is one whose conclusion is a categorical statement. a categorical statement tells us that sth definitely is the case. 


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