



no way

原文:Before the show, Rodrick asked me to videotape his band during their act, but I told him no way.

释义:used to emphasize that you will not agree or be able to do something不行,决不

造句:No way will I learn how to swim. I am just afraid of water very much.

Be/get robbed

原文:They were all grumbling about how they got “robbed,” and how the judges don’t know the first thing about rock and roll.

释义:used when you think that you were beaten unfairly in a sport 我/我们输得不公平!冤枉!〔用于体育比赛中〕

造句:I think we are robbed. The judge is not fair.

Zoon in

原文:And whoever was doing the filming zoomed right in on Mom, and kept the camera pointed at her for the rest of the song.

释义:If a camera zooms in, it makes the person or thing that you are taking a picture of seem bigger and closer〔镜头〕拉近

造句:During the performance, the camera zooned right in on the singer.


And sure enough, it looked like he had called every friend of his who had a brother or sister my age.

结构:sure enough做插入语,表示对后面说的话很确定。

仿写:Sure enough, he will tell dad on you.


There are so many people who want to become the singer or actor one day. Maybe they think that becoming an actor or singer is cool and easy. However, the truth is that you have to try your utmost to make achievement in every field.
